March 12, 2008
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. And that instead it has had least resonance napoligaypress has had the prontezza to speak of endured, but in little then they have followed to develop it an attraction symptom towards just the sex, or omosessualit?E still it asserts: "I not task that the omosessualit?ia normal. Not?normale Perci?tatisticamente "in the not diffused sense that?olto. Beyond to this, not?emmeno normal in terms of * natural design * "Calabrians, cos?ruccato it is made to receive in Vatican from a Monsignor. Follow raccapriccianti speeches on the "disease" omosessualit?sulle its cures (that they must be taxes to the boys if the parents ask to them, also against theirs volont? Finally rallegrano of the fact that not?assata the norm on the omofobiche discriminations, cos?he can be called the gay "with their true name". And the fact that no outcry?lzato?a demonstration of as the riparativa therapy is putting into effect it for a long time. Someone asserts (Binetti openly to it ce says it in face). qualcun' other pi?pocritamente says to carry respect to us but then an aberration defines us Cottages (, but also Bindi, Veltroni etc. Fortunately the failures of such therapy are many like demonstrate the video translate from Andreas Martini:. To continue to write on ours blog, to comment and enough. To support and to vote the less worse candidate. Possible that other cannot be made. To my warning the single political approach to small table has failed for the fight glbt, sees it from the disastrous situation around we. Luned?era?enuta to Rome the?attolico Lay conference ". When?a church in presided front line "from Tonino Cantelmi, supporter of the repairing therapy in Italy and president of the Italian"Associazione Catholic Psicologi and Psichiatri ". Between the hosts, immancabile, Binetti. Queerway?ndato and has reported to us of theirs volont?i to constitute (like if gi?on cross-sectional catholic lobby to every political party were) one. Here: a that?tata occasion lacked for we, we would have had to go to contest them, to make action of disturbance. Cercher?er those that regards me to organize such actions in future. I would want that ready others sentissero to join. But to remain to head chino servants to something. Someone dir?ontrario to such manifestations, saying not to want itself to fight "against", but "for". It mistakes: this?na war, begun for a long time. The VATICAN and the OMOSESSALITà TO RECOVER "href =" "Permalink the VATICAN and the OMOSESSALITà TO RECOVER" You add to a 8 comment MARCH a 2008 to CATANIA "href =" "Permalink" Also man "novel of debut of Gian Luca Mario Loncrini.Laureato near facolt?i the Foreign Languages and Literatures dell&rsquo.Universit?egli Studies of Verona, has attended a course post.Attualmente lives between Verona, Copenhagen and published novel d&rsquo.esordio from Alberti & C. The history of a child who discovers various from the other contemporarys and faces a distance not always easy that condurr?alla the fanciullezza to the thresholds dell&rsquo.adolescenza to the search of the meant one of love in the various aspects that its et?li concurs of living and to comprise, finding the force in order to accept this its diversit?spalle a solid family that loves it and does not weight down the realt?he weighs on its &ldquo.fragile&rdquo. psychological condition. A novel with a novellistic style, just particular, in which the passage from third to the first person not?asuale, but tried and intentional dall&rsquo.Autore in order to express R-al.meglio feelings and emotions and to make that the reader succeeds to appropriarsene. I try?i a purity that not to pu?piegare to words degree of being within me and trying the same things that I am trying of. Not smetter?ai, neanche growing words, to play with my pi?iccoli siblings, to play with the mother and. Perch?rriver?nche the time in which. Until then I do not have haste to grow that what I feel within of me, than all this good that I feel of having in me and wanting to give, if of decoy outside with same semplicit?i a game. &ldquo.Vorrei to leave you to enter within of me and, once exited some, to discover that large, deprived of hope need, friend my years that until the other day that believed they existed of the superheroes creed who are persons like we two, the true superheroes, that they will have to fight. &ldquo.La my life is beginning only now. It is beginning in this moment, with you that you tighten my hand cos?orte, that you are listening in Hush every my word without to interrupt to me and without to ask explanations all which my spirit sputando outside. Accettalo like a gift, perch? this that I would want a day you made also you with me. That you said to me that always you have tried. &ldquo.Ci they will be other days in which you will hold to me for hand and you will not have &ldquo.Dario shame acceler?l step and lasci?l son behind of s?sentierino and in a moment was over to its cucciolo. It was making one respiration to mouth mouth. it had been turned to watch Paul while it came down to the beach felt only the motorboats in distance, the noise of the waves to break up on cliffs and the breath dell&rsquo.uomo. All had seen it but they had not said one word over of he, the ginocchia on stones. One zampillo of water usc?alla mouth. avvicin?on the eyes are blocked to you. With a hand, it tried the leg of Manuele. Never they would not be pi?ndati in beach alone. After to have finished the reading of the book peruviano.Jaime Bayly, account is rendered me that in the homosexual literature the space dedicated to infancy and the adolescence of the protagonists. And nearly always legacy to a dramatic moment, one. I have thought opportune that fosse.tempo to dedicate greater space to this delicate phase of every individual, to of l?elle the own ones style that filtered the less possible flow than conscience of the protagonist. Flat Pian is arrives also those to you. The drawing up has engaged to me for approximately three protagonist of the novel?aolo, of which they come to us narrated the vicissitudes from the 7 to the 13 years, acclimatized in a country on the bresciana side of the lago of Garda. much solid strait and with all has a relationship the members of the own family, than they equally exchange again it with affection own specificit?innanzitutto has one strongly turned psycology to the reflection: an uninterrupted flow of thoughts accompanies its days. In some way the mind of Paul?l true narrator of the novel: draft of a novellistic espediente that to at first pu?pparire an obstacle to flowing clearly of the events, but that in realt?i it very soon reveals perfectly works them to the reader in order to develop to flood empathy with the psycology of the protagonist. Paul, thanks also to this strong propensione for the reflection, very soon becomes account of an other thing that differentiates it from the own contemporarys: not test desire for the girls, while it develops one great affective intimit?motiva and with its friend of the heart. Before still of being in a position to giving a name to the omosessualit? on the credit side love, Paul receives with spontaneit?pur nell' unavoidable loss begins them, the palpitations del just mind and the experiences that of it achieve obvious in this the importance that it has, still a time, positive a familiar context: also not being the n?revista omosessualit??ominata one, the family transmits to the child idea of an open and inclusive love and values specificit?i the Paul in any case. the page in which the greater sister, chased from Paul who gasps to decide of a love definition, transmits the concept very well to it that every love?iverso perch?gnuno of we alive in ways various from the others and perch?a the same person loves every time in various way to second of. The winning, being involved history?olto, especially for who (as me)si finds again to being contemporary of the protagonist of the novel, and to living the same feelings, the same emotions to read p?a a my history (even if I prefer Mazinga to Goldrake). of the protagonist?olto very told, never hidden, even if never revealed. The thing pi?ella?' love of the family towards the child that pian slowly notices of various being from its contemporarys, but without for this. A book that you read crying from the commotion and for the strong emotions that ago to try. and living the same emotions while they are read rileggere, also perch?ppena ended you vien want rilegger endured it. Thanks to the author for ci?he it has made me to try reason in order to return, its second novel (Editions Bookcase Cross of the test of linguistico-cinematographic nature In principle was Biancaneve -?ambiato Com' the concept of design animated for the Walt Disney from the first argomenti.tra.i quali.l' evolution of the feminine figure, la.rappresentazione of the dead women and of the sex, I use it of the computer-diagram, the market home video, the doppiaggio. "Also a man" novel of debut of Gian Luca Mario Loncrini "href =" "Permalink" Also a man "novel of debut of Gian Luca Mario Loncrini" Comments (1) the groups of homosexual believers of the center the 3, south invites You to edition dell&rsquo.agape of the south from the &ldquo.Cos?icino &hellip.cos?ontano&rdquo. Lesbian and gay between homosexual likenesses, differences, correspondences women and men, believers and not believers, that they reside in. Which the images and the models of the male one and of. How much these models can help us to realize ours are the stereotypes, the codes and the behaviors with which gay and lesbian they go to the search of their identit?individuale and group and that sometimes they risk to become outlines, conditionings and scripts that they prevent l&rsquo.autenticit?la naturalit? the spontaneit?ei bodies, of the emotions and desires are and from where they originate lesbian the mutual prejudgments that frequently hinder the dialogue between gay and and prevent they to approach to a common sexual difference?avvero one unsurmountable distance. of?eale kind and how much?rodotta from the culture, how much?ato and how much?partire from these interrogated we will try to you with favoring the mutual acquaintance and the dialogue between women and men with homosexual guideline, relati all&rsquo.identit?i kind to you, male and feminine, and all&rsquo.omosessualit?ay and lesbian we will try to characterize motivations, objects and methods to you of a possible common ethical and political engagement between women and men with guideline proposed?ivolta to gay and lesbian, residents in the southern regions center, believers and believers, arranged not to put themselves in game and to participate to attivit?uidate, with exercises, arguments, comparison and sharing, reflection moments. all in a pleasant and pleasant context, the respect of the libert?dei times and dell&rsquo.individualit?i every participant. The?ata proposal two years ago, on initiative of some homosexuals of the center-south that has participated to the fields &ldquo.fede and omosessualit?dquo. that every year from 29 years proposals from the Center Ecumenico di Agape in Piemonte come, resuming some on the whole the model. The good resolution of editions passages has confirmed, between l&rsquo.altro, desire and the need of spaces and opportunit?i comparison and increase for the homosexuals. In the Center-South, in fact, still today such opportunit?ontinuano to much devoid, if of all curer?e attivit?ell&rsquo.incontro not being?ostituito in part from persons whom of year in year the field of &ldquo.fede plans and leads and omosessualit?dquo. of Agape and in part from participants of the passages editions. We augur ourselves that this experience contributes to improve the condition of the homosexuals of the Center-South of both seies, being made also for gushing new relations and initiatives, like?ccaduto in citt?el the North, for the participants of the field &ldquo.fede and omosessualit?i Agape in also quest&rsquo.anno?ostenuta from the net of groups of gay believers of the Center-South, that is, leaving dall&rsquo.estremo South to go up: L&rsquo.organizzazione?urata from the groups of &ldquo.Nuova Proposta&rdquo. of Rome and &ldquo.Ponti Sospesi&rdquo. of Naples Saint House of Acceptance Girolamo Emiliani (23 Fathers Appia Latium Albano direction (To Albano to continue on on foot center them run via Trilussa - Blockbaster height - continuing the road until Wide S. acceptance also from station FS of Albano from Rome Anagnina (capolinea Meter Line To) or from the stopped one on the way all&rsquo.uscita Appia dell&rsquo.aereoporto of Ciampino, direction?tudiato a system of quotas according to the yield of the participants is asked ciascuno/a defining with responsabilit?a own quota characterizing. For the calculation total relative, reducing it of the cost must leave from the yield salary clearly salary of driven in or the mutuum and the dividend the result for the number of persons who of. To wrap characterized corrisponder?a similar quota participation or my companion, my net income salary = 1500, the net income salary of my companion or of my companion = 1100, driven in salary = participation of those who is pi?istanti from localit?i the development dell&rsquo.incontro, Latium Albano (ROME), has been established the following reductions to apply to the B quotas &ndash. C - D: &euro. for those who the 500 reside in localit?istanti between the 250 and Km from the place dell&rsquo.incontro (es: Power, Bariums, &euro. for those who reside in localit?istanti beyond the 500 Km from the place dell&rsquo.incontro. complete pension to leave from the lunch of the gioved?4/4 until before due/tre/quattro read with bath, supplied of bed linen and from bath. In order to enroll itself to the?ossibile field to reserve itself, within and not beyond the 9/4/2006:. from the confirmation of the reservation, in order to render effettiva.00 second the modalit?he they will come indicated and to send via mail all&rsquo. address. Practical the aforesaid ones can be carried out also through referring the case of lacked participation, solo if the notice to leave?ervenuta within the 22. It considers you the places limits to you demands the timely communication of the eventual renunciations to the Secretariat, cos?a to be able immediately. 3° agape of the center south "href =" "Permalink 3° agape of the center south" You add a comment In this climate of continuous attacks to the rights of the women, of precarizzazione of the life of native and migranti. cio?er the free one chosen to decide on every aspect of our screw. AGAINST EVERY SHAPE OF VIOLENCE To the Free WOMEN to choose on sessualit?maternit?contraccezione and abortion. For libert?elle the women to decide of just the body. * 8 March of fight * PALERMO "href =" "Permalink * 8 March of fight * PALERMO" You add a commento.194/1978 establishes the right of the woman to the PUBLIC and FREE sanitary attendance when it chooses to interrupt one. This right today?ei facts often denied for the clean presence in the hospitals and doctor's offices publics of medical OBJECTORS (to national level in the 2005 turn out opposite possession conscientious objection 58.7% of the ginecologi, 45,7%degli anesthetists, 38.6% of the staff not doctor), than cio?i they refuse to carry out voluntary interruptions of pregnancies and, in some cases, also to prescribe the pill of the day after public sanitary structure, than for law?enuta to assure the effettuazione of participations IVG to every woman who demands it, and at the same time to refuse to practice the abortion or quite to prescribe the pill of the day after?n unacceptable paradox and demonstrates like in the overwhelming majority of the cases of conscience at all pragmatism is not dictated from personal convictions bens?a and mere requirements of professional career a woman addresses to a public sanitary structure has straight to know who and how many are the medical objectors who work to us cos?ome straight have to refuse of being cured from costoro: EVERY WOMAN HAS STRAIGHT TO OBJECT the OBJECTORS and TO DEMAND a EFFECTIVE SANITARY ATTENDANCE To PROTECTION Of ITS SALUTE.30 in front of the Macedonian hospital Melloni with informative material on the campaign We object the Objectors. Collective Feminist Never Stat @ Zitt@. CAMPAIGN WE OBJECT the OBJECTORS "href =" "Permalink CAMPAIGN WE OBJECT the OBJECTORS" You add a comment travaglio:andò will write the Anna program finocchiaro chosen to make to write to But And?ex minister of Craxi, the program of Anna Finocchiaro for the elections in Sicily makes to storcere the nose to like candidate to governor of Sicily, without to pass for the primary ones (won from the Borsellino in 2006), has caused some maldipancia between. But the pains of stomach are decidedly increase to you when s'?ppreso from the same Finocchiaro, interviewed from ' Tv' Republic, a trust of watching brains guidato.da But And?Alcuni of good memory has protested on linens. ?bottata Finocchiaro: "And? one person of great level. But And?classe 1945, former deputy and minister of Craxi, gi?ocente in the prestigious athenaeum of Malta, hour chancellor of the universit?ore of managing Enna and of the Sdi?n personage - for cos?ire - controversial. In 1993 the Dda of Catania asks the authorization to proceed against of he for ballot of exchange with What Ours: the justice collaborators whom they have hardly made to arrest their head Nitto Santapaola tell as boss the fugitive met And? . Claudius Samperi, that it campaigned for And?icevendone benzine and cash good, explains that the member of parliament exchanged again with "favors in the processes". Giuseppe Puglisi, skillful arm of Santapaola, confirmation last broods of the furtiveness of boss the police finds cartoncino an intestate ' Room of the Deputati' with one written to pen: "Beloveds salutes. Gi?el 1985 a member of the national assembly of the Psi, Enrico Salluzzo, wrote to Craxi that a faithful of And?trait of union for fine electoral with the organized gangsterism infuence tens of migliaia of ballots and have tesserato entire clans. Finocchiaro verr?cciso from the Mafia little days after to have inaugurated, with to And?una section of the Psi in the Saint quarter Claudius Fava tells all in a book: And?o complaint and wins in first degree, but it loses in appeal: "the fact not?eato". it comes then acquitted from the exchange ballot tangent on the fieristico center of Africa Tree-lined avenue (contract from 173 billions of Liras), paid and confessed from one of the ' knights of the Apocalisse':. on the ristorazione in the hospital of Catania instead And?iene condemned in first degree to 5 years and 6 months and in appeal to 4 years then the Cassation cancels with dismissal and in according to appeal it releases the prescription. The ' cultore of the diritto' knows that who wants to be acquitted in the merit to pu?inunciare to the prescription puts black on white man who the facts are true charge it to you the moneies have taken them. Perhaps?er this that And?'?enuto tightened the prescription. Hour that writes the program of the Finocchiaro?a to swear there that batter?ome a lion for irrobustire the sicialian justice and finally reducing the intolerable times of the processes travaglio:andò will write the program of Anna finocchiaro "href =" "Permalink travaglio:andò will write the Anna program finocchiaro" Adds a comment invites to you to watch this imperdibile video-inquiry interview on the sexuality "href =" "imperdibile Permalink interview on the sexuality" Adds a comment. "Also a man" novel of debut of Gian Luca Mario Loncrini travaglio:andò will write the Anna program finocchiaro. The BUSINESS Of the PRIVATIZATION Of the ABORTION Approval of the Registry of the Civil Unions to Pescara.
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