March 08, 2008
1829 White Point Rd,friday harbor,wa
Events in the Province of Arezzo - Agency for the Tourism of Arezzo Me?rincipale of the situated one, clicca in order to go here directly to the main content of the page. Masaccio public square, giostra for children Information: Association For Native place SGV, Public square Cavour 3. Common URP of Saint Giovanni Valdarno D.Arnolfo Palace - Public square Cavour Tel. Church of Saint Lorenzo, Il manger as you to it see. 5, competition to prizes of the mangers realizes to you from the boys of the Scuole.00 Via Dante, opening of the Church of Good Morte and Presepio in movimento.00 Center of the Saint Quarter of Door Spirito, Tombola Natalizia.00 La Epiphany feast of the Old ones. Delivery of the stockings to the old ones and the bearers of handicap of Policiano to cure of the Center of aggregation Sociale.30 Polisportiva Policiano, La Rustic Epiphany feast. Rustic race, stockings for children, spontaneous theatre to cure of the Polisportiva Policiano.00 Palasport the Cases, Great Festivity of the Befana.00 Palasport the Cases, Great Festivity of the Epiphany feast to cure of the Quarter of Door of the Foro.00 Know it of the Giglio, Arriva the Epiphany feast. Show of entertainment and delivery of gifts of the Epiphany feast to bambini.30 the Polifunzionale, lunch of old and the delivery package dono.00 "Manger Living for the roads and the alleys of the country". Arena of Italy Course - in the afternoon, traditional Befana Aido.. Arena of Italy Course, Pesca of beneficence. to cure of the CRI, Volunteers of the National Committee Femminile.15 Church of Saint Maria of the Peace of the Villas-Monterchi, Presepe living. With musical foundation, 170 appearances, antichi trades, animals true. To disposition of all the participants a bus service shuttle. Pocaia (advised to who arrives from Sansepolcro, Citt?i Castle, Anghiari and from the E45) Via dell.Artigianato, industrial zone. The departures will be indicated from un.apposita cartellonistica that agevoler?l guide. It is lively advised to have use of of this comfortable service just in order to concur the normal school to flow down of the traffic in the relative zones to the rappresentazione. The day of Been born them, the Living Manger sar?ccompagnato dall.annullo philatelic that dar?lla absolutely irripetibile manifestation un.impronta. After the sacred rappresentazione of 6 January 2007, the stamp sar?nviato to the Historical Museum of Italian Mail for subsequently being catalogued and esposto.00 meeting in front of the Bar Paris. in Loc. From Anghiari, continuing in direction Caprese long Michelangelo the S.47, until catching up fraction the Motina, the Bar Paris. remains on the right along the strada.43, from which they will take to the indications for Caprese Michelangelo (S. Association Guides La Civetta. (guide Ursula Veken) 335. System Museale di Anghiari - tel/fax 0575 787023 - battaglia@anghiari. Comprensoriale Tourist office of Sansepolcro. tel/fax 0575 740536,30 Church of the Collegiata, Tradizionale Processione of the Bacio.. The children of the country render homage to Ges?ambino, nell.ultimo day of the Time of Been born them. Bread oil and pinzimonio, Bruschette black cabbage and string bean zolfino, Tagliatelle new oil and pecorino of fossa, Passed of fagioli, Cut thymus and rosmarino, Castagnaccio In coupling the wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo: Red DOC Pietraviva. Small farm of Presciano, Chianti. Small farm of Gratina, Commenda Chianti Reserves. Az. Tavern From Giovanna, Via Anconetana, 164 (The Peace). - Tel/Fax 0575/360153 - 335/5890496 Information: Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, Via Ricasoli, 38 52100 Arezzo - tel/fax 0575 294066 (hour: luned?enerd?re 9,00 Know it of the Large ones of the Palace of the Province, presentation of the volume of Gianni Belotti "Bitter Bread. Elena Bachiddu, The Archives National Diaristico Saint Pieve Marine Stefano Cancan, Universit?i Rome La Wisdom. Palace of the Province, public square of the Libert. To the appointment the authors will be present men?ella the supper, to obligatory reservation (cost all comprising. 15,00), sar?egato just to the personages of the Vernacoliere. For information and 741525 reservations?ossibile to telephone 0575 or Tel. Wine cellar To pull Late, of Via Sant' Antonio.30 Bookcase Edison, presentation of the book "a Manager of Province", of Riccardo Benini Beyond to the Author, will take part Selene Lungarella that legger?lcuni brani features from the book and Elisabetta Vavassori that condurr?' event. Ribollita accompanied from insalata of cipollotti, Thread of pig of withered fichi and balsamic vinegar, Baccal?l flower of finocchio wild, Tortino with cream of zabaione In coupling the wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo: Resico - Az. Saint Luciano, Savinus Vinsanto Valdichiana, DOC - Az. Restaurant The Rocca, Via Matteotti, 15/17. Lucignano. Tel 0575/836775 Information: Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, Via Ricasoli, 38 52100 Arezzo - tel/fax 0575 294066 (hour: luned?enerd?re 9,00 Center of the Saint Quarter of Door Spirito, Christmas Tombola. Pieve di Sant' Eugenia to the Bagnoro, Blessing of animali.00 the Gathering near the former Cadorna barracks of horses, carrozze and van. Monaco, via Rome, via Crispi, Giotto tree-lined avenue, via S. Conformemente with the tradition will come distributed to blessed sandwiches and a memory to attack all.animale carried from everyone and will be offers vinsanto and corners to all Before the blessing will be delivered prizes to the boys of the schools that have participated to the plan Raccontami.. In coupling the wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo: Chardonnay The Pietraia - Az. The House, 71 - Chitignano (Arezzo) - Tel/Fax 0575/591500 Information: Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, Via Ricasoli, 38 52100 Arezzo - tel/fax 0575 294066 (hour: luned?enerd?re 9. Tavern the Song of the May, "Oliogustando" Bruschette oil and pinzimonio, the santina, pan peasant with leaves of turnip and threads of herring braced In coupling the wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo: Natched Hill. Az. Saint Luciano, Capitoni. Held Vitereta, Vinsanto. Small farm of Presciano, Tavern the Song of the May, Loc. High Pen 30/d. 52028 Terranuova Bracciolini (Ar) - Tel/Fax 055/9705147 Information: Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, Via Ricasoli, 38 52100 Arezzo - tel/fax 0575 294066 (hour: luned?enerd?re 9. Roberto Parnetti presenter?l its last giostresco job Almanacco 2006. giostre and tornei disputed from the knights aretini.. Alexander Boncompagni, dell.Ufficio director Folclore and Giostra of the Common one of Arezzo. Center Transactions and Conventions, V Canine International Exposure Citt?i Arezzo. Center Transactions and Conventions, via Spallanzani 23 (Exited Freeway A1 Arezzo direction center) Information: Group Cinofilo Aretino Tel. Center Transactions and Conventions, V Canine International Exposure Citt?i Arezzo. Center Transactions and Conventions, via Spallanzani 23 (Exited Freeway A1 Arezzo direction center) Information: Group Cinofilo Aretino Tel. In coupling the wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo: Chianti. Small farm of Gratina, Isei - Agr. Information: Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, Via Ricasoli, 38 52100 Arezzo - tel/fax 0575 294066 (hour: luned?enerd?re 9. Lorentino and Pergentino, Gabriella Piccinni and Aldo Galliums introduce volume XIII of the Aretini Annals. Bruschette several, insalata Trippa in, Sushi of chinina, Zuppa of farro, Bubbled with maionese, green sauce and mostarda, Baldino In coupling the wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo: Ca. Pescina. Held Vitereta Grondino. Held Vitereta, Vinsanto Lands of the Vicariato - Associates Ancient Tavern Source, Via Door Buja, 18. 52100 Arezzo - Tel/Fax 0575/28038 Information: Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, Via Ricasoli, 38 52100 Arezzo - tel/fax 0575 294066 (hour: luned?enerd?re 9,00 Know it Large of the Communal Palace, in the within of the Girnata of the Memory presentation of the volume "Hebrew to Castiglion Fiorentino" of Leopoldo Boscherini.30 Farm holidays Trebbio, I sapori of the Valtiberina. in 18 suppers topic Il honey dall.antipasto to the cake. The?resente Honey like ingredient in all the plates. To the hosts with to the men?erranno dates prescriptions of the plates it introduces to you. Information: Road of the Sapori of the Valtiberina, Via Matteotti, 8 - Sansepolcro - Tel. 26 January 2007. classified day to scuole.30 II the Cassero, Projection of the film Soli in our hands. of Chuck Olin, on the role of the Jewish Brigade in the Liberation dell. Former Italia.30 Sinagoga, Pre- inauguration of the extension La Jewish Brigade Romagna 1944. 1946, to cure of the Museum Hebrew of Bologna.30 Theatre Greens, Piero Nissim in Mayn Lidele. Concert of songs yiddish and ebraici with translations in italiano.15 Communal Library, official Delivery to the communal Library of the prestigious work Storia of the Shoah.. The crisis dell.Europa, the extermination of the Hebrew and the memory of XX the century in 4 volumes, 3 dvd and 1 cd- rom.30 II Cassero Giorno of the Memory, perch? round table on the contents of the Day of the Memory and on the definition of the genocidio. The mayor of the common one of Saint Mount Savino Silvano Materazzi, l.Assessore to the Culture Elena Balsimelli, Joe shammah and Jack Former Arbib.45 Sinagoga will participate, Inauguration of the Extension La Jewish Brigade in Romagna 1944. 1946 to cure of the Museum Hebrew of Bologna.30 II Cassero, Projection of the film Soli in our hands. of Chuck Olin. Information: Uffico Culture of Saint Mount Savino Tel. 97 Renicci the Motina, nell.ambito of the celebrations for the Day of the Memory inauguration monument to the fallen), I limits of the forgiveness interpreted reading draft from the story Il Sunflower. of Simon Wiesenthal with Rolando Red Milleri and Giuliano dell.associazione Teatrodeisoci Partecipano all.incontro the pupils of the classes third of the medium school dell. Comprehensive institute of Soci.30 in then public square of the College, "Spirit of the moon" Stretches Common, Games for large and small with animation It stretches of the Moon, Cakies and warm chocolate Stretches of the Abundance, good and simple Foods cooked for voi.00 Palace Carriers, nell.ambito of the celebrations for the Day of the memory presentation of the book of Enzo Droandi Le massacres of 1944 in the Tuscany orientale..30 Knows it of Large of the Palace of the Province, nell.ambito of the Day of the Memory the presentation of the volume of Paul Ciampi Un name. Testimonies of the years of the racial persecutions: memories and reflections: Main Mark, George and Ada To the grenades, Francisco Calabrians Palace of the Province, Libert public square. In coupling the wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo: Dovizio - Associates Advanced Valdarno, Rosato - Villa The Forest. Information: Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, Via Ricasoli, 38 52100 Arezzo - tel/fax 0575 294066 (hour: luned?enerd?re 9,00 Comprehensive Medium School dell.Istituto of Bibbiena, encounter with Anna Vignali Maria author of the book Salta Baruffo. The Casentino, rocks of one beautifulst true fable. The pupils of the school participate all.incontro. Comprehensive Medium school dell.Istituto of Bibbiena, Turati tree-lined avenue 1,30 Restaurant 0575, I sapori of the Valtiberina. in 18 suppers topic I salumi and the bread. Wines: River of the Ciliegi Prosecco di Valdobbiadene Ca' Victoria, Held Chardonnay Roccaccia, Chianti Rufina Small farm of Grignano. Information: Road of the Sapori of the Valtiberina, Via Matteotti, 8 - Sansepolcro - Tel. Bread and oil, Pinzimonio, Fett.unta of fagioli zolfini, Crostone with the black cabbage and lardo of Colonnata, frantoiana Zuppa, Stew to the sangiovannese with verdure read, Cake to the wine with cacao and rind d.arancia In coupling the wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo: Dovizio 2005. Advanced Valdarno Associates, Sterpo 2003. Held Vitereta. Information: Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, Via Ricasoli, 38 52100 Arezzo - tel/fax 0575 294066 (hour: luned?enerd?re 9. Social center Valcerfone., Sabato insieme..00 Education acclimatizes them with the Forestale.00 Body plays for children, adolescents and adulti.00 concert rock with the Usch. Social center Valcerfone., localit?alazzo of the new Pero.00 Primary School, Ceremony of dell.opera Donation the storys of hills of Painter Giuliano new Ghelli.00 Primary School, Ceremony of dell.opera Donation the storys of hills of Painter Giuliano Ghelli. First action of costituenda the Foundation Giuliano Ghelli for l.Arte. Riccardo Nencini, Regional Prime Minister From Tuscany Primary School, tree-lined avenue of the Pini.00 Knows it of the Festivities of the Castle of Conti Guides, Ritorno to Campaldino: when novellistic ago the living the History that is the novel like machine of the time. Encounter with: Riccardo Nencini, nanni Cheli, Federico Canaccini.00 Knows it D.Essai Multisala Eden, presentation of the book of Ornella Magrini Una scomoda obsession. Last Tango to Paris, memories from a forbidden film. Nell.ambito initiative of the history manifestation Momenti of the cinema: Seventy and outskirtses., nell.ambito of the manifestation Nati In order To read encounter with the Dott.ssa Fiorella Lazzeri on Il child, its development, the book. Fettunta and pinzimonio, Crostino of cabbage, ribollita and marinata, Gnudi to the spinaci, Cut herring of pollo with porri brasa you, Sweet of the house In coupling the wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo: Natched Hill - Az. Restaurant The Ironworks, Via Ironworks 4. 52024 They Ciuffenna (Ar) - Tel 055/9174006. Fax 055/9171921 Information: Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, Via Ricasoli, 38 52100 Arezzo - tel/fax 0575 294066 (hour: luned?enerd?re 9,00 Communal Library, encounter with Pierfrancesco Prosperi author of the volume "the tunnel". In coupling the wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo: Sauvignon Blanc. Avignonesi, The Sterpo - Held Vitereta, Vinsanto - Az. Tonino Restaurant, Garibaldi Public square, 1. Cortona. Tel 0575/630500 Information: Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, Via Ricasoli, 38 52100 Arezzo - tel/fax 0575 294066 (hour: luned?enerd?re 9,00 supper of solidariet?on the Saharawi people, seguir?esoconto of the last travel in the fields (30 November - 2 Decembers 2006) Presentation of the book "Captive of the deserto".00 know it conferences - Palace the Modern one, presentation of the volume of Giuseppe Cafiero "James Joyce & other history" Will take part: Daniel Monacchini, Jacopo Maccioni, Giuseppe Cafiero.00 the Modern one, presentation of the volume of Giuseppe Cafiero James Joyce & other history Know it Conferences of the Palace. Participations of the same author and Daniel Monacchini, Jacopo Maccioni., nell.ambito of the manifestation Nati In order To read encounter with Laura Folloni and Sergio Fiorini on Leggere playing: like reading to children 0. 6 anni..30 Arena of the TeT Theatre near Papposileno Wine cellar, supper of Saint Valentino Lamelle of polipetti embraces to you, pressed to you, happy and piccanti (polpo, garlic, black pepper, oil, bay, chili pepper) Prosecco Extradry With dell.Orso the Frozza Average sleeves of Venere, speziate, charming and pungenti (paste, tomato, verdure, pecorino, spezie) Calm Prosecco of the Opereta 2006 Frozza Mousse to the triple one fusing with granella of cacao (ciioccolato fusing 75%, eggs, cream, sugar, aromas) international Caff?elezione only from moka/infusione Cost evening: . 35,00 for TeT associates. Onaf. Bafalo Beer Club. AIS. Union Europeenne de Gourmets. Arena of the TeT Theatre near Papposileno Wine cellar, A.30 public square d.amore Communal Museum Segni and performance from un.idea of Renato Floris in collaboration with Emozioni we danced. of Mariangela Tot?0 Rosini Theatre, Canta l.Amore. airs and all.amore melodie inspired, drafts dall.Opera, Operetta and Cinema. Quartet d.Archi I Solisti dell.Orchestra Geminiani.: Pierclaudio Fei violino, Rita Bacchelli violino, Julie Shepherd viola, Elisa Peschi violoncello.30 supper of the sweethearts in the restaurants of Lucignano that have joined to the manifestation Information: Office Culture of the Common Tel. Income Museum, performance and concert: . 10,00 to brace Income concert: classified to the participants all.iniziativa of the Museum and free access to the public one until to exhaustion you mail disponibili.30 Restaurant Vineria Perbacco, I sapori of the Valtiberina. in 18 suppers topic Il pig. Restaurant Vineria Perbacco, Gallery Girolamo Magi Information: Road of the Sapori of the Valtiberina, Via Matteotti, 8 - Sansepolcro - Tel.00 Classroom Firm Magna ISIS, Presentation of Fedora Barbers, biography of the famous lyric singer, written from Found Helium Will be projects video to you of some of the pi?amose works from she interpreted. Sar?resente the son Ugo Barlozzetti. Augustin, presentation of the plan Cortona Courtesy: City card of citt?i the Cortona..00 recording and delivery of the informative material on progetto.30 the salute of the Mayor Andrea Vignini.50 Emanuela Caroti Il tourism and l.economia of the provincia..00 Frank Scortecci Turismo and cultural promotion of territorio..10 the Mark Floras L.iniziativa Communitarian Plus LEADER like support for the construction of sistema..20 a Fabrizio Raffaelli Il public-private relationship for the valorization of territorio..30 the Walter Ceccarelli Il Cortona Plan Courtesy: un.opportunit?er territorio..45 the Terretrusche Presentazione of the plan and funzionalit?el the software of management, simulation of purchase with the Cortona Card..15 Paul Bongini Amica Tuscany Card in the picture of the promotion of the brand Toscana..45 Alexander Tortellos Le card as system instrument. Organizational secretariat: Common of Cortona Tel. Rusticherie all.olio novo, Zuppa agrisalotto, They thread of pig all.olio with contour of fagioli zolfini and potatoes to the fire, Agrisalotto Cake In coupling the wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo: Burcinella 2005, IGT Red White man and. Information: Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, Via Ricasoli, 38 52100 Arezzo - tel/fax 0575 294066 (hour: luned?enerd?re 9. Social center Valcerfone., Sabato insieme..30 demonstration of Tai Who Chuan Academy Tung-School of Arezzo.00 you play for children, adolescents and adulti.00 concert rock with the Usch. Social center Valcerfone., localit?alazzo of the Pero.30 Bookcase Edison, "To breakfast with the poetry" particular space verr?ato to the figure of Mark Strand, one of pi?randi the living poets will come read also to other poets free Income, breakfast with salati, fruit juices, caff? cakies. Il new Goccino. dell.olio, Zuppa of fagioli dall.occhio with reduction of Chianti Lands d.Arezzo, Bubbled of chinina and pollo of the Valdarno accompanied from maionese, mostarde and fagioli the Coco, In coupling the wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo: Sangiovese Cortona DOC - Az. Riccardo Baracchi, Vinsanto - Saint Small farm Victoria Restaurant The Goccino, Via Matteotti 88/90. 52046 Lucignano (Ar) - Tel 0575/836707. Fax 0575/836711 Information: Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, Via Ricasoli, 38 52100 Arezzo - tel/fax 0575 294066 (hour: luned?enerd?re 9,00 Communal Library, Encounter with Eraldo Baldini, author of the novel Come lupo..00 the Bicchieraia Theatre, presentazioe of the book of Paul Ginsborg "the Red democracy that not there?Interventi of Paul Bagnolie Dawn Information: Councillorship to the Culture, show, tourism and System Museale Tel. Restaurant the Bow - Relais the Solaia, "Oliogustando" Bruschette, Paste and ceci, Rabbit sott.olio, Spezzatino of chinina, Fagioli all.olio, Pur?i potatoes, In coupling the wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo Restaurant the Bow - Relais the Solaia, Via di Solaia. 52040 Civitella in Val di Chiana (Ar) - Tel 0575/440032 Fax 0575/816985 Information: Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, Via Ricasoli, 38 52100 Arezzo - tel/fax 0575 294066 (hour: luned?enerd?re 9. Palace of the Province, Libert?0 public square Knows it D.Essai Multisala Eden, encounter with Fairly good-looking Mark nell.ambito Initiative of the history manifestation Momenti of the cinema: Seventy and outskirtses. In coupling the wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo: Sparkling wine Chiana Villa. Wine cellar of Typical Wines dell.Aretino, Cuv?Sant.Anna. Az. Emilio Marengo, Hill to the Tempio. Saint Small farm Victoria, Salviati Forests. Az. Saint Luciano, Vinsanto Millstone. Wine cellar Typical Wines Aretino. Bano, 226 Saint Mount Savino (Ar) - Tel 0575/849588 Fax 0575/844262 Information: Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, Via Ricasoli, 38 52100 Arezzo - tel/fax 0575 294066 (hour: luned?enerd?re 9. In coupling the wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo: Ciliegiolo, Pietraviva DOC. Small farm of Presciano, Occhini, IGT Red Tuscany. Fatt. Restaurant the ocanda, Via Ricasoli, 36 Arezzo - Tel 333/7664479 Information: Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, Via Ricasoli, 38 52100 Arezzo - tel/fax 0575 294066 (hour: luned?enerd?re 9,30 Restaurant From Luck, I sapori of the Valtiberina. in 18 suppers topic I cheeses. Information: Road of the Sapori of the Valtiberina, Via Matteotti, 8 - Sansepolcro - Planetary Tel.00, La Red Moon osservativa evening dedicated to eclisse the total of Luna.00 Communal Library, Encounter with with Paola Galliums, author of the story collection Una Identit?ntermedia..30 Caff?etterario Fahrenheit 451, presentation of the book of Luigi Alive Vita di Fabrizio De Andr?Seguir?oncerto di the Maximum Tommaso, Mark Gallenga, Richard Cocciarelli Caff?etterario Fahrenheit 451, Libert?2.00 public square Saint Center Lodovico, encounter with Father Michele Piccirillo Saint Center Lodovico. Chiostro di Cennano, via Bracciolini.30 Hill Communal Theatre, "Women" Protagonists for a day Will not only take part: Alessandra Dori, Frank Anna Rinaldelli. Readings and we danced edited by Alessandra Aric? of the Company Theatre Dance the Paloma.00 Facolt?i Letters and Philosophy - Theatre "Peter Aretino", presentation of the volume of Vito Bernardi "Ruth St. Participations of: Silvia Carandini, Laura Caretti, Silvana Sinisi. Denis "with Maresa Moglia, we danced classic Indiana Bharata Natyam Facolt?i Letters and Philosophy - Theatre" Peter Aretino ", Campus of the Pionta Information: Natalia Cangi, Secretariat of Facolt?i Presidency Letters and Tel Philosophy. In coupling the wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo: Sangiovese Cortona DOC - Az. Riccardo Baracchi, Syrah Cortona DOC - Fabrizio Dionisi, Vinsanto - Az. Hostaria The Bucaccia, Via Ghibelline, 17 Cortona (Ar) - Tel/Fax 0575/606039 Cel 335-5369535 Information: Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, Via Ricasoli, 38 52100 Arezzo - tel/fax 0575 294066 (hour: luned?enerd?re 9,00 Bicchieraia Theatre, encounter with George Head. Bicchieraia theatre, via of the Bicchieraia.30 Per diem Restaurant, I the sapori ones of the Valtiberina. in 18 suppers topic I it yields forgotten. Information: Road of the Sapori of the Valtiberina, Via Matteotti, 8 - Sansepolcro - Tel.00 in then, Small farm of Romignano, "to house of the vignaioli" To the hour of the sunset and supper with small assays of kitchen, to chiacchiere, storys and tastings in vine and wine cellar. Every time, in company of the head of household and with the friendly participation of the Every wine stewards evening vedr?nche the presentation of other wines, of the Valdarno and the Tuscany. Quota registration. 50,00 for the entire initiative. For information and registrations: within 15 March near Common of Terranuova Tel. the Center for the Didactics and the Spreading of Astronomy Center Visit of the Park, conference of Dr. Piero Ranfagni on "the date of Passover. A problem millenarian not still resolved "," astronomical "history of the sure dating of Passover. Traditional appointment anniversary of all the planetariums promoted dall.Associazione Planetary Friends with afternoon opening and serale planetarium Lessons under the cupola of the Planetarium of the Park: from the appearing motion of the celestial time to I compute of the time through l.utilizzo of the diurnal motion and anniversary of the Sun and of is made lunar. From hours 22:00 approximately observation of the sky with l.utilizzo of amatoriali telescopes. New Elementary School, Festivity of the trees. Sistemazione new plants in pressed of the Elementary School the New Elementary School, Via Mazzini.00 ceremony of inauguration of the Laboratory of Chemistry of the State Industrial Technical Institute them "Galileo Galilei" State Industrial Technical Institute them "Galileo Galilei", via Dino Menci 1,30 Center of Documentation Citt?i Arezzo, presentation of the book "Anorexia, bulimia, obesit?di M.30 Arena of the Palate of the Association Earth and Territories, encounter with the Birrificio Beba Grafite. light black beer liquirizia caff?ostatura drunk Pollo to the beer and rifared cabbage Sangre de Taurus. red and strongly corposa beer Much Malto. alcoholic blond beer Places limits to you, obligatory reservation. Cost. 35,00 - ASSOCIATES TeT, Bafalo Beer Club, AIS, ONAF, UEG, Slow Food. 30.00, Reservations and information Arena of the TeT Palate Public square Anna Frank, 2 Cavriglia Tel. Saint Podere Martino, "to house of the vignaioli" To the hour of the sunset and supper with small assays of kitchen, to chiacchiere, storys and tastings in vine and wine cellar. Every time, in company of the head of household and with the friendly participation of the Every wine stewards evening vedr?nche the presentation of other wines, of the Valdarno and the Tuscany. Quota registration. 50,00 for the entire initiative. For information and registrations: within 15 March near the Common one of Terranuova Tel. 15. Day You make of Spring, discovered topic Alla of the dell.antica history citt?i Arezzo and its Saracino: the quarter of Door of the Hole. Announced church of the Saintest one, Via Garibaldi Abbey of the Saint Flora and Lucilla, Public square of the Badia.00 Exhibition of the Sbandieratori of the Citt?i Arezzo, public square of the Abbey Church of Saint Giuseppe, Via of the Saracino. Trinit? of the Misericordia, Via Garibaldi Church of It knows Lorentino and Pergentino to you, Via Cavour. House of George Vasari, Via XX september Medieval and Modern Museum Be them d.Arte, Saint Way Lorentino 8. Church of Saint Maria in Degrees, Public square of the Murello Center of the Saint quarter of Door Lorentino, Saint Door Lorentino Picture gallery of the Fraternita of the Laici, Via Ricasoli, 8. Petrarch, Former College Jesuit goddesses, Via Cavour. Flora and Lucilla, Public square of the Abbey For all the Assets opening Saturday 24, hours 14. In the Churches not sar?ossibile to carry out visits during the SS. Announced Sunday 25 visits single hours 13. Visits guided edited by historians and authorized guides Apprentices Guides and other plans of the schools of the quarter Information: YOU MAKE - Deep for Italian l.Ambiente - tel. The visit effettuer?u sar?ratuita reservation and. The visit effettuer?u reservation and sar?ratuita.00 Bicchieraia Theatre, Day of Mecenate Art. Prima Of the dawn. Free adaptation Cantelli Barbarian from the grey hour of Agota Kristof interpreted from Denny Bonicolini, Barbarian Cantelli and Dario Mencucci. Presentation of the artistic movement Labirintismo. Reading and interpretation of The Manifest of the Labirintismo Exposure of the pittorico, photographic and poetico Labirintismo. Exposure of the mariano Maze of Lelia Ravines, Maze of Rita Carioti, de the Eye of Teseo di Maria Roberta Present. Interpreted from Valentina Enormous, Clear Of the Marta, Leopoldo Papini, Matteo Svolacchia and Massimiliano Caldaro. In collaboration with Association "the man in the theatre, the theatre of the spirit" - salute of the President onlus Mecenate prof. - participation of the honor host: Carl Castellani poet, writer, photographer and journalist - participation of the Communal Prime Minister of the Common one of Arezzo Dr. The giuria of the 5. Composed Mecenate prize e' gives: prof.ssa Lelia Ravines, Rita Carioti, dr.ssa Manolita Faralli, Maria Roberta Presenti and Massimiliano Caldaro.ssa Masi Maria Grace (secretary) L' actor and its mask. Monologo written and interpreted from Massimiliano Caldano I sunflowers. Text, music and voice Cantelli Barbarian, agreement of Denny Bonicolini.00 Bicchieraia Theatre, Day of Mecenate Art. Prima Of the dawn. Free adaptation Cantelli Barbarian from the grey hour of Agota Kristof interpreted from Denny Bonicolini, Barbarian Cantelli and Dario Mencucci. Presentation of the artistic movement Labirintismo. Reading and interpretation of The Manifest of the Labirintismo Exposure of the pittorico, photographic and poetico Labirintismo. Exposure of the mariano Maze of Lelia Ravines, Maze of Rita Carioti, de the Eye of Teseo di Maria Roberta Present. Interpreted from Valentina Enormous, Clear Of the Marta, Leopoldo Papini, Matteo Svolacchia and Massimiliano Caldaro. In collaboration with Association "the man in the theatre, the theatre of the spirit" - salute of the President onlus Mecenate prof. - participation of the honor host: Carl Castellani poet, writer, photographer and journalist - participation of the Communal Prime Minister of the Common one of Arezzo Dr. The giuria of the 5. Composed Mecenate prize e' gives: prof.ssa Lelia Ravines, Rita Carioti, dr.ssa Manolita Faralli, Maria Roberta Presenti and Massimiliano Caldaro.ssa Masi Maria Grace (secretary) L' actor and its mask. Monologo written and interpreted from Massimiliano Caldano I sunflowers. Text, music and voice Cantelli Barbarian, agreement of Denny Bonicolini.30 Mondadori Bookcase, nell.ambito of the manifestation Scrivere to the feminine encounter with the scrittrice Iaia Caputo. Saint public square Jacopo, presentation to citt?ella the cake of Piero and performance of the pastry cooks and cioccolatieri artigiani.00 inauguration of the center of the Circle Rainbow "a circle for the young people". The Circle?ivolto to the adolescents and the young people of the citt? sar?estito from the volunteers and the operating ones dell.associazione.. The initiatives will be pubblicizzate by means of programs salaries and the sar?ratuita participation. The Circle Rainbow rimarr?perto in the days luned?mercoled? venerd?alle 16 to the 19. The circle sar?na dell.intera resource comunit? available for other initiatives of utilit?ociale. Center of the Circle Rainbow, via Mount Grappa n. Natural Riserva of Goes them dell.Inferno and Hinge, WAYS European Night of civetta.00 Near the Center the Hillock Visit: multimediale presentation introduction and civetta to the technique of the playback.00 Exited nocturnal in the outskirtses of the Center Visit with I use it of the playback in order to try to contact the civette. Notes: The?ratuita participation. it is advised to wear footwear from trekking.00 Bookcase Edison, nell.ambito of the manifestation Scrivere to the feminine encounter with the scrittrice Antonella Cilento. Fraction Mercatale Valdarno Via Greens, Festivity of the Palme.00 Venturino House Lucks, visit guidata.30 Theatre of the Bicchieraia, "Arezzo reads to Piero" presentation of the book of Edgarda Irons "Piero of the Francesca. History and mysteries of the master of luce".00 the Center Trade them" the Casentino ", in the born within of the" Plan in order to read "to encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.15 approximately historical center, nocturnal Processione Cristo in the garden. (Company of S. Antonio, incappucciati white men, departure from the Church of S. The Companies you deliver up yourselves between the XVI and the XVII sec. Information: Association For Native place Tel and fax 0575 658278,15 approximately historical center, nocturnal Processione Cristo in the garden. (Company of S. Antonio, incappucciati white men, departure from the Church of S. The Companies you deliver up yourselves between the XVI and the XVII sec. Information: Association For Native place Tel and fax 0575 658278,15 approximately historical center, nocturnal Processione Cristo in the garden. (Company of S. Antonio, incappucciati white men, departure from the Church of S. The Companies you deliver up yourselves between the XVI and the XVII sec. Information: Association For Native place 658278,00 Tel and fax 0575 Communal Library, in the born within of the "Plan in order to read" to encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.15 approximately historical center, Cristo flagellated to the column. (Company of Good the Dead women, incappucciati black, departure from the Church of S. The Companies you deliver up yourselves between the XVI and the XVII sec. Information: Association For Native place 658278,00 Tel and fax 0575 Bookcase the Aretina Paper manifacturing, nell.ambito della manifestation Scrivere al feminine encounter with scrittitrce the Simona Baldanzi Bookcase the Aretina Paper manifacturing, via Cavour. In the within of the "Plan born in order to read" to encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 years ssa Oddone (localit?oci) 16,30 hours Restaurant the Convivio, in the within of the manifestation "the sapori of the Valtiberina between fantasy and tradition" supper to topic "the made paste in house"., in the within of the "Plan born in order to read" to encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.15 approximately historical center, Cristo died. (Company of the Ges?incappucciati bl?partenza from the Church of the Ges?Le Companies you deliver up yourselves between the XVI and the XVII sec. Information: Association For Native place Tel and fax 0575 658278,00 Knows it of the Communal Council, presentation of the book "Americans in order always" of Annie Cohen - Solal Interverranno: Andrea Vignini, Mayor of the Common one of Cortona. Daniel Monacchini, City council member to the Juvenile Political of the Common one of Cortona. Mark Pacioni, essayist the Autrice.00 departure from the Church of the Saint Spirit, nocturnal Processione of the Venerd?anto. with the antichi simulacri of the Laicali Companies. Historical-religious Rievocazione of the passion, died and risurrezione of Ges?Si carries out, for tradition, every seven years. The first regarding historical documentation this event, found nell.archivio parochial?atata 1797. Between igniting itself of the lights in church and the explosion of the castagnole in the public square the exultation of the Resurrezzione. The Companies you deliver up yourselves between the XVI and the XVII sec. Information: Association For Native place 658278,00 Tel and fax 0575 Cathedral, Flight of the Sabato Saint. Resurrexit. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Il Giant of Camaldoli. - the sacred forest of the white men hermits In collaboration with official Guide Ennio Dallari. Cost: . 7 adults. 3 children. Free for the hosts of the receptive structures that have joined to the program escursionistico.559477 Center Visit of the Park of Prataglia.00 Abbey Center Visit, meeting for excursion in the National Park of the Forests covered Casentinesi Il Tramignone. In collaboration with official Guide Ennio Dallari Information and reservations: Casentino Consortium Development & Tourism Tel. 0575 520511. Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests of Abbey Prataglia Tel.00 Center Visit, meeting for excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests covered In collaboration with the Guide Acclimatizes them Gianluca Fools. SLUICES Of the VERNA CENTER SLUICES Of the VERNA C. Costo VISIT (MT. 1136)/DEEP Of the MELOSA /: . 7 adults. 3 children. Free for the hosts of the receptive structures that have joined to the escursionistico program Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests of Abbey Prataglia Tel.00 church of the revived Collegiata afternoon processione Cristo. The Companies you deliver up yourselves between the XVI and the XVII sec. Information: Association For Native place 658278,00 Tel and fax 0575 Point Information, meeting for excursion in the National Park of covered the Casentinesi Forests "the forest of Camaldoli. In collaboration with official Guide Silvia Covered Fratini adapted to all through the fir-woods and faggete of the Reservoir Biogenetic of Camaldoli, ancient history witness. Meeting to the Center Visit of Camaldoli and transfer with own cars all.Eremo. 261, length approximately Km 3. Time of distance: 3,5 hours Cost: . 7 adults. 3 children. Free for the hosts of the receptive structures that have joined to the escursionistico program Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests of Abbey Prataglia Tel.00 Center Trades them "the Casentino", in the within of the "Plan born in order to read" encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.00 Cathedral, Traditional Processione of Cristo the Risorto..00 Bicchieraia Theatre, presentation of the book "To the periphery of the sky, teatrali and human distances in the jail of Arezzo 1996 - 2004" edited by Gianfranco Pedull? Alexander Botticelli Bicchieraia Theatre via of the Bicchieraia, 32,00 Communal Library, in the within of the "Plan born in order to read" to encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 years. In the within of the "Plan born in order to read" to encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 years ssa Oddone (localit?oci) 16,00 hours old church of Saint Leo, Festivity of the grandfather Concert with Ermanno Vallini. violoncello, Sebastian Maccarini. pianoforte, Francisco Fidel. violino.30 contiguous room to the Sagrestia: they dull made up of cakies offered dall.organizzazione., in the within of the "Plan born in order to read" to encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 years. Traiana small farm, "to house of the vignaioli" To the hour of the sunset and supper with small assays of kitchen, to chiacchiere, storys and tastings in vine and wine cellar. Every time, in company of the head of household and with the friendly participation of the Every wine stewards evening vedr?nche the presentation of other wines, of the Valdarno and the Tuscany. Quota registration. 50,00 for the entire initiative. For information and registrations: within 15 March near Common of Terranuova Tel.15 Auditorium the Furnaces, show "the ghost ship" of Giovanni Bellu Maria, Renato Knows and Bebo to you Storti. Historical center, Le public squares of the taste gastronomiche excellence of the earth d.Arezzo.. To cure of the Associations Macellai and Panificatori Aretini. Present also the stands dell.olio and of the wine. Augustin, L.olio and the plates of the tradition. L.Associazione Cooks proposes first, zuppe, potato tortellos and other gastronomiche excellence. The Agriculturists Caretakers and the Roads of the Sapori introduce l.olio and other products. Saint Piazzetta Michele, Road of Wine and AIS. Italian L.associazione Wine stewards and the Road of the Wine Lands d.Arezzo introduce the enologiche excellence of the territory. The cheeses of the tradition, accompany to you from honey, oil, wine and bread. Saint public square Francisco, Homage to Piero of the Francesca. The students dell.Istituto d.Arte "P. of the Francesca" of Arezzo will paint particular of the works of the great rinascimentale artist and citt?i the Arezzo. Public square of the Abbey, the ice cream and the pastry shop. The best handicraft cakies of the tradition aretina and freeze to you special of the gelatieri masters. Augustin, wines in piazzetta Saint Michele, bread, meat and salumi in Large public square, cakies and freeze to you handicraft in public square of the Abbey. Francisco, homage to Piero of the Francesca with the students dell.Istituto d.Arte. The stands oil, bread will not lack and wine, to accompany cheeses and honey. Salting along Italy Course, suggests to a shunting line towards S. public square Augustin, where l.Associazione Cooks to propose? plates of the tradition: first, zuppe, minestre of bread, baby food to the tomato, potato tortellos to the slab and other prelibatezze. And, meats still cooked alone or in coupling with variet?i the bread. Immancabili in order to flavor or innaffiare. the pietanze, also in Large public square will be use l.olio and the wine. SPA FEST - Festivity Popular Valdarno SPA Spazi Autogestito.00 The Ginestra: Dances of the popular tradition of the Valdarno and Val di Sieve with the LeggeraaBR 00 Piaza Varchi, dimostrazione/animazione of attivit?ircensi.00 the Ginestra, aperitif made up of Electronics and VJING.30 debate: "the need of spaces of aggregation in valdarno" Encounter with the communal administrations During all the extension will be prepared cultruali and artistic extensions. the train of the sapori "the train of Piero" Hours 9,00 approximately Meeting to the Museum of Medieval and Modern Art and encounter with the guides. Departure from station FS of Arezzo for the Casentino with the train to vapor (distribution in train of decreases and portacalici to us). Arrival to the station of Bridge to Poppi. Medieval walk with guide until the castle of Conti Guides to Poppi (shuttle for who wishes it). Guided visit of the castle and the historical center (from which the flat one of Campaldino is controlled famous). Merenda all.albergo Casentino with mixed fritture and Saint Pan Ore 18,30 approximately Departure with the train to vapor for the return to Arezzo. Quota participation: Adults. 50.00, Young people from 12 to 18 years. 47.00, Boys from 6 to 12 years. 16.00,00 meeting near the Castle of Rondine for naturalistic historical walk in the Reservoir Natural of Bridge Buriano and Penna "From Rondine in order to make Spring" Information and reservations: APT Office Tel.30 Information Bicchieraia Theatre, presentation of the book of Attilio Tipsy "the travel in Italy. History of one great cultural tradition "Information: Councillorship to the Culture, Show, Tourism and System Museale Tel.00 Center Trades them "the Casentino", in the born within of the "Plan in order to read" encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.00 Communal Library, in the born within of the "Plan in order to read" encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.30 Nena Restaurant, in the within of the manifestation "the sapori of the Valtiberina between fantasy and tradition" supper to topic "Prugnoli and aspargi of bosco".00 Minerva Hotel, presentation of the book of Renato Flour "Don Giussani - Life of a friend". In the within of the "Plan born in order to read" to encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 years ssa Oddone (localit?oci) 16,30 hours Communal hall, encounter with Cristina Melacci "the bottega of the artist in the centuries XIV-XV, history of an ancient technique: Tempera "., in the within of the "Plan born in order to read" encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.00 Theatre Greens, the companies come rewarded for "30 years of attivit? Podere Fattoiaccio, "to house of the vignaioli" To the hour of the sunset and supper with small assays of kitchen, to chiacchiere, storys and tastings in vine and wine cellar. Every time, in company of the head of household and with the friendly participation of the Every wine stewards evening vedr?nche the presentation of other wines, of the Valdarno and the Tuscany. Quota registration. 50,00 for the entire initiative. For information and registrations: within 15 March near Common of Terranuova Tel. the colors of the spring in the Reservoir Natural of Bridge Buriano and Penna, l.Area Protect to the doors of Arezzo.30 Center Visit of the Reservoir, in loc. The walk does not preview difficolt?articolari, l.iniziativa?ivolta to all the bands indicated for children, students and families. L.organizzazione advises footwear adapted for natural l.ambiente. Information: Centers Visit Reservoirs dell.Arno Alcedo. tel. Artistic circle, conclusive day of the third edition of the Master the Routes of the Gusto.00 participation of Allen Grieco and Caterina Schiavon.30 Paul Nicchi introduce the volume of Cecilia Bruschi "From the kitchen to the room (dark) travel of the senses around to the Fair Antiquarianism of Aerzzo".00 "the shapes of the deiderio" greedy pause from a Frank idea De Lucia and Luisa Tricca.00 participations of Gianfranco Brown, Giovanni Emilio Simonetti, Master Gualtiero Curly Marchesi.00 Piero introduces the volume "the Marchesi".00 code Communal Palace, presentation of the volume "Serravalle Prize 2006".00 Fiorentino Palace, presentation of the book of Alvaro Biagiotti "In order not to forget Vallucciole".30 Classroom about the Council, projection of the video ". and then pass?l forehead: the days of the Passage of the Forehead to Terranuova Bracciolini in the memory of the witnesses "realized from Class III To to Presentazione of the book" the massacres of 1944 in the Tuscany it orients them "of Enzo Droandi. Localit?oci, Festivity of the Silver Years collective Lunch near the Restaurant the Hole - 13,00 hours Fiorentino Palace, presentation of the book of Giancarlo Vessichelli "Was spring also to Vallucciole in the year 1944" All.incontro will take part: Luca Santini, Emanuela Caroti, Ivano Assumed Tognarini.Maria, Commemoration of 17 fallen partisans and 63, anniversary of the Liberation, interverr?nes Briganti. Clement Peter presides introduces Fulvia Caruso. takes part: Maria Luisa Meoni, Ferdinand Abbri, Arming Cutolo, Vincenzo Pavilion Classroom 10 Michelangelo Buonarroti - Facolt?i Letters and Philosophy, Campus of the Pionta Information: Natalia Cangi, Secretariat of Facolt?i presidency Letters and Philosophy, Tel.00 Bicchieraia Theatre, encounter with Renzo Boldrini and Alfonso Maurizio Iacono Information: Net Teatrale Aretina Tel.00 Center Trades them "the Casentino", in the within of the "Plan born in order to read" to encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 years. Giuseppe Garibaldi between history and popolarit?nel 200, anniversary of the birth (1807-2007).30 Near the Communal Theatre Capodaglio, salutes of the Vice Mayor to the scolaresche Videoillustrazione: Gli ideal lived. L.esempio of 4 witnesses, Batignani, Sequi, Cotoneschi, Knows - Acknowledgment to the vincitrice class of the componimento - Distribution to you of bookmark to all the present boys. Introduction of Mayor Rita Papi. Tamassia, teacher of Public Right to the Facolt?i Economy Universit?i Cassino - Presentation of the book of George Provincial Fantoni.30 Scholastic Arena, ceremony of inauguration. Pian di Chena, naturalistic Walk in the Reservoir Natural of Goes them dell.Inferno and Hinge "What c.?i new nell.aria. Shapes, scents and sounds of the Reservoir "L.esplosione of the spring with all its force is perceived above all in the places where the nature not?isturbata dall.azione dell.uomo as it happens in the Natural Reservoirs. The colors, the sounds, the scents and the thousand attivit?egli animals are overlapped in this period transforming itself in reasons of interest for careful and curious l.osservatore. L.esperienza?iacevole also for bambini.00 - the meeting near the Restaurant Lo Strettoio. in loc. Pian di Chena for beginning escursione.45 - I re-enter in the same point of departure in loc. Pian di Chena and aim dell.escursione.00. possibilit?i lunch, to men?isso, the restaurant Lo Strettoio. DIFFICOLTA./SUGGERIMENTI: No difficolt?articolare. It is recommended l.uso of long shoes from trekking, pants, cap and binoculars. Association il Viottolo. (Official Guide Daniel Menabeni) - tel.00 Center Visit, I children in the forest in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests attivit?er children Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests of Abbey Prataglia Tel. In the within of the "Plan born in order to read" encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 years ssa Oddone (localit?oci) 16,00 hours pediatric Outpatients' department hospital of Bibbiena, in the within of the "Plan born in order to read" encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.30 Wine cellar Guides, in the within of the manifestation "the sapori of the Valtiberina between fantasy and tradition" supper to topic "Verdure and legumi". Cortona Doc Cabernet Sauvignon Giannoni Fabbri 2004, in the within of the "Plan born in order to read" to encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 years. A all beer "to cure of the Rione Cassero. Information: Association For Native place 658278,00 Tel and fax 0575 Point Information, meeting for excursion in the National Park of covered the Casentinesi Forests La forest of the Monaci. In collaboration with the Guide It acclimatizes them Gianluca Fools. Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests of Abbey Prataglia Tel.00 workshop Comunicare the communication through the documentary cinema and the digital technologies them. Naturalistic historical walk in the ANPIL Forest of Sargiano - Natural Park of Lignano "Explorations on the natruali terraces of the Lignano".00 Mount meeting to the Pieve di Rigutino (Rigutino-Arezzo) for beginning passeggiata.30 arrival in the area equipped of the Park and buffet near the the three restaurant "Civette" (on richiesta).00 Movement in car for Sargiano and visit guided in the Forest omonimo. Route: Pieve di Rigutino, Path CAI 543, Podere Rigutinelli (equipped park) + Forest of Sargiano Difficolt?uggerimenti: Light difficolt?er before met?el covered in constant gone up but sufficiently ombreggiato. Recommended the use of shoes long sluices, pants, cap and reservoir Participation water: Obligatory reservation with possibilit?i taking part also for one single part of the walk. Quota participation. 4,00 (free for children) + quota buffet. 10,00 (upon request) Information and reservations: Office Tourist Information of Arezzo Tel. 0575 20839. Association "the Viottolo" (Official Guide Francisco Liuzzi) Tel. guided Excursion "our Cliffs: Castelfranco and dintorni".15" Knows it reunions of the Communal Library, Livio public square Knows 1, informative multimediale presentation to you on the Protected Areas of the Valdarno.15 departure for excursion guided some "the Blaze di Castelfranco" in company of the Guides Acclimatizes them "long Alcedo".30 pause the path with breakfast proposed from For Native place of Castelfranco di Sopra.00 the Point Information, meeting for excursion in the National Park of covered the Casentinesi Forests "the panoramas of Montalto" In collaboration with official Guide Silvia Fratini Information and reservations: Casentino Consortium Development & Tourism Tel. 0575 520511. Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests of Abbey Prataglia Tel. Mnifestazione in the within of the Week of the Peace and the Solidariet?n Casentino the day sar?edicata to the young students of the advanced schools. From hours 14,00 to hours 22,00, near the premises and the courtyard dell.ex-jail of Bibbiena, in via of the Monache n. 2, svolger?.iniziativa Libert? Participation. Moments are previewed several: projections, encounter-debate and in order to conclude a concert. In collaboration with official guide Ennio Dallari In tip of feet in the forests to the slopes of the Giogana of crinale, on the traces of red deers, caprioli, lupi & C., true proprietari. of this wonderful angle of nature. Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests of Abbey Prataglia Tel.00 Center Visit, meeting for excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests covered "On the steps of S. In collaboration with official Guide Silvia Fratini. RING Of the SANCTUARY Of the VERNA through the path of the ghiacciaie. Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests of Abbey Prataglia Tel.00 Castle of Moncioni, naturalistic historical walk in the ANPIL monumental Arboretum of Moncioni "One romantica forest in the history of the Chianti".00 meeting near the Castle of Moncioni for visit guided to the "Pinetum" (?aggiungibile Moncioni from Montevarchi following also identifying for the Crossodromo Miravalle).30 the fine visit to the Arboretum and movement in car for Fontebussi.00 Village beginning long walk with circular distance. Route: Arboretum, Fontebussi Village, paths CAI 37 and 37A (for S. The use of shoes is recommended long sluices, pants, cap and supply Participation water: . 4,00 (free for children) + quota buffet. 10,00 (upon request) Information and reservations: APT Office Tourist Information Saint Giovanni Valdarno Tel. 055 943748. Association "the Viottolo" (Official Guide Francisco Liuzzi) Tel.30 hall of the Center of Etruria Bank - Run Italy 179, presentation of the book "Universit?nuova industry, local development" Take part: Tawny White men, Patrizio White men, Quintieri Favourite, Riccaboni Angel, Laura Ramaciotti.30 Farm holidays the Casalone, in the within of the manifestation "the sapori of the Valtiberina between fantasy and tradition" supper to topic "the products of bosco".30 the Wine cellar Poor Papposileno, Enzo extemporaneous Brogi encounter between food and Tito culture "the clouds do not ask permesso".00 Bookcase Edison, presentation of the Tawny book of Cottages "1975: travel in Afghanistan - Per diem and adventures freak "with Giampiero Bigazzi, Ivo Lisi. the readings of Betti Colored person and with the presence of the Tawny author Cottages. Museum of Battaglia di Anghiari and Bottega Busatti, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "the ancient woven handicraft techniques on and spins" L.iniziativa previews the involvement to you of one section of the Museum of Battaglia woven di historical Anghiari and bottega the handicraft one of: Busatti. The topic that connects the museum with bottega the craftsman?a working of the raw materials (es. hemp and wool) and their coloritura through the guado, tintoria herbaceous plant from which, after the maceration and l.essiccazione, comes extracted the natural color indigo information and reservations: Museum della Battaglia di Anghiari and Bottega Busatti - Mameli Public square 1-2. Via Mazzini 14 - Tel. Mecenate., in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" laboratory "L.officina dell.archeologo. opens to the families with topic Lavoro. 0575 24694 (Fraternita of the Laici. hours ufficio).30 in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" visits guided "the 1600's. City route on foot, with pauses to the churches of the approached SS. modalit?i: On reservation tel/fax 0575 299386 (marted? gioved?re 18. Museum and Center Studies of the Theatre Scenografia and Costume, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" Visit to the Museum of the Theatre, Scenografia and Costume. Dates of development and timetable: gioved?venerd?sabato and Sunday (morning) hour: 10, Museum and Center Studies of the Theatre Scenografia and Costume, via Berni 31. 17 hours Palace Country houses, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" Faithful conference of Dr. Luca "the recent recoveries of the Hard one". Museum of the Forest and the Mountain, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "Apderto for you - visit guided free to the Museum". Museum of the Forest and the Mountain, Alley of the Berignoli.00 Museum of the House Peasant, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "Open for you. Visit guided free to the Museum that documents to the spaces and the instruments of life and job of the world mezzadrile peasant of the low Casentino Museum of the House Peasant, Loc. Mecenate., in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "L.officina dell.archeologo. opens the families, interactive visit with hidden teatralizzazione L.anfiteatro. 0575 24694 (Fraternita of the Laici. hours ufficio).00 For a Museum of the Mass media, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" visits guided to the Museum permanent Exposure: the precinema, the cinema, the reproduction of the sounds, the first telecommunicationses, the writing, the calculation and the modern telecommunicationses. Title: The Artistic Techniques dell.Oreficeria (granulation and filigree, metal casting and fusion nell.osso of small cuttlefish, jolt and chisel, recording, enamels). They will be exposed produced and some Business Museum of the Gori&Zucchi (One To Erre is made of working), Via Fiorentina 550. Bimbinbici. Pedaliamo entirety for one citt?i?icura and vivibile Foot thrust for children from the 6 years. Departure from the rear large square the railway station of Bibbiena Station heading Saint back Piero in Frassino, (indicatively hours 9. Information: Social office of Common of Bibbiena Te.00 the Center of Documentation on the Rural Culture of the Casentino, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "Open for you. Visit guided free to the Center that documents to the instruments of job of the sour-pastorale rural world of the Casentino.00 Garden publics, Scuola aperta.alla solidariet?organizzata from the Primary School G.00 large square of the Tower of the Cassero, Scout Gathering. 100 years of foundation of the Scout Movement photographic Extension, Common Public square of (local former For Native place) 6-13 May to cure of the Group Scout di Castiglion Fiorentino. Archaeological Trekking Camucia. Cortona. Castiglion Fiorentino. Four steps between the ancient culture of a territory emozionante.00 Etruscan Museum dell.Accademia and of citt?i the Cortona, in the within of the manifestation Friend Museum Gioca with small the Etruscan Museo..00 Museum dell.Accademia and of citt?i the Cortona and Historical Centro, in the within of the manfiestazione Friend Museum Il cocciaio yesterday and today. Visits to the collections of ceramics of the MAEC and to the botteghe of cocci. cortonesi.00 Ecomuseo of the Chestnut, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "a travel in tempo".00 the Center Visit, meeting for excursion in the National Park of covered the Casentinesi Forests Una walk with the mother. In collaboration with official Guide Maura Lucatello Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests of Abbey Prataglia Tel.30 Center of Documentation on the Archaeological Culture, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "Between imaginary and the real one: life of a fibula to dragone "Inauguration of the new museale order that concerns sull.allestimento of one tomba Roman of the century the century d.00 Mirabilia Naturae. Le From Tuscany Natural Reservoirs in extension to Sestino. Presentation of the Guide and extension of the designs of La Tuscany of the Naturali.30 Reservoirs Bicchieraia Theatre, presentation of the book of Raffaele Favero "Rafiullah. Participations of: Giovana Botteri, Camillo Breezes, Natalia Cangi, Lamberto Palazzeschi, Fabrizio Raffaelli In the within of the verr?onsegnato evening the special acknowledgment of "Welcome in Tuscany" to Giovanna Botteri Information: Councillorship to the Culture, Show, Tourism and museale System pediatric Ambulatory Tel.00 of the Hospital, in the born within of the "Plan in order to read" Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.00 Magna Classroom of the Commercial Technical Institute them Be them "M. Buonarroti", celebrativa ceremony "Cinquant' years of Europe" Salutes: Anna Cerboni Munna and Donato Palarchi.00 Communal Library, in the born within of the "Plan in order to read" Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.30 It knows it of the Large ones of the Palace of the Province, presentation of the volume of P. Palace of the Province, Public square of the Libert. ssa Fregoli, in the within of the "Plan born in order to read" Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.00 localit?oci, pediatric Outpatients' department Dr. ssa Oddone, in the within of the "Plan born in order to read" Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.00 Facolt?i Letters and Philosophy (classroom 3), presentation of the book of Leopoldo Gamberale "second Plauto Pasolini" Danish Parteciper?oberto dell.Universit?i Urbino, between the greater Italian experts of Plauto Facolt?i Letters and Philosophy, tree-lined avenue City 33,00 Knows it of the Large ones of the Province, encounter in order to remember the spiritual figure of Henr?ntoine Grou? better known with the Abb?ierre name Salutes of Vincenzo Ceccarelli, it introduces Bettoli Franc, participations of Laurent Desmard, Father Jean Marie Viennet and Raymond Etienne.00 localit?oci, Communal Library, in the born within of the "Plan in order to read" to Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 years. Angel, to cure of the Rione di Roman Porta. Mecenate., in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" laboratory "L.officina dell.archeologo. opens to the families with topic Rivivo. 0575 24694 (Fraternita of the Laici. hours ufficio).30 in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" visits guided "the 1900's. From the Liberty to the contemporary age "city and peripheral Route in Atam bus (dell.iniziativa technical sponsor), with pauses to the buildings center of Italian Mail and Etruria Bank and to the churches of S. L.itinerario is proposed to visualize some of the artistic events that have accompanied the transformations urban planning of citt?i the Arezzo in the course of XX the century. Departure to hours 15,30 from the Palace of the Mail modalit?i approached: On reservation tel/fax 0575 299386 (marted? gioved?re 18,00 Archaeological Museum of the Casentino, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" A.B.C - To Etruscan school: the writing. Visit guided animated to the Etruscan section of the Museum and laboratory for children on the Etruscan writing Archaeological Museum of the Casentino, localit?artina.00 historical center, Ways of Bibbiena - Center Trades them Natural Ferrari Night, Ferrari Gathering Italy Club edited by Scuderia Etruria Storees opened until 23,00 hours Center of documentation and didactic pole dell.acqua, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "Water. Center of documentation and didactic pole dell.acqua, Loc. Presentation of some didactic distances regarding us the topic dell.acqua realizzaio from the primary school G.00 former Pinacoteca, Presentation of the Guide of Castiglion Fiorentino to cure of V the c (a.00 Former Pinacoteca Communal Palace, Presentation of the Restoration of San the Michele., painting on burlap of 600.00 the Classroom of the Communal Council, official ceremony for the bestowal of the Honorary Citizenship to prof. the Tuscany Day: from the chianina to the Toscano..00 scent. Inauguration extension of the Powerful painter Antonio on sigaro the Toscano.30. Opening photographic extension edited by Francisco Maria Head on the boxes historical them of sigari and books on the tabacco.30. Laboratory of tasting guided from the Club Cursed From Tuscany on the Italian typical products (great From Tuscany wines and cheeses aromatizes you to the tobacco) on reservation: cost. 20,00.00. Laboratory of tasting guided from the Club Cursed From Tuscany. (Ke-To Beer and chocolate aromatized to the Kentucky tobacco) on reservation: cost. 20,00.30. Fumo d.epoca. gathering historical cars, distance goes them of the Kentucky, visits and wine tasting to the historical Tabaccheria Ciuffi-Bastogi 1876. For the ways of the center hours 10. For the ways of the center hours 10.00. Extension market produced typical of the gastronomia Tuscany to cure of the Farmers Consortium of Siena and Arezzo.(Tartufi, cheeses, wines, honey, etc. Cavour public square, Communal Library hours 12.00. Bestowal to Common of Foiano of the Chiana of Lauree the Toscanis the Cause. Course Vittorio Emanuele from hours 13,00 until evening. Grilled of tasting of the Chinina meat to cure of the Farmers Consortium of Siena and Arezzo For the ways of the center hours hours 16.00. Animation for children with the artists of strada.00 House Born them Of I guide Monaco, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "a day in music" Visit guided to the Center of Documentation on Medioevale Music with musical entertainment. To follow tasting of local typical products. House Born them Of I guide Monaco, Loc. Museum of the Forest and the Mountain, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "Apderto for you - visit guided free to the Museum". Museum of the Forest and the Mountain, Alley of the Berignoli.00 Documentary Extension on the lanificio historian of Is, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "rotol?il tabarro of the Casentino" the Visit guided to the documentary Extension on the lanificio historian of Is. Demonstration near the premises of the Tessilnova of the cut and the realization of tabarro in cloth Casentino said Documentary Rotol?Mostra on the lanificio historian of Stia.00 the Museum of the House Peasant, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "Open for you. Visit guided free to the Museum that documents to the spaces and the instruments of life and job of the world mezzadrile peasant of the low Casentino Museum of the House Peasant, Loc.00 from the Pertini Park - Giotto public square (supply of the Municipal Police). Mecenate., in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "L.officina dell.archeologo. opens the families, interactive visit with teatralizzazione..Ritorno to. 0575 24694 (Fraternita of the Laici. Red hours ufficio).00 rural Collection Casa, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "the garden of seeds passings" Visit guided to the Rurale.Casa Collection Red with presentation of the didactic plan reported to the putting to agrarian dwelling of species passings. Dedicated laboratory to adults and children for the construction of objects for l.allestire the spaces dell.orto didactic (spaventapasseri, nameplates. Rural collection Casa Red, National Way, Loc.00 Center of Documentation on the Rural Culture of the Casentino, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "Open for you. Visit guided free to the Center that documents the instruments of job of the sour-pastorale rural world of the Casentino. Localit?amucia, Center Trades them natural "Ways of Camucia-Cortona" opened Storees, animation of showman Andrea Agresti and one dense day of appointments scanditi from the magical formula shopping, shows, culture and gastronomia.. Cut of the tape to hours 10,00 in Sergardi public square with the concert of the Abstemious Lupin.00 Venturino House Lucks, visit guidata.00 Historical Center, Center Trades them Natural. Protect Natural nell.Area historical-naturalistic walk of Local Interest. The Cliffs with topic La spring between the fireplaces of fate".00 the meeting to the bridge of the public washhouse of the Village of Piantravigne.30 transfer (with the own cars) to Montemarciano and beginning passeggiata.00 term walk with I re-enter to Montemarciano and nell.area lunch of the Festivity. Route: Piantravigne - Montemarciano - Oak wood - Buca of the fairies. - Montemarciano is recommended l.uso of scarponcini comfortable, long pants and water supply. Participation: Free with obligatory reservation. Information and reservations: APT tourist Office of S. Saluti: Camillo Breezes, Mariano White woman, Ivo Biagianti, Istvan Kovacs Participations of: Antonello Biagini, Roberto Sinigaglia Information: Facolt?i City Letters and Philosophy, 33 tree-lined avenue Tel.15 Auditorium Cultural Center the Furnaces, Poetry "the voices of the Pampas" the artistic traditions of the gauchos Argentine "with Marta Suint and Jos?urbelo. Beyond to the attivit?gricole, the attivit?redominante?' breeding, especially of bovines and ovines. Auditorium Cultural Center the Furnaces, via Vittorio Veneto 19,00 Cinemas Run, encounter on the topic Giovani and civil Engagement: one proposal. Encounter dedicated to the students of the advanced schools of Arezzo to conclusion of the plans of educazione to the legalit? to the increase civile..oo Papposileno Wine cellar, presentation of the book of Ludovico Guarnieri "the pi?tupefancente thing to the world. Adventures of a sick expert "preface of Tiziano Terzani When?ravemente sick the only desire to?ornare itself you heal. To recover?na school, a mental attitude, one challenge with if same. Along travel in the disease with who to the contrary of the doctor who has known the cancer on the books, the cancer has studied it on if same, removing it. It takes part Angela Staude Terzani scrittrice. ssa Fregoli, Bibbiena Station, in the within of the "Plan born in order to read" to Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.00 CIAF localit?oci, in the within of the "Plan born in order to read" Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.00 localit?oci, pediatric Outpatients' department Dr. ssa Oddone, in the within of the "Plan born in order to read" Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.F, Encounter turned to boys, young people and parents on "After the school superiore.30 Communal Palace, encounter with Giovanni Cases" casentinesi Landscapes: l.Arno and its before valle".30 Social Center, I grandfathers tell to be involved? boys of the classes fourth elementary ones are proposed to introduce to the grandsons the games, the objects and in a generalized manner the lifestyle of their grandfathers when these had their ET? in collaboration with the C. of the Comunit?ontana of the Casentino.30 L.Ovile Farm holidays, in the within of the manifestation "the sapori of the Valtiberina between fantasy and tradition" supper to topic "the meat chianina".30 Communal Theatre and Knows it espositiva of the Communal Theatre, Extension and Day of study Memoria and History of the Shoah. A travel oper not to forget, to cure dell.Istituto of Secondary instruction Giovanni from Castiglione..00 Facolt?i Letters and Philosophy (classroom 10), conference of Laura Bocciolini Palaces on the Eneide and in particular the reasons dionisiaci in the section of the WAYS Facolt?i book City Letters and Philosophy, 33,30 tree-lined avenue Theatre of the Bicchieraia, presentation of the book of Silvia Ronchey L.enigma di Piero. L.ultimo bizantino and the ghost crusade in the detection of a great picture. They take part: Alexander Barchiesi, Facolt?i Letters and Philosophy of Arezzo, Maurizio Bettini, Universit?egli Studies of Siena Information: Councillorship to the Culture, Show, Tourism and mussale System of the Common one of Arezzo. Councillorship Attivit?ulturali Assets of the Province of Arezzo. tel. Museums opened with free income and possibilit?i participating to guided visits, anch' free they, from hours 16. All.interno of these three days?tato also inserted a moment of all the special one: one. To emphasize, one participation of all the special one all.evento: that one of Powerful master Antonio who has realized the sketch symbol of Brindando to the Etruschi..15 Concini Palace, "the Voice of Venturino" Reading of written of Venturino the Lucks to dell.attrice cure Andriolo Sight During the sar?ossibile reading to visit the extension free of charge "Faces: men and women of the Valdarno in ritratti of Venturino..00 Archaeological Museum of the Casentino, free income to the Archaeological Museum the?ato Museum like permanent exposure of Archaeology of the Casentino on initiative of the Archaeological Group Casentinese. ?oi transformed in a Museum of archaeology of the Casentino, enriched with new reperti granted in warehouse from the soprintendenza. He introduces modalit?el the popolamento in the valley through three historical sections. Before he illustrates l.antica fossil fauna, that he lived on the sides of scomparso the villafranchiano lago and the series of the preistoriche miotic stations. Finally the roman presence comes illustrated with atmospheres and the reperti archaeological of peasant villas of the territory. Archaeological museum of the Casentino, Via Tosco. Inhabitant of Romagna, 29 - localit?artina.00 rural Collection Casa Red, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "a night to the museum" Visit to the Rural Collection with nocturnal walk along l.antico bank realized during the dell.area reclamation works begun from the Monaci Camaldolesi.00 Ecomuseo of the Carbonaio Casa of the Sapori., in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" opening of the Ecomuseo Ecomuseo of the Carbonaio, Casa of the Sapori., localit?etica.00 beginning tasting La transunmanza of the sapori ". During the?ossibile afternoon to visit l.Ecomuseo of the Carbonaio and l.antico flour mill to stone Grifoni di Pagliericcio. "Travel in the Museum of Castiglion Fiorentino. guided visits and tastings of the wine of the Etruschi.00 Wine cellar and terrace of Lorenzetti house, Brindando to the Etruschi: aperitive conversation edited by Luca Gattavecchi, Giulio Paolucci, Scarpellini. Daisy. Wine cellar and terrace of Lorenzetti house, Italy Course n.00 localit?anciano Circle ANSPI, Supper of beneficence for the children of the Zambia, organized from the primary School Mencarelli.00 Polisportiva Montecchio Vesponi, Black Roses Stop Crash, evening of music and ballo.30 Communal Theatre, Domina 2007, Woman manifestation and premiazione Donne-Sport. Francisco, in the within of the Week of the Cultural Assets presentation of the restoration of the Tempietto of the Saint Cross of the Church of S. Centro trades them natural Vie di Saint Monte Savino.. The animations for children will concentrate in Saint public square Francisco, where they will be arranges the inflatable ones to you, to cure of the Misericordia. To 18 hours partir?al Communal Palace a visit guided free to the discovery of the artistic patrimony of citt?Sempre the sar?rotagonista history to hours 19 with the game of football with the bracelet in Gamurrini public square. Of sar?ossibile evening to taste an aperitif nell.Happy Hour of the bars of the center, or one supper to topic in the savinesi restaurants. For the roads terr?nfine the itinerante concert of the Foiano Brass Band. The festivity continues Sunday 20 May, between the open storees and the stands of enogastronomici and florovivaistici products. The lovers of the martial limbs will be able instead to assist to hours 18,30 in Gamurrini public square all.esibizione of the Olympic School Tuscany of Taekwondo. Finally, great closing to hours 19 with the show of the fire and to the 19,30 with the itinerante concert of the Filarmonica Ario Gigli.. Museum of the Forest and the Mountain, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "Apderto for you - visit guided free to the Museum". Museum of the Forest and the Mountain, Alley of the Berignoli.00 Documentary Extension on the lanificio historian of Is, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "the coat casentino: between history and style "Visit guided to the documentary Extension on the lanificio historian of Is. Demonstration near the premises of the Tessilnova of the cut and the realization of the traditional coat in woven Casentino.00 Museum of the House Peasant, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "Open for you. Visit guided free to the Museum that documents to the spaces and the instruments of life and job of the world mezzadrile peasant of the low Casentino Museum of the House Peasant, Loc.30 knows it of the Communal Consilgio, presentation of the photographic volume Terranuova in the 1900's. Album of one Comunit?a cures of Carl Fabbri, Luana Days, Lorenzo Puopolo. the train of the sapori "the train of the flowers" Hours 9,00 approximately Meeting to station FS of Arezzo, distribution decreases and portacalici and departure to us with the train to vapor for the Valdichiana. Arrival to the station of Abbey to the Pine and transfert in coach for Civitella. Visit guided to the citizen, the castle and the Mercato of the Cheese. Tasting de La breakfast of the peasant. made up of latte cheeses to raw, oil extravergine of olive, fave, yields and honey. Wines of the Strada of the Wine. Savino, guided visit of the citizen. 13,15 hours Lunch to the restaurant Belvedere. made up of salumi, pici. all.aretina, porchetta, legumi and dessert. Wines of the Strada of the Wine. Transfer to Lucignano and visit to the paraded one of the bloomed wagons of the Maggiolata.. They dull made up of fruit of the Valdichiana. Hours 18,30 approximately Return with the train to vapor to station FS of Arezzo. Quota participation: Adults. 35.00, Boys from 6 to 12 years. 10.00, Localit?alazzo of the Pear tree, 23. Trekking Conoscere and appreciated hills of the Valcerfone.. The participants interested to the lunch will have themselves to be turned to the Social Center Valcerfone, Palace of the Pear tree, until venerd?8 May. tel. 0575 369379 (afternoon) or the 20 day May from the 7. Title: The Artistic Techniques dell.Oreficeria (granulation and filigree, metal casting and fusion nell.osso of small cuttlefish, jolt and chisel, recording, enamels). They will be exposed produced and some Business Museum of the Gori&Zucchi (One To Erre is made of working), Via Fiorentina 550. Mecenate., in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" laboratory "L.officina dell.archeologo. opens to the families with topic Scrivo. 0575 24694 (Fraternita of the Laici. hours ufficio).00 Museum dell.Archeologia, in FRIEND occasion MUSEUM (Al Museum with the family.) free income to the Museum dell.Archeologia Museum dell.Archeologia, localit?artina.30 departure from the center trades them of Castelluccio-Bar Mojito - it continues for Vado-Pieve to sietina (visit with guide and pause with ristoro t? biscotti). The walk proseguir?er Figline, Hill to the Pine, I go, Vico passing in front of Abbey of sport Campoleone.00 Arrivo all.impianto of Castelluccio with gastronomici stands. Quota registration: . 5,00 for the persons with et?uperiore to 12 years to pour the morning stessa.00 Center of Documentation on the Rural Culture of the Casentino, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "Open for you. Visit guided free to the Center that documents the instruments of job of the sour-pastorale rural world of the Casentino. Anniversary appointment with the Friends of the Serristori and the S.30, "Naturamica: we help the nature that helps us promoted dall.Associazione Saint Speciali.00 Boys public square Francisco, 10. Fiat gathering 500 and derivatives, historical cars and motion to cure of the Rione di Porta Fiorentina. Large square Garibaldi, entire day, III edition Gathering car sportive.00 Ecomuseo of the Contraband and the Powder from I talk nonsense, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "One explosive history" afternoon Visit to the premises dell.Ecomuseo. demonstration of working of the tobacco and manufacture of the from Tuscany sigari with the sigaraie of the country. Songs in eighth rhyme with the former powder smugglers nera.Visita to the polveriera dell.Inferno, clandestine system of production of the powder from I talk nonsense. Naturalistic walk for expert hikers in a Reservoir Natural Petroso Mount Fioritura of the Serpentine..45 meeting to the camping in Localit?a Civetta (Exited E45 Saint Pieve Stefano South Pieve indication, after approximately 300 m turning to right to the first crossroad until campeggio).00 the return to the camping and native produce assays or supper in Localit?a Civetta Iterinario: Camping Localit?a Civetta. Petroso Mount. Camping Localit?a Civetta. Difficolt?Solo for expert hikers advised Apparel: Long pants and shoes sluices (scarponcini or shoes from ginnastica), raincoat Information and reservations: Office Information of the Common one of Saint Pieve Stefano Tel. 0575 797720. City council member to the Attivit?roduttive Silvano Fontana Tel. 328 7539545. Association Guides La Civetta. Vincenzo Gonnelli Tel.00 localit?oggiona, in the within of the manifestation "Friend Museum" "the bottega of the bigonaio". In the same one localit? visitabile a bottega for the furniture production, attivit?he in the time has replaced l.antica occupation. Entire day, "Art, culture and gastronomia in citt?i the Masaccio" guided Visit to Saint Giovanni Reservation near Reporter Travels, Public square Cavour Tel.00 Historical Center, Center Trades them Natural. Guided excursion La nature and Saint Francisco. Between history and legend to the discovery of the popular devozione. They will come recalled popular legends and sideboards that bring back us to a world that survives alone in the memory orale.00 Meeting near Center Visit of Sestino and movement to Martigliano.00 Arrivo to the Alpine Shelter of House of the King organized Service shuttle in order to return to Sestino or Martigliano. Route: Martigliano. New house of the Prati. Pebble of Simone. House of the King participation Quota: . 5,00. free for children long pants, light mesh of cotton, scarponcini or shoes from ginnastica are advised Information and reservations: obligatory reservation near Center Visit of Sestino tel.00 Palasport the Cases, Festa of the grandfathers. Public evening in occasion of the spectacular concealment of the planet with rings from part of our Planetary satellite naturale.00 of the Park. Center for the Didactics and the spreading dell.astronomia. Center Visit, La Moon hides Saturno..00 Observation to the telescope dell.occultazione of Saturno from part of the Moon, continuation from one lesson all.interno of the Planetarium on Saturno and its Satelliti.30 Observation of the reappearance of Saturno and successive description of the constellations. Information and reservations: Center Visits of Abbey Prataglia Tel. and Fax 0575/559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism campus of the Pionta, "the electronic resources of the university libraries: like approaching to you and as to use them "the librarians of facolt?i Letters and Philosophy of Arezzo explain the patrimonies librarians for a long time are not pi?olo cartacei. The electronic resources. data banks, catalogue, reviews, digital collections them, situated web - they have by now an important role for who studies and ago search. The operation of this portale sar?llustrato from the librarians of facolt?i Letters and Philosophy mercoled?rossimo, 23 May, from hours 9 to the 17. We remember that l.accesso to the?onsentito portale only from the emplacements universitarie.30 Bar of Ignoring, encounter with l.autore: Lucio Nocentini introduces the book Alimentare, sar?resente Watson. the main Powerful painter Antonio in case of maltempo the manifestation svolger?resso the Tavern from Muzzicone.30 Library of the Facolt?i Letters and Philosophy, ceremony of delivery of the "nationale Gazette ou Moniteur universel (1 never 1789 - 31 decembre 1799) from part of Mauro Irons Library of the Facolt?i Letters and Philosophy, Campus of the Pionta. ssa Fregoli, in the born within of the" Plan in order to read "Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.00 localit?oci, pediatric Outpatients' department Dr. ssa Oddone, in the born within of the" Plan in order to read "to Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.30 encounter with Rolando Milleri "the literary landscape: The Casentino in the pages of poets and narrators, Readings of brani Musical Accompanyment of Anna Tenor, violinista. They expose painters Roberto Meschini and Lorenza Tellini Baroncini. Via Niccol?ngeli 25/c, "Bucine a common one in flower". hours 10 It knows it Ag Energetically Premiazione Goodses Competition Scuole.30 Forum of the Common Aretini Friends of the Clima.30 convention ", choices total and chosen locali".30 argument and proposed presentation of the Forum of mattino.00 the INFEA"Politiche Seminary and sets in action concrete of Common of Arezzo".30 the Seminary on the Bioedilizai and presentation plan "Saint Smart-house".00 Public square Jacopo show with Paul Cevoli and Claudia Penoni Renaissance Public square, permanent Events during the Festivity: Extension market of the rinnovabili energies with stand Points informed you of ETA3, Legambiente and Banca Valdichiana Ecoludobus di Legambiente with interactive laboratory on the energies Extension Energetically with laboratories of the schools To the Eden Cinema projection of the film of To Gore "One scomoda verit?00 Rigutino, the Pinetina, zone market: Inflatable, games yesterday and today, make up to you in directed, prizes to surprise, drinks and stuzzichini.00 Green Catona Zones Piazzetta (pressed elementary school L. Tawny.): Games tradizionalidi yesterday and today. Lions: Games yesterday and today for Strict children and adulti.00 Park Villa: Games traditional and attivit?portive to character not agonistico.00 Elm tree, garden maternal school: Inflatable, games yesterday and today, make up to you in directed, prizes to surprise, drinks and stuzzichini.00 Palace of the Pear tree, area of the market of the Fungus: Attivit?udiche, music and inflatable Information: Office Common School of Arezzo Tel.00 CIAF localit?oci, in the within of the "Plan born in order to read" Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.00 Writing Session and Hip Hop Dj set.00 green area of Dante tree-lined avenue, afternoon of sport and divertimento with the game of badminton.00 the Palace Country houses, premiazione of the competition Riflessi Etruschi. for students of Institutes d.Arte.30 Communal Theatre, ceremony of premiazione of the Leterario Prize "were once" Relatori: Ivana Marianna Pattavina and Roberta Nocentini. Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone and Simoncello "the seasons of the Parco.Primavera" Towards citt?el the Sun. Route: Carpegna-Cima of Raggio-Sasso di Simone. Reservoir Natural of the Rognosi Mounts "Sweet flowers on rognose cliffs". Route: Carmine-Poggio Pian of Croce-Ponte of Fate-Cul di Paiolo-Carmine. MARINE BLOND MEN - for the search and literary critic DOMENICO MASSARO for the novel "Cartesio.00 Italian Center of the d.Autore Photography, opened social lunch to the citizenship. Animation during the distance from part of the Filarmonica Bibbienese and other musical bands of the Casentino. It participates to diocesano Bishop Monsignor Gualtiero Viols nell.ambito Manifestation of the 500. Anniversary Sanctuary of Saint Maria of the Pebble. "the Faellina - Castelfranco and outskirtses" - Guided Excursion Initiative, promoted from the Common one of Castelfranco of Over in collaboration with the Associations For Native place Arnolfo di Cambio. and with "ambient Alcedo and territory" To the hours 9:30 meeting near the Tower Bell of Castelfranco of Over. To hours 12:00 I re-enter to Castelfranco of Over. Free, free and opened Participation to all, large and piccini, advises to sportswear and footwear from trekking. In order to meet themselves, to play, to amuse themselves, to straight make festa.00 world-wide day of the game "the game of the children". Historical-naturalistic explorations on foot and in L.importanza boat and the grip relation between the two precious protect areas, to potr?ssere totally comprised participating to this rich walk of cues and curiosit?in one only landscaped scene. The guided distance permetter?i to enter in contact with the nature of the places in the season pi?ella, offering also the possibilit?i to cross in boat an evocative feature of the river. During the sar?rganizzato day a service shuttle in order to facilitate the intermediate passages and a buffet-lunch, with local typical products, near the Restaurant il Romito.. L.esperienza does not demand a particular physical preparation and?onsigliata indeed to all, a.00 parking under them walls of Laterina and service shuttle for the Villa of Monsoglio.00 fine 1^ stage with pause lunch to the restaurant il Romito. (near the bridge omonimo sull.Arno).30 departure service shuttle for 2^ stage of distance + attraversamento in barca.00 term walk with service shuttle for re-enters to Laterina Route: Monsoglio villa - Dam ENEL Pen - the Pievi - S.Maria in they Goes - Romito Bridge - Montalto Cemetary - Hinge - Pian di Chena Length and difficolt?Itinerario of approximately 10km. Easy distance We recommend l.uso of: scarponcini comfortable, long pants, cap and supply d.acqua. Participation: Obligatory reservation. Quota buffet. 12,00 Information and reservations: Association il Viottolo. - tel. Program of principle: . departure from the Rione di S. Giovanni Valdarno. before stage under Palace of Arnolfo (in public square of common of S. the Giovanni Valdarno), where avverr?' encounter with the friends of Saint Giovanni return all with to the festivity of S. In the price sar?ompresa the mesh BICINCITTA', the assurance, a homage to all the getlteman, the refreshment and one lotteria to prizes. Historical-naturalistic explorations on foot and in L.importanza boat and the grip relation between the two precious protect areas, to potr?ssere totally comprised participating to this rich walk of cues and curiosit?in one only landscaped scene. The guided distance permetter?i to enter in contact with the nature of the places in the season pi?ella, offering also the possibilit?i to cross in boat an evocative feature of the river. During the sar?rganizzato day a service shuttle in order to facilitate the intermediate passages and a buffet-lunch, with local typical products, near the Restaurant il Romito.. L.esperienza does not demand a particular physical preparation and?onsigliata indeed to all, a.00 parking under them walls of Laterina and service shuttle for the Villa of Monsoglio.00 fine 1^ stage with pause lunch to the restaurant il Romito. (near the bridge omonimo sull.Arno).30 departure service shuttle for 2^ stage of distance + attraversamento in barca.00 term walk with service shuttle for re-enters to Laterina Route: Monsoglio villa - Dam ENEL Pen - the Pievi - S.Maria in they Goes - Romito Bridge - Montalto Cemetary - Hinge - Pian di Chena Length and difficolt?Itinerario of approximately 10km. Easy distance We recommend l.uso of: scarponcini comfortable, long pants, cap and supply d.acqua. Participation: Obligatory reservation. Quota buffet. 12,00 Information and reservations: Association il Viottolo. - tel.00 Abbey of Saint Fedele, XXXI Marine Casentino Prize Blond for the search and the literary critic Domenico Massaro for the novel "Cartesio. Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone and Simoncello "the seasons of the Parco.Primavera" "From the mysterious coves to the prelibato one prugnolo". Ludovico, presentation of the books "the Per diem ones of Africa" and "Saharawi - Captive in the desert" They participate: Giovanni Red, Sauro Witnesses, Enzo Brogi, Antonio Manta and Paul Pagni.30 near l.anfiteatro roman Arezzo, Day studentesca.30 didactic lessons for the scolaresche to topic "the fungus" to cure of the Cultural Circle Micologia and new Ambiente.00 inauguration infrastructures of the Parco.40 salute of the participants from part of Sindaco.00 CIAF localit?oci, in the born within of the "Plan in order to read" Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.00 Sacrario of the Fallen - via of the Amphitheater, deposition crown of alloro.30 public square of the celebrativo Libert?concerto of the Festivity of the Republic executed from the students of the Musical Grammar school "Francisco Petrarch" of Arezzo.00 Point Information, departure for excursion Le summits of the Park. In collaboration with official Guide Maura Lucatello. Route: Piancancelli Ring. Falterona Mount - Mount Hawk. Information and reservations: Center Visits of Abbey Prataglia Tel. and Fax 0575/559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism Point Information, meeting for excursion in the National Park of covered the Casentinesi Forests Le summits of the Park. In collaboration with official Guide Maura Lucatello Information and reservations: Casentino Consortium Development & Tourism Tel. 0575 520511. Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests of Abbey Prataglia Tel.00 Knows it Conferences of the Chamber of Commerce, ceremony of premiazione of "the Brand of Qualit? Ospitalit?taliana IS.00 salutes of Peter Faralli, Vincenzo Ceccarelli, Giuseppe Fanfani. Organizational secretariat: Office Tel.15 Tourism knows it of the conferences Aldo Ducci., presentation of the subjects of Nozzles of gold 2007.07) - Giangiacomo Martines. Soprintendenza for the Appsae Assets Piero of the Francesca and the courts italiane..07) - Paul Schiatti. Etruria bank Dalla Mutual Bank Popular Aretina to Bank Etruria (1882-2007). It knows it of the conferences Aldo Ducci., via Cesalpino 53,00 Center Trades them "the Casentino", in the within of the "Plan born in order to read" Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.00 Theatre of the Bicchieraia, presentation of the book of Anna Riviello Maria Ho learned three things. Participations of: Patrizia Gabrielli, Donella Mattesini, Dawn Red, Caterina Tristano Information: Councillorship to the Culture, Show, Tourism and System Museale Tel.00 Communal Library, in the born within of the "Plan in order to read" to Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 years. As to maintain in health and full loads of energy with the ancient art it orients them of the Shiatsu. Miniums conference and Massages Assays for partecipanti.ssa the Fregoli, in the born within of the "Plan in order to read" Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.00 localit?oci, pediatric Outpatients' department Dr. ssa Oddone, in the born within of the "Plan in order to read" Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 anni.30 Communal Hall, Sara Penon "the landscape in the painting antica".00 Church of the Comunit?elle Dominican Nuns of Ganghereto, Fra sky and earth. - Lesson - concert on the gregoriano song with Andrea Just Focardi and Alessio. They take part: Ambrosial Anna, Angela Boninsegni, Filippo Daidone, Andrea Focardi, Alexander Just, Alessio Giusti.30 Bookcase Edison, presentation of the text "Supernova Express" Intrerverranno the authors: Sandro Battisti and Giovanni De Matteo.00 CIAF localit?oci, in the born within of the "Plan in order to read" to Encounter of readings to high voice for children 0 - 6 years. Castle of Valenzano, rinascimentale Banquet in honor of Piero. all.insegna of the kitchen toscana.00 knows it of the Council of Pretorio Palace, presentation of the book of Biagioni Maximum Nada. They participate: Danilo White men, Riccardo Nencini, Mario Checcaglini, Biagioni Maximum, Nada Days, Ciandri.00 Colored person Knows it Great Communal Palace (former Pinacoteca), presentation of the book of Paul Verrazzani I secrets of Castiglion Fiorentino.. Una walk behind in the time in the Reservoir Natural of the Rognosi.00 Mounts meeting to the Madonna of the Carmine. Route: walk on the low heights of the Mounts Rognosi Difficolt?facile and adapted for all. Long pants and shoes sluices (scarponcini or shoes from ginnastica), umbrella and/or optional Barbecue raincoat. 10,00. free for the children Information and reservations: Association Guides La Civetta. Museum of Battaglia di Anghiari tel.00 Field from Strict soccer of Villa, Trophy of the Saracino, contest of abilit?er children on pony.00 Learning Center Helen Doron Early English, presentation of the new poetiche collections of Isania Enormous Forgiane and Massimiliano Presentation of Insania Forgiane to cure of dr. the Enormous Presentation of Massimiliano to cure of dr.ssa the Barbarian Cantelli and the director Massimiliano Caldano Learning Center Helen Doron Early English, via Clamandrei 120H. Historical center of the Saint Quarter of Door Spirito, via Niccol?retino, 4,00 Propositura, Saint Messa and Processione for the ways of Bibbiena. Historical center, Solemn Processione of the Corpus Dominions with infiorata.30 center, Processione of the Corpus Dominions, with infiorata of the center of the country. Comunit?ontana information of Casentino-Servizio CRED 0575507272-75. Celebrazini "1957-2007 Fiftieth anniversary of the company of Deals you of Rome" Communal Palace, public square of the Libert?.00 Knows it of the Communal Council, presentation of the volume of Patrizia Fazzi La shell to dell.essere. Poetries for Piero of the Francesca. They introduce the volume: Emanuela Caroti, Franc Polar, Luciano Luisi musical Intervals: Academy of the Musici Francesco Tetrarca. of Sansepolcro George Pinai flauto and luca D.Amore liuto It knows it of the Communal Council, via Matteotti 1. A supper with the Giant White man - Month of the Natural Chianina.nella Reservoir of the Pebble of Simone a special supper to House of the King made up of Chianina, accompanied from storys on the history, curiosit?le the traditions and the territory that render gigante the white man only. Information and reservations: Alpine shelter of Casa of the King (Sestino). tel.00 Room you meet of the Communal School of Music P.Bracciolini., presentation of the book Fanny Mendelssohn: notes to margin "to cure of the author Adriana Mascoli School of Communal Music Poggio Bracciolini., Via Concini 5,00 adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. Roberta May reads Festa in Garden. of Katherine Mansfield Franz Coriasco from Turin the authoritative voice of a musical giornalista/critico, author of the books Parole and Music: trent.anni of cantautori in Italy. and of Rock and outskirtses. from Milan Maria Ferraro & Logical Suono, Laura Pausini Tribute Band. Saint public square Giusto, Settimana of the Quartierista June 2007, of the Quarter of Door Sant' Andrea.00 Beginning week of the quartierista. Pizzeria.30 Giochi for children. Cascade of palloncini.30 Giochi for children. Giostra of the Saracino for bimbi.30 Music from the alive one with Fuorigioco..30 Giochi for children. Evening of animazione.30 Music from the alive one with Alessandra..00 To I walk with the Pony (scuderia PAN-Pony Club.00 Music from the alive one with the Actio. and Strawberry the Fields..30 Giochi for children. First edition of the Rally Sant.Andrea. 2007,30 Music from alive with Moreno the Picchio..00 the Tests Generates them and to follow Canti in S. Public square During and after the musical supper us sar?a Performance. By Francisco Irrera..: From the 15 to the 22 june all the evenings funzioner?l service Bar and the Boutique Biancoverde. The present calendar, in case if n?erifichi necessit?potr?ubire variations that will be timely comunicate.30 Meeting to the large square of the Port in Bridge to Poppi, acceptance, recording of the participants, climb to the Castle and Moto.30 parking Ceremony of salute of the Autorit? Blessing of the motion and the motorcyclists from the Public square of the Castle and short turn for a salute to the population that us ospita.00 Meeting to the Large square of the Port and from here, guides to you from couriers, will be lead ai.30 Sistemazione of the V-Strommers in rooms d.albergo.00 free Supper near alberghi.30 Arrivo to Camaldoli. pause for Eremo. visit purchase produced typical and receptive structure for a lunch continues for the Sanctuary de the Verna for second visita.00 the Transfer near one turistico.00 free Departure in direction Bibbiena/Poppi for the return to base.00 the Meeting in the Large square of the Port of Bridge to Poppi.30 Departure in several directions for walks in motion: proposed goals: The Pratomagno, one beautiful walk of 20 Km.00 Pause for the free lunch and ristoro.00 Bridge Rientro to Poppi. Fine of the gathering, salutes and all to house thinking gi?l next. "To horse in Valtiberina Tuscany" Three days to horse in the earth of Piero of the Francesca in order to know art, culture, tradition and gastronomia. Loclait?oliciano, III Motorocchio - motoradno national for all the types of moto.00 panoramic turn towards Arezzo and characteristic places of the citt?Policiano where initiatives of divertimento and tasting of the typical products will be predisposed aretini.00 adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. From Bologna Faber Band Tributo to Fabrizio De Andr?Ricordi of vinile. Raduno-Party for the lovers of the vinile. Door your preferred disc and makes to listen it. Long foot thrust the Main Channel of Chiana 1. Distance: Sluice of the Monaci. Villa of Frassineto.00 Sluice of the Monaci, Meeting of the participants. Visit and departure. 2. Distance: Bridges of Cortona. Villa of Frassineto.00 Bridges of Cortona, Meeting of the participants. Departure. The assigned technical staff of the Defended Service of the Ground, illustrer?e hydraulic works presents. Near the Villa of Frassineto verr?fferta one breakfast to all the participants. Park of the Villa of Frassineto, Immagini and history of the Valdichiana..00 Salute of the President of the Province of Arezzo. Vincenzo Ceccarelli.30 image and Presentation filmato of the Valdichiana. Dott.00 Presentation of the book Atlante of the Valdichiana. Anna Guarducci. Teacher of Geography all.Universit?i Siena.20 the system of the hydraulic works of reclamation of the Valdichiana: patrimony dell.umanit?Le reasons. Committee for the Protection of the Valdichiana. Giuseppe Lusini. Directive National UNESCO.40 Salutes of the Agencies and Associations presenti.00 Conclusions of Angel Cardone Maria. City council member of the Province of Arezzo.30 Tasting of the typical products of the Valdichiana.30 Concert of the orchestra I guide of Arezzo Coordinates Pier Luigi Amorini. President of the Circoscrizione n. 5 (Rigutino) During the manifestation will be exposed and reward you the jobs of the boys of the solar fields During the verr?istribuita manifestation the map of the Sentiero of the Reclamation. Near the meeting places wide parkings are present. Information: Defended service of the Ground tel. Propiziatorie suppers for the Palio of the Rioni. to cure of the Rioni.30 Classroom Magna dell.Istituto Vegni, presentation of the Book Istituto Vegni, from the origins to our days. Day in honor of the Bishop of Fiesole S. Mons: Luciano Young mans in the 50, anniversary of Its Ordinazione Sacerdotale.15 Communal Theatre of the Antei Saluto of the Autorit?30 church of the Prepositura, Messa.15 Saint church of the Prepositura, d.onore concert Secretariat: Common of Pratovecchio, Office Culture tel. A remedy of Riserva. in the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone.00 House of the King, botanical walk in company of experts in order to discover, to recognize and to use the officinali plants of the Reservoir Natural. Information and reservation: Alpine shelter of Casa of the King (Sestino). tel.00 adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. Roberta May reads chosen brani from Goliarda Sapienza and Sylvia Plath. from Rome THE BEATERS The Beatles Tribute Band. Reservoir Natural Bridge Buriano and Penna Insetti perch?o. The naturalist who?entro of we. Exploration guided in the cane field To the term vision of diapositive to the Visita.00 Center meeting to the Center Visit of Bridge Buriano (Arezzo). Conclusive lunch to the restaurant the Four Stones (upon request). Information and reservation: Association Guides Il Viottolo. (Montevarchi). Center Visits Bridge Buriano and Penna. The river and its history. Loc. Sanctuary of Saint Maria of the Pebble, Celebrations of the Corpus Dominions. Putting vespertina the Bishop of Verona Father Flavio Roberto Carraio. For l.occasione the before large square the Church sar?operto from a carpet with images and eucaristici symbols prepared from nell.ambito the Camaioresi friends Manifestation of the 500. Anniversary Sanctuary of Saint Maria of the Pebble. 1^ stage: localit?oggiospinoso: crostini mixed and salumi of Lucignano 2^ stage: to localit?elvedere: pici to the gravy of the grandmother 3^ stage: localit?ornace: grilled mixed chianina 4^ stage: Castle of the Calcione: cakies and vinsanto. From shuttle for I re-enter to Lucignano Departures spaced out from the Garden here Publics with timetable to agree at the moment of the reservation the manifestation terr?nche in rain case Quota registration: . 22,00 to person. 10,00 children until 10 obligatory years Reservation within the 14 june 2007: Barby agency Travels (Gabriella) Tel. 0575 836747 (from luned?l the saturday morning) barbyviaggi@tin. Walk in the Reservoir Natural Forest of Montalto "In the Reign of tigli" the Walk to Montalto, in a rare forest for its biodiversit? visit all.antichissimo eremo of Cerbaiolo.00 historical center, Regional Gathering National Association Carabinieri.00 historical center, Center Trades them Natural. Nella mountain of Piero of the Francesca: walk pittorica. in the Reservoir Natural Alpe of the Moon Walks in company of an expert artist with a lot of tavolozza and colors. Information and reservation: Farm holidays Fattoria di Germagnano. (Sansepolcro). Tourist office Comprensoriale di Sansepolcro. Via Matteotti, 8. tel. European day of the Parks Origine and dynamics of the calanchi of the Pebble of Simone. in the Excursion with Dr. colored Christian Iasio on the terre of the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone. Information and reservation: Center Visits Pebble of Simone. L.evoluzione of the landscape. Via Marches, 29. 52038 Sestino - tel. The prescriptions of Riserva. in the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone.00 an afternoon to House of the King, in order to discover and to find again the sapori of the typical products through tastings and prescription realization. Information and reservation: Alpine shelter of Casa of the King (Sestino). tel.00 adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. Franciscan Grace. In travel with l.Arcangelo.. Mariella Of I (102TV), Silvia Ciarpaglini (Bookcase To read), Doriana Stazio Take part (Coord President. Voluntary service), Mirella Curly (Vice president Province of Arezzo) and Maddalena Pieroni (Teletruria) Five Continents. a Free production Academy of the Teatro/Danza of Arezzo choreographies Roberto Scortecci Images, we danced classic and modern, magical l.unione and of the culture of the five continents. With the participation of the masks of the Carnival of the Sons of Bocco.00 adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. Fabio Geda introduces Per the rest of the Travel has talked nonsense to the Indians. Book of the month of Fahreneit/Radio3 and candidate to the Prize Witch 2007. Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio dell.Ambiente Minister and of the Protection of the Territory and the Sea introduces Una scomoda verit?di Gore. Arezzo).00 Weekly magazine moderates l.incontro Francisco Marmorini (adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. Reading Homage to Don Milani. in the 40, year from the dead women Tiziano Terzani Il kamikaze of the peace. Purtroppo not creed that we will be able ourselves to be met. Account to withdraw to me from the world outside and not meeting completely pi?essuno. Max de Martino and Antonio Bortolotti (Tiziano Mario Zanot (Storyteller) and d.Ippolito Diego take part (the Nation) la pi?rande Victoria?uella that it is obtained without to fight." Exhibition of practical Aikido and of the ki. to cure of group SALUS. 2. National gathering Camper Giostra of the Saracino Citt?i Arezzo..00 adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. Al?ibri for Arezzo readings from "Sayings and filastrocche of Arezzo" and "Myths and legends of Arezzo", edited by Clear Dazzles from Follonica Gargamella Nasce in the insidiosi forests dell.alta fen, between history of ghosts, magical animals and fantastic beings. Their music deep brani traditional ancestral of every place and time and brani originates them, played with a poor attitude and minibadly, of musical survival. Actors: Gilberto Pilgrims, Cristian Materazzi, Juan Marcalain, Musac Mendy. Teacher: Noidellescarpediverse Samuele Boncompagni and Riccardo Valeriani All ci?he avverr?ul theater box has one order word: originalit?Testi and personages are the fruit of the made job and the sweat (even if laughing it) poured in the encounter weeklies magazine. After one first propedeutica phase, teacher and students are throw to you to driven in head in the meandri of the writing and the location of "the just" comic one. All have written, all are puttinges in game giving one voice and a body to those words. Every exercise has carried to one sketch, one gag, from every smeared sheet of?irato ink outside a comic piece. A single objective: to laugh and to make to laugh. The comedian necessarily lives with the presence of the public, the occasion of the test?i to verify the organized delirium in the course months. Sogno of a night of average summer - Festivity of solstizio. in the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone a evening of storys and encounter to House of the King to the riscoperta one of the traditions tied to the calendar of the seasons. Information and reservation: Alpine shelter of Casa of the King (Sestino). tel.30 Planetary of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, Solstizio Edison Book Store, presentation of the volume Terre and Skies of Piero of the Francesca. Route in earth of Arezzo. of Giovanni Tenucci Participations of Liletta Fornasari, Giovanni Tenucci, Aldo Ferrucci Edison Book Store, public square Renaissance 31 angle via Verdi.00 adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. David intercultural audiovisional Documentation digita them to cure of the Prof. from Rome Synchronicity Band Sting & Police Tribute Band. Quarter of Door of the Hole, supper outside Door. From Giovi to Buriano Bridge - creativit? sympathy in the sport with alluvial means canoes and gommoni.30 Dance with orchestra show Aldino and Blue Star. d.artificio income gratuito.15 Fires and show pyrotechnician sull.acqua. Regulations available near the local Jacks of Buriano bridge Registrations to the contest the saturday 17,00 hours adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. from Trieste Pinkover To Tribute to Pink Floyd.00 Hospital of the Casentino, inauguration Hospital of the Casentino Hospital of the Casentino, via Filippo Turati 40. Sanctuary of Saint Maria of the Pebble, Anniversary dell.apparizione of the Madonna solemn Presieder?a Concelebrazione diocesano Bishop Monsignor Gualtiero Viols with the participation of the Parroci of the nell.ambito Casentino Manifestation of the 500. Anniversary Sanctuary of Saint Maria of the Pebble. Historical center, IX Foianofotografia Fotografare: fashion, architecture, art and design. to cure of the Fotoclub Furio Of the Fury. in collaboration with l.Istituto Italian of culture in Finland. Nencetti, inauguration and for sar?naugurata l.occasione also the new Knows it Espositiva of Via Solferino. Localit?l Borro, 1. Extemporaneous painting prize Per the ways of the Borro. with topic Scorci on the historical center and dintorni..00 historical center, "Night White woman" Shows, d.artificio music and fires until all.alba.00 farm holidays the Small farm of Germagnano, Sulle traces of the preistorico man. Reservations and information: Farm holidays the Small farm of Germagnano Tel.30 La mountain of citt?erdute. the seminary of studies in occasion of the publication of the volume Il Pebble of Simone in the history and the myth. Visit to the Medical rests of the Citt?i Cosimo De.. Sulle tracks dell.uomo preistorico. in the Reservoir Natural Alpe of the Moon. Information and reservation: Farm holidays Fattoria di Germagnano. (Sansepolcro). Tourist office Comprensoriale di Sansepolcro. Via Matteotti, 8. tel.00 adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. Reading homage to Umberto Saba. in the 50, year from the dead women. from Rome PG Tribute Band Peter Gabriel Tribute Band.00 Commemoration fallen of Battaglia di Cetica, extension of historical witnesses and reperti, projection video and testimonies. Comunit?ontana information of 0575507272-75,00 Casentino-Servizio CRED Center Visit, meeting for excursion in the National Park of covered the Casentinesi Forests "the Blade. In collaboration with official Guide Silvia Fratini Information and reservations: Casentino Consortium Development & Tourism Tel. 0575 520511. Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests of Abbey Prataglia Tel.00 Center Visit of Prataglia Abbey, excursion La Blade. In collaboration with Official Guide Silvia Fratini. After an pleasant pause on the prati ones of the Blade we will go back on the crinale having grazed the cascade of the Fangacci passing for the Pit of the Acute ones and the Scalandrini. Information and reservations: Center Visits of Abbey Prataglia Tel. and Fax 0575/559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. Roberta May reads to chosen brani from Se one night d.inverno a traveller. of Italian Calvin L.Italia, l.Europa, the world seen from one perspective unusual, in tries of angles-shot and different particular, various points of observation. An eye that grazes citt?panorami, emotions. A travel to the discovery of people and the places of all the world. They take part Tamara Pastorelli and Marzia Zanutto (MarcoPolo - Sky), Manolo Martini (Magic-Sky), Stefano Cipriani (Cineforum2) and Mark Caneschi (Arezzo).30 Weekly magazine Episcopal Seminary, inauguration of the Laboratory of restoration dell.Archivio Historical Diocesano Inauguration from part of Gualtiero Bishop Viols and from university professor Caterina Tristano. Interverr?nche don Carl Tubes, diocesano director dell.Archivio. The prepared?tato laboratory from the Center of studies on the librari and archival assets dell.Universit?i Siena. Between the instruments also one machine for the virtual restoration of documents That one of Arezzo?a first Italian diocese to equip of a laboratory with the modern equipments for the restoration and the conservation of just the archival-librario.00 patrimony adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. Francisco Botti reads L.ultima hunting. of Lansdale. Daniela Grandi and Silvia Resta (LA7 News take part), Francisco Petrelli (President UCODEP) and Luca Tosi (102TV).00 Inn sull.Arno, nell.ambito of the manifestation Volarondine. Supper multietnica.00 adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. Who is the Geosiani, the Nautili and the Antichi. Mark Bianchini, Patrizio Evangelisti, Mark Santucci (Arcadia Study) and Luca take part Forests (COMICS School) Filarmonica Guido Monaco With pride resist to the mode and maintain its tradition in the execution of ouverture of work of the pi?amosi Italian Masters. With the same enthusiasm it introduces also a repertorio that transports us in atmospheres popolari.00 Palace of the Marzocco, new inauguration preparation palace of the Palace of Battaglia. Museum of the Memories and the Landscape in the Earth of Anghiari. Historical-naturalistic walk along the reglia of mulini..30 the Departure from the Borghetto for the Flour mill Martini, Podere Ripa, Guardabasso. To the Common un.illustrazione and arrival Flour mill where?revisto l.aperitivo of the landscape of Piero of the Francesca to cure of the Long Prof.50 the Reglia of the Flour mills until the Mulin Bianco.30 Arrivo to the Maest?ella Victoria. Description of the fact d.arme that it saw the Tuscany to prevail on the Visconti, to cure of the Frank Prof. Polcri, Historian dell.Arte.40 From the Maest?ella Victoria to the Field d.arme of Saint Rocco: short long walk straight d.Anghiari.00 the Ristoro of the viandante with prelibate summery pietanze. Registration to walk + ristoro of viandante + a ticket of the Lotteria of the Racing silk: 12,00 Information and reservations: Tourist office, For Tel.00 Native place adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. The cultural and daily association on-linens of cinema with center to Rome introduces the jobs of the School of Cinema Wild Paths. Sanctuary of Saint Maria of the Pebble, nocturnal Processione of the Angels Departure from the localit?amenza until to the nell.ambito Sanctuary Manifestation of the 500. Anniversary Sanctuary of Saint Maria of the Natural Sasso.00 Reservoir Goes them dell.Inferno and Hinge, Fantafavolagrafia: Il code from Hinge. Laboratorio.spettacolo dedicated to the children from 5. 11 years. Notes: all.arrivo the children will be received from the Guides who will assist them for all the duration of the show. He remembers himself that to Hinge the places cars available are reserve you to old and disabili. It is necessary therefore to leave the parking of Monticello and Pian di Chena. Hinge, esimio studious of fantastic and natural sciences, has found again near the Reservoir Natural Goes them dell.Inferno and Hinge one curious tablet. L.eccezionale ritrovamento seems face reference to a treasure guarded from the inhabitants vegetables and animals of the Reservoir... Information and reservations: Center Hillock Visit tel.30 Knows it Consiliare of the Common one, salute of welcome from part of autorit?ocali.00 the former Church Convent the Abbess, Concert d.apertura of the pittoriche Extensions with violinista M. Alessio Bidoli Inauguration and presentation of the extensions to cure of the Dr. The extensions will be opened giornalmente from hours 17 to hours 20. It is remembered moreover that to the Museum of the Cassero?perta the Extension L.antica bottega of the ceramista Aretini Zulimo. (to cure of the Dr. the Abbess Knows them former Convent, extension of Boruta Tadeusz, Aldona Mickiewicz Two coming from Polish artists dall.Accademia of Fine Arts of Cracovia, participates to independent cultural movement (1983-89) the from Milan origins, the academic studies to Brera, l.adozione Tuscany makes from background to the style and the content of the painting of Sergio Borella. A style classic, figurative, suspended between surrealism and iperrealismo, that it embraces one poetica ecological. Former Sinagoga, extension of Clear Salandin Arcadipane lived from Milan Photographer to London for various years has made contemporary one of the foundations of its d.autore photography. Capillary L.osservazione becomes a communication channel with l.umanit?uotidiana.30 Logge of the Merchants, Aperitif in music Students of the School of Saint Mount music Savino (M. Franco Paturzo).30 church of the Pieve, Conference - Concert (on rinascimentale organ of the Pieve), M. Matteo Galliums Information: Office Tourist Information Tel. I Es & Cappuccino, Oviedo Me Amor, tasting drinks and foods directly from the Asturia.00 Hanging Garden of the Palace of the Province, presentation of the volume of Oliviero Beha Come to resist in the swamp of Italiopoli. Salute of Emanuela Caroti, Daniel Piccini Hanging Garden of the Palace of the Province, via Ricasoli.00 adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. Cortometraggi competition the Garden of V-Idee. Fraction Agnano Abbey Umbertini public square, Come we were. Deposition crown of bay in memory of the fallen near the Cemetary of the Country. Nell.ambito of the manifestation In way for pace..00 the Casabianca Small farm, Week-End divine to Casabianca Small farm. Free tasting of the products of the Small farm. Presentation of the new label Donna Laura. For sar?ossibile l.occasione to acquire the products of the small farm with a reduction in price of 15% Agricultural Company Casabianca. of Bargellini L aura, Via N. serale-nocturnal Esplorazione in the Reservoir Natural It goes them dell.Inferno and Hinge Un forest, the river under the moon. One fascinating lead experience sensory through several natural atmospheres of the Reservoir, in prossimit?el drawn fluvial pi?ello of Goes them dell.Arno. Curiosando between the forests, prati and the sides of the river, gradevolmente accompanies you from the sun to the sunset and then from the moon, in magical atmospheres. The Guides acclimatize them of the Reservoir will lead in emergency and will be to disposition in order to satisfy all curiosit?A the fine?revista walk one tasting (on reservation) of eno-gastronomici products to the Restaurant Lo Strettoio..00 Large square of the restaurant Lo Strettoio./Pian di Chena (Laterina).00 Term excursion with possibilit?i tasting to the restaurant Lo Strettoio.. Route: Inner distances of the Reservoir, between the Agna Torrent and the Borro Ascione, in skillful river of the Arno River. It is recommended l.uso of shoes from trekking and long pants. Participation: Free excursion. Quota for the buffet. 10,00. The?bbligatoria reservation Information and reservations: Common of Laterina - 0575-880133/329-6504781. fax 0575-894626. APT (tourist Office) S. under the moon naturalistic walk in the magical nocturnal atmosphere, through the covered pi?ignificati ones to you dell.Area protect of Hinge /buffet conclusivo.00 Caff?ella Moon, extension of the scultoree works of Luca Nistri. De Taste Club, extension of the pittoriche works of Federico Zanzi Painter and history teacher, Federico Zanzi has participated to important competitions and extensions, obtaining prizes and acknowledgments. Presentation of the Collection of poems of Giuseppe Billoni (Prof. Silvia Santin - reciting voice, Alexander Tawny - chitarra.00 Supper with the artists of Open Event (with reservation). Musicale/teatrale performance (pianoforte and voice) that it takes cue from the written ones of Dino Fumaretto, created tragicomico personage from Elia Billoni. Information: Office Tourist Information Tel.00 Garden of the Library boys, Red presentation of the book of Ida Them Vigni and Paul Aldo "Throat master amatissima. Feeding and culinaria art from the et?ardo classic to that medieval one ". During the evening they will be offers medieval prescription assays. Garden of the Library boys, Via Concini the 3 In case of maltempo l.incontro terr?resso the Communal Library Furnaces, Public square 37,00 Furnaces adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. Francisco Botti reads Bambini. of Mark Vichi from Florence Killer Queen Official Italian Queen Tribute Band. Localit?trada in Casentino - historical center, Bianca.15 Night public square of the Ghianderino, Una public square and one hundred rhymes. poetiche improvisations. School of poetica improvisation of Terranuova Bracciolini.00 ways of the center, dall.aperitivo gastronomico route Lucignan eating to dolce..00 music from alive with Beautiful the Epoque Music from alive with Lupen III 4 the Steps in the relax. you discover for the roads of the historical center. L.oriente, the beach, the garden and the campaign, riproposti in all the particular Acrobati, trampolieri, equilibristi. statues living, parades and dances on the trampoli, aereoclown up and down: trapeze, aerial and giocoleria rope. Imbilicando: show in equilibrium on the thread and giocoleria.00 Sogni in the night show with fire, trampoli and you play pirici and for all the night open storees for shopping.00 the Fanfulla public square, Supper Rinascimentale (Scannagallo).00 historical center, the historical Corteo of Baldovino. Devout of recitazione that under the direction of Giulio Vignoli inscena repertori teatrali classici.00 caff?etterario: encounter with the authors de I New Feelings. Dr. One of the composers Americans pi?ffermati to level internazionale.30 Caff?ella Moon, Caff?usicale with the students of the School of Saint Mount Music Savino (M. Franco Paturzo).00 Opening of the convention Le islands of the creativit? D.onore host: M. Juan Baladan-Gadea (Italian-uruguaiano).00 composer-poet former Church Convent the Abbess, Duo Rosam Chief. Mezzosoprano: Annika Kaschenz - Pianoforte: Master Francisco Attests Brani di Gluck, Mozart, Rossini, Chopin, Brahms, Debussy, Bizet, Piazzolla Information: Office Tourist Information Tel. historical-naturalistic Walk nell.ANPIL monumental Arboretum of Moncioni Natura and history in a chiar of moon. Pleasant L.itinerario and fascinating, are developed between the castles, the forests and the campaigns of the Chianti, during the walk will be able to enjoy one of the pi?pettacolari panoramas of the Advanced Valdarno in one evening of full moon. The evening concluder?resso l.Azienda Borgo di Fontebussi. with one exquisite buffet made up of typical products locali.00 meeting near the Castle of Moncioni and visit guided to the Pinetum. (?aggiungibile Moncioni from Montevarchi, following also identifying for the Crossodromo di Miravalle).30 the transfer in car for Fontebussi.00 Village beginning walk with route circolare.00 Fine walk to Fontebussi Village and buffet Route: Arboretum of Moncioni - Fontebussi Village - S.Marco - Starnano - Hill to the Monache -. it is always recommended l.uso of shoes from trekking, covered legs, cap and supply d.acqua. Free for walk + quota buffet. 12,00 (upon request) Information and reservations: Association il Viottolo. - tel. Natura and history in a chiar of moon. Naturalistic walk nell.ANPIL Monumental Arboretum of nineteenth-century Moncioni naturalistic Walk nell.arboreto of Gaeta Villa and panoramic excursion between the castles of Moncioni and Montegonzi. Conclusive Buffet to Fontebussi Village (upon request) Information and reservation: Association Guides Il Viottolo. (Montevarchi). tel. Polyvalent center, Festivity of the Misericordia and Frates. Piantravigne: earth accommodates them in the world of the cliffs. Walks, tastings and encounter nell.antico castle that shows oneself on the Balze.30 until the sunset, walk in the territory of the Cliffs, company of the guides of Alcedo, Cai and the Viottolo.00 pause near l.agriturismo the Cliffs (Botriolo road for Castelfranco) for the presentation of the new tourist guide sull.area.00 arrival to Piantravigne and supper in public square with plates prepares to you from the inhabitants and products introduce to you from the agricultural companies of Terranuova. Dsre confirmation of the Tel presence. For all the evening in public square, sar?resente the Bibliobus: the library with the wheels that offers to free service of loan books for large and piccini, readings animated and information on the initiatives proposed from the Comune.00 concert for f lauto and Popular guitar Dal to the Classic one e.00 re-enters with bus shuttle to Treggiaia (the supper?iservata to the participants all.escursione. Information and reservations: Common of Terranuova Bracciolini Service Promotion of the Territory: tel.30 It knows it Audiovisual aids, presentation of guide "An adventure in Tuscany" of Dawn Angela Seeley and Giuseppe Dynes Participations of the Mayor of Anghiari and dell.Ambasciatore of the Canada.00 adjacent Park to Saint public square Domenico, Il garden of the ideas. Reading homage to Primo Levi. in the 20, year from the dead women. from Lucca Zeppelin Graffiti Led Zeppelin Tribute Band.. in the Reservoir Natural Alpe of the Moon. Afternoon dedicated to the children with games and projections in order to know the Natural Reservoirs Information and reservation: For native place Abbey Tedalda (Uff. Alpe of Moon and ANPIL Pratieghi). P.00 in occasion of the documentary extension "Days of the Libert?La war of liberation in Casentino" readings edited by Alessandra Aric?on musical accompanyment of Alexander Moretti Testimonies on the war in the Common one of castel Focognano drawn from the book "Figures woven in the small history" of Lara Pasquini Comunit?ontana Information of Casentino-Servizio CRED 0575507272-75. Not agonistico motorcycle gathering dedicated to the Vespe and Lambrette not only of epoca.30 Castiglion Fiorentino, meeting and departure for turn of the Valdichiana with visit to the wine house Saint Fabiano (AR) and aperitif near the Park of Lignano. Return to Castiglion Fiorentino and lunch to the Garden Underground with premiazione for the participants and music with DJ-set. Information and registrations: For-Native place Castiglion Fiorentino - Tel. Localit?ontecchio Circle Schiatti., Supper dell.ocio Information: For Native place of Castiglion Fiorentino Tel. 0575 658278. Cultural institution and Educational Castiglionese Tel. In way for the peace from Civitella in Val di Chiana to Saint Pancrazio: from the memory of the war all.impegno for the peace. 63. Anniversary Eccidi di San Pancrazio and Civitella in Val di Chiana. Pancrazio for Civitella in Val di Chiana.45 Encounter of the participants in Public square Alcide Lazzeri (Civitella in Val di Chiana).45 bay Deposition crown of near the monument to the Martyrdoms of Civitella in Val di Chiana.00 Departure of the march from Civitella in Val di Chiana.00 Deposition crown of bay near the monument to the Fallen of the Cornia.30 Arrivo of the march to the Intercultural Center Don Giuseppe Torelli. Saint Pancrazio. Deposition crown of bay near the Sacrario di San Pancrazio. Inauguration sculpture Il beacon. of Florence Hills. Salute of the Mayors of Bucine and Civitella in Val di Chiana. Projection of the short product from the young participants to the laboratory for peace 2007,30 I re-enter in coach from Saint Pancrazio to Civitella.30 roads of the historical center, the Clowns animation for bambini.00 the Former Sinagoga, Encounter with the Jewish literature and the poetry. Fabrizio Lelli takes care of language and Italian Jewish literature of modern et?edioevale and. And moreover of contemporary Israeli witnesses relati to the Hebrew profughi nell.Italia of the Post-war period Participations to you of Jewish music of Reine Brigitte Sulem - violino. Greens, Introduction and Concert of the composer Yehudi Wyner, with the participation of Reine Brigitte Sulem - violino and Gabriel Betti - flauto.30 Mount public square, the Commedianti of the Mount recite the Novel quarter of the Seventh day of the Decameron: Tofano and Monna Ghita. (teatrale Company Dir. Information: Office Tourist Information Tel.00 sport Zone, Festivity of the Donor to cure dell.Avis and Fratres di Etruscan Pratovecchio.30 Museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona, nell.ambito of the manifestation Notti dell.archeologia. didactic laboratories experiences us them for children Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona Tel. Park of the Song to the Frog, Robinson Park you play and animation for ragazzi.45 Bicchieraia Theatre, presentation of the book Piero of the Francesca. Prescriptions, storys and secrets. edited by Piero Curly Calabrian Omar, Facolt?i Letters and Philosophy of Siena Maurizio Cecconi, Total Village Curly International Piero, Facolt?i Letters and Philosophy of Arezzo. Sar?ossibile to pick common how much in c.?ra painting and cooking, as an example to cook, that is to hide with the heat, and to paint, that is hiding with the color. In this game of refraction, pittoriche and culinarie alchemies, snodano the imaginary distances (in the literal sense of passare through l.immagine.) of this book. (Piero Curly). Councillorship to the Culture, Show, Tourism and Mussale System of the Common one of Arezzo, public square of the Libert?1 Tel. Councillorship Beni and Attivit?ulturali of the Province of Arezzo, via I guide Monaco, 17 tel. Agency for the Tourism of Arezzo, public square Renaissance 116. Tel.00 Villa Strict, inauguration of Spazio Provincial Goivani Presentation of the situated "Clikkalo" dedicated to the young people (www Visit to the extension of all the jobs and presentazine of multimediale the Cd catalogue Information: Office Political Juvenile - Province of Arezzo Tel. XI International Prize Fair Play Mecenate:. Historical center, you play inflatable and entertainment musicale.00 Center of Documentation of the Archaeological Culture, narration for children "Burning Wizard of East" the imaginary and realt?Birrificio archaeological medical report between Handicraft Pevak, Road To, 16/B - localit?an Etruscan Zeno.30 Museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona, nell.ambito of the manifestation Notti dell.archeologia. didactic laboratories experiences us them for children Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona Tel. Covered with historical cars in localit?i the Piero.30 public square of the Church, nell.ambito of the European Prize of Popular Theatre the Giogo, gastronomica evening in public square Information: Cultural association the Giogo Tel.00 Center painting Visit, laboratory Forme and colors of the nature. An approach, a contact and an exchange with the nature that tradurr?n communication for images. Every participant to have fortified of matite own. Information and reservations: Center Visits of Abbey Prataglia Tel. The Casentino Consortium Development and Tourism in collaboration with the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests and the Oros cooperative organizes for gioved? JULY to hours 16. An approach, a contact and an exchange with the nature that tradurr?n communication for images. Every participant to have fortified of matite own. For info and reservations Center Visit of Abbey Prataglia 0575/559477 or 0575/520511. Fantafavolagrafia "the code from Hinge" in the Reservoir Natural Goes them of Hell and Hinge. Laboratory-show dedicated to the children from 5-11 years. Notes: all.arrivo the children will be received from the Guides who will assist them for all the duration of the show. He remembers himself that to Hinge the places cars available are reserve you to old and disabili. It is necessary therefore to leave the parking of Monticello and Pian di Chena. Hinge, esimio studious of fantastic and natural sciences, has found again near the Reservoir Natural Goes them dell.Inferno and Hinge one curious tablet. L.eccezionale ritrovamento seems face reference to a treasure guarded from the inhabitants vegetables and animals of the Reservoir... Information and reservations: Center Hillock Visit tel.30 Signorelli public square, XI edition International Prize Fair Play Mecenate. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Held Tel. Tourism the Borro, Giardini opened music, visits and tastings in places "secrets" and of great bellezza.30 Opening ticket office near the gate of the Villa.45 Beginning visits guided to the wine cellars of the Estate the Borro (every visit durer?0 or 15 minuteren to second dell.affluenza). van Beethoven: Concert for pianoforte and orchestra n. To follow wine tasting and small assays of products of the territory. L.accesso to the?onsentito Villa only to the cars of the personal inside. it is advised therefore to close leave the own car near the parking situated in prossimit?el crossroad of income to the Medieval Village (to the Madonnino) obligatory Reservation, near: Point tourist information On linens on the situated one: www. 055 9194722. Service Promotion of the Territory tel.00 Archaeological Museum of the Casentino, free extraordinary opening of the Museum (nell.ambito of Notti the dell.Archeologia.) Archaeological museum of the Casentino, localit?artina, Via Tosco Inhabitant of Romagna 29. 335 6244537. Communal library of Bibbiena- Service Culture tel. Information: For Native place of Castiglion Fiorentino Tel. 0575 658278. Cultural institution and Educational Castiglionese Tel.30 garden publics, meeting for trekking Cortona- Piazzano and visit to nell.ambito the Reinhardt garden Initiative of the manifestation Notti dell.archeologia.. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of Citt?i Cortona Tel. guided Walk to Hill to the situated Queen and archaeological of Castiglion of the Guider?.escursione Court and the situated visit to archaeological of Castiglion of the Court the Dott.30 introduction to the walk and departure from the Pieve di S.00 arrival to the Castiglion of the Court, placed on sommit?i the Hill to Queen (914 smlm) visit to the situated one archeologico.30 I re-enter to the Pieve with point of ristoro advised Equipment: borraccia or bottle for l.acqua, shoes from camminaa or ginnastica, profits hat and protection solare.00 Tanucci public square, Festivity of the Coop of Is. High in the sky in direction south, the constellations become visible symbol of this period: Lira, Cigno and Aquila. The main stars of these constellations. respective Vega, Deneb and Altair. easy individualistic, in how many particularly shining stars. they constitute you concern us of the so-called "Summery Triangle". Vega?a pi?rillante star of the summery sky. The constellation of the Lira comprises, beyond to Vega, also a small group of 4 stars disposed to parallelogramma. The constellation of the Aquila has instead a shape to "T", and Altair of it represents the head. The Aquila door the lightnings to Zeus, God of the Thunder, and accompanies it in many legends. Between the pi?ote, that one of Prometeo, the first man who os?er to scale Mount Olympus, the mount of of i, in order to steal the fire. In order to punish it Zeus leg?d one cliff and mand?' Aquila to mangiargli the liver. The luminous Deneb star of the Cygnus completes the trittico, dictates also Cross of the North, for its easy recognizable shape. Deneb in Arab means tail: this star represents in fact the tail of the animal in which trasform?eus in order sedurre It offends. Deneb deserves a particular attention: between shining stars of the sky, it visible pi?ontana it to eye knot: it tos be distant beyond 1600 light years from we. For comparison, Altair tos be distant alone 16 light years - 100 times less than Altair - and Vega approximately 27 light years. These last two stars are therefore luminous mainly for effect of their relatively small distance. Deneb?nvece one so-called "blue supergiant", with an equal diameter to beyond 150 times that one of the Sun and one luminosit?i tens of migliaia of times advanced. Planetarium of the Park Center for the Didactics and the spreading dell.astronomia - Center visits of Is (AR) Via Montegrappa n. 2 Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism Archaeological Museum of the Casentino, free income to the Museum Archaeological Museum of the Casentino, localit?artina, Via Tosco Inhabitant of Romagna 29. 335 6244537. Communal library of Bibbiena- Service Culture tel.30 Melone II of the Hard one, Archeotour: visit to the situated ones of the archaeological park with means just. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona Tel.00 "Demijohn under the Logge" typical product and wine tasting for the ways and the public squares of the country accompanies from the Unexpected Band In collaboration with the Traders of local the historical Center and the Viticoltori to you. With the participation of the Group Astrofili Valdarno Reservations and information: Footwear Lorena tel.30 ANPIL Monumental Arboretum of Moncioni, Il Pinetum di Moncioni, botanical museum of the Valdarno. Moncioni, fraction of the common one of Montevarch, arrives to you to Moncioni is continued for Ucerano for approximately 1,5 Km and it reaches all.ingresso of the Park Information and reservation: Common of Montevarchi (URP). Alcedo ambient and territory snc. (Terranuova B. Escursione in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel. Tourism La nature, the history, the legend excursion guided in the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone Un.affascinante covered between incontaminati landscapes, rich of history and legends that have left traces in the popular culture Route: House of the King. Pebble of Simone. House Tramps. Cerreto. Romituccio. Sestino.00 meeting near the Center Visit to Sestino. Service shuttle in order to return to the departure point. Quota participation: . 5,00. free for children long pants, light mesh of cotton, scarponcini or shoes from ginnastica are advised Information and reservations: Center Visits Pebble of Simone. L.evoluzione of the landscape. Via Marches, 29. 52038 Sestino - tel.00 Saint Leonino, bay deposition crown of near the monument to the fallen of Saint Leolino.30 Etruscan Museum dell.Accademia and the Citt?i Cortona. MAEC, didactic laboratories experiences us them for children Etruscan topic Cortona - Divinit?elesti and infere. Nell.ambito manifestation of notti the dell.archeologia. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of citt?i the Cortona. MAEC Tel. Localit?amaldoli, excursion..Tra mar enslaved and the mar tosco.. (L. Ariosto) - Flowers, forests, praterie and crinali In collaboration with Official Guide Ennio Dallari.520), the summit that dominates to the two precious Reservoirs Integral Natural Fratino Pebble and the Stone?l panoramic balcony to pi?pettacolare of the National Park. On its praterie greens sommita them the rare Botton blooms d.oro and, in the days pi?erse, s.intravedono the two seas: Tyrrhenian and l.Adriatico. the time of distance: 4 hours with the pauses. Free for the hosts of the structures that join to the escursionistico program. Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, Abbey Prataglia - Tel.15 Small farm the Hope, Il imaginary process of the traveller. A game where the writers are not innocent but must demonstrate to their innocence and bont?elle they works. Information: Bookcase the Imaginary Traveller Tel. Hours 21 Eden cinemas "Lightning bolts on the water" encounter with Enrico Ghezzi Encounter moderated from Stefano Cipriani (Cineforum2) and Simone Emiliani (Association Wild Paths). To follow projection of the Lady film in the ater of M. Escursione in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park it visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel. Tourism Voci in the Reservoir, theatre of narration accompanied from tastings. in the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone.45 House of the King, Omero never does not cry of and with Andrea Spandrels. My?ornato father without storys from its war, that one that had to be l.ultima, world-wide like that one of Troy. He said that its history did not have nothing of epico, solo brandelli, memories of hunger, fear, the concentration camp. ?per this that has given to me l.Iliade: in order to calm my history hunger. Information and reservation: Alpine shelter of Casa of the King (Sestino). Center Visits Pebble of Simone. L.evoluzione of the landscape. Via Marches, 29. 52038 Sestino - tel. Historical center, you play inflatable and evening for bambini.00 Center of Documentation of the Archaeological Culture, laboratory of archaeology for children "With the hands of antichi".00 the Inn sull.Arno, nell.ambito of the manifestation Volarondine. Supper multietnica.30 Teatrotenda, teatrale show. Performance of fine laboratory with the participants to the teatrale laboratory Un bridge between generations. Worlds that incontrano.come protagonisti.00 Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Il Park of the Small. Didactic laboratory and animation for children and families Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, Park Martyrdoms of the Libert?21 - Sluices of the Verna, nell.ambito Tel. Manifestation of notti the dell.archeologia. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of citt?i the Cortona. MAEC Tel. extraordinary Opening of the archaeological distance of the Pieve di Retina Information: For Native place of Castiglion Fiorentino Tel. 0575 658278. Cultural institution and Educational Castiglionese nell.ambito Tel. Initiative of the manifestation Notti dell.archeologia. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona Tel. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.30 Tourism Center Visit - Planetary of the Park, the star called Sun the life on the?ossibile Earth only thanks to quantit?i the energy (under light shape and heat) that pi?icina comes from the star to we: the SUN. Distant 150 million km the SUN appear great and diamond, but second the modest astronomers?na star of dimensioni.00 Pavilion of the Terme, Paraded of Moda.00 Castle of Valenzano, presentation of the Turn of the Casentino.30 Museum of the Memories and the Landscape in the Earth of Anghiari, nell.ambito de Le nights dell.archeologia. guided visit Territorio, Anghiari, Archaeology. Museum of the Memories and the Landscape in the Earth of Anghiari, Palace of Battaglia, Mameli.00 public square Roman Amphitheater, in the within of the manifestation "the Nights of Archaeology" "Panem ET Circenses" gladiatori Games and tastings of traditional products nel' Amphitheater of Arezzo.30 for children "Eats and plays", attivit?udiche and Didactics in the loggiato one of the Archaeological Museum. Wines, oils and specialit?elle Lands of Arezzo in tasting in loggiati of the Museum Archeologico.30 gladiatori Giochi of Ars Dimicandi in the arena of the Anfiteatro.00 the roman Amphitheater, nell.ambito of the Nights dell.Archeologia Panem ET circenses. Gladiatori games and tasting of products tradizionali.30 for children: It eats and It plays - Attivit?udiche and Didactics in loggiato of the Archaeological Museum History to surprise - storys of the Anfiteatro.00 Capolavori d' Agricoltura - Wines, oils and specialit?elle Lands of Arezzo in tasting in the loggiati ones of the Museum Archeologico.30 gladiatori Giochi of ArsDimicandi in the Arena of the Amphitheater. Ostello di Black Piscina, Musica & Nature in the Reservoir Natural Alpe of the Moon. "Quartettando" four sassofoni to spasso in the centuries. In case of maltempo the covered concert terr?l. Information and reservation: For native place Abbey Tedalda (Uff. Alpe of Moon and ANPIL Pratieghi). Tourist office Comprensoriale di Sansepolcro. Via Matteotti, 8. tel. Localit?ercatale, public square Constitution, summer in Val di Pierle.30 Know it of the Communal Council, presentation of the book "Francois Mitterand and Cortona.00 Fortress of the Girifalco, Simposio Etruscan, music wines and banquets nell.ambito Initiative of the manifestation Notti dell.archeologia. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona Tel.30 public square of the Market, meeting for trekking Dall.alta di nell.ambito S. Iniziativa of the manifestation Notti dell.archeologia. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona Tel.00 Valdichiana Outlet Village, inauguration widening of the Valdichiana Outlet Village. Localit?amaldoli, excursion L.Eremo di Camaldoli. In collaboration with Official Guide Maura Lucatello. Un.escursione that you porter? to know one of pi?elle the forests d.Italia that it encloses in s?ecoli of history. Cost: . 7,00 adults. 3,00 children. Free for the hosts of the structures that join to the escursionistico program. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel. Stregati from the Moon and. from the Pebble in the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone. Naturalistic evening with excursion in nocturnal in the Reservoir Natural Route: House of the King. Pebble of Simone. House of the King Information and reservation: Center Visits Pebble of Simone. L.evoluzione of the landscape. Via Marches, 29. 52038 Sestino - tel. 0575 772642. 3394060025. Alpine Shelter of Casa of the King (Sestino). tel.30 Melone II of the Hard one, Archeotour: visit to the situated ones of the archaeological park with means just. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona Tel. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel. Tourism Tra old country houses to the discovery of a lost world in the Reservoir Natural Alpe of the Moon. A excursion that through unexpected panoramas, places it bewitches to you, sapori antichi us riporter?ndietro in the time meeting to Sansepolcro, Co Camper parking in via of Molini 2. Information and reservation: Association Guides La Civetta. (Sansepolcro) - Tourist office Comprensoriale di Sansepolcro. Via Matteotti, 8. tel. Excursion Sulle summits of the Park. In collaboration with the Guide It acclimatizes them Gianluca Fools. Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, Abbey Prataglia - Tel.00 Campoleone historical center, arrival 2, gathering historical cars. Le Cliffs between Malva and Poggitazzi. walk nell.ANPIL the Cliffs. Show of extemporaneous poetry and festivity to the Small farm of Poggitazzi. Characteristics excursion: duration approximately 2 hours length 2,7 Km.00 opening of the garden of the villa with the antichi trades and opening of the stands of the espositrici companies Will be present in the garden of the villa from hours 18. Taddei Umberto: baskets and cestelle in wickers and other material for the art of old laces: embroiderys and laces. the companies that expose in the area of the villa from hours 18. Small farm of Poggitazzi: products of the territory the Vignaioli of the Setteponti: presentation wines from part of the Companies of the Setteponti Small farm of Terranuova: products of the territory. Hut of the Sun: They Ciuffenna.30 in the large square of the villa "One public square and One hundred tournee Rhymes" of the School of Improvisation Poetica di Terranuova Bracciolini the participation to the visit guided in the Cliffs?ratuita Information and reservation: Common of Terranuova Bracciolini. Office Promotion of nell.ambito the Tel. territory Manifestation of notti the dell.archeologia. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona Tel. Excursion Alle slopes of the Falterona. - Between sources dell.Arno and the Madonna di Montalto In collaboration with Official Guide Ennio Dallari. Free for the hosts of the structures that join to the escursionistico program. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism Restaurant the Plan, Merenda in the aia. Teatrale group the Cittacce introduces "I' terno to the eight" Information and reservations: Point Tourist information Tel.30 Etruscan Museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona. MAEC, didactic laboratories experiences us them for children Medieval topic Cortona - nobiliari Palaces and coats of arms. Nell.ambito manifestation of notti the dell.archeologia. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona Tel.30 Musica & Nature 2007. The Pen naturalistic walk in the Reservoir of the Pen, between the campaigns of Laterina To the term possibilit?i visit on the panoramic Tower Guinigi and supper upon request. It follows concert of conclusive Jazz music and buffet. Musica & Nature. The Pen in the Reservoir Natural Bridge Buriano and Penna. Eleonora Betti & the Classic Jazz quartet. (And the history of the jazz through its melodie celebrates Evening of music, preceded from one guided naturalistic walk in the Reservoir between the campaigns of Laterina. To the term of the walk possibilit?i visit on the panoramic Guinigi Tower and supper (upon request). It follows music concert jazz and buffet conclusivo.30 meeting to the parking under them walls of Laterina and traferimento to Monsoglio with shuttle. Information and reservation: Association Guides Il Viottolo. (Montevarchi). tel. Le open small farms. The antichi fruits and the bees of the Park In collaboration with Official Guide Ennio Dallari. Agricultural guided visit all.azienda biological Casale Camalda - the Orphean Fields with tasting of the mountain honey and the confetture of fruit of the small farm. Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, Abbey Prataglia - Tel. III edition Notte Rose. In the historical and local ways, public squares, places of all citt?i the Arezzo, with many ideas in "rose". Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Park Martyrdoms of the Libert?21 - Sluices of the Verna, Tel. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel. Tourism Excursion in the path Una Forest for all. In collaboration with the boys of the Tangram center di Soci Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel. Tourism 21 Hours church of Sant' Augustin, Giuseppe Fanfani reads "Paul and FRancesca" from the Divine Commedia di Dante Alighieri, Hell, Song V In name of the Dante love calls outside from the orda of spirits damns to you - eternally it drags from the wind Paul and Francesca to you. They approach themselves the poet and Francesca tells their history. First part of the history second describes to their love the clich?edioevali: irresistibile passion and died. In the second Francesca part it confesses that their love nacque from the reading of the novel of Lancillotto. "Amor, ch' to cor gentil the apprende/prese rape s' costui de the beautiful one persona/che was removed to me. and ' l way still m' offends. Amor, ch' to null loved to love perdona/mi taken of the costui to appeal to s?orte/che, as you see, still m' does not abandon. Amor lead we to one died: Caina attends who to life extinguished to us ". Lungo the Tevere, between antichi trades nell.ANPIL Golene of the Tevere. To the Protected Natural dell.Area discovery, visiting a characteristic laboratory of wickers and the flour mill to water of the Catorcio still funzionante.00 meeting in front of the Bar Paris. in loc. Information and reservation: Association Guides La Civetta. (Sansepolcro) - Museum of Battaglia di Anghiari. tel. Historical center (Via Ricasoli), La table of Piero with the mercatino of the products. The 1200's meters of table imbandita with all the alimentary capolavori aretini until the sigaro made by hand from the sigaraie. Historical center, II Edition the Bianca.00 Night Italian Center d.autore Photography (Former Jails), Ritratti in one night of festivity. Photographic set to disposition of the public, in collaboration with circle AVIS of Bibbiena Videoproiezioni of contemporary authors and photo d.archivio.00 public square Tarlati, Margot: concert pop.00 via Garibaldi, the Galeone: inflatable for bambini.00 Terrace Bar Bibbiena, dj set 70-80,00 years Rome public square, Laboratory of small circus and trick. Hip Hop: exhibition to cure of the Freestyle Dance School directed from Francesca Renzi.30 ways of the center, Buskers: music of road with Francisco Fry Currencies Modena City Ramblers and Paul the Ganga.45 Bar Tourism, Malabarista/gioco equilibrista.30 piazzetta of Garbuglia, the casentinese filarmonica, directed from Red master Leonardo, introduces the old radio and its canzoni.30 via Garibaldi/Itis, La history of cavalier the Spaccamontagne. Commedia for large and piccini.15 Terrace Di Spartaco/Bar Laura, # 41: concert rock-blues.30 ways of the center, Suggestions of the Casentino.30 Tarlati public square, Musical comedy and tango: to cure of the Freestyle Dance School directed from Francesca Renzi, with the participation of Mariana Solari.30 Tarlati public square, dj set and discotheque with the Cephalonya from Orion Radio. and for all the night: storees, bars and restaurants opened in the center storico.00 Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, 40. Saint Colony Marino: festeggiamenti in ocstume.30 presentation of the book of Nicholas Caldarone Knows it Consiliare Communal palace, "Fran?s Mitterand and Cortona.00 Riserva of stars. Informative multimediale presentation on the constellations, astronomical observation, wine tasting. Reservoir of hinge. Historical center, A spasso with chianina. the itinerante supper Information: Office Tourist Information Tel. Comunit?ontana Information of Casentino-Servizio CRED 0575507272-75. In bici and walking in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests. from Prataglia Abbey to the heart of the forest, the Blade, along the forest track pi?ella d.Italia Cicloescursione in mountain bike with the cicloescursionistiche guides dell.Accademia Italian of Mountain Bike and of the Casentino Country Bike Information and reservations: Center Visits of the Park of Abbey Prataglia Tel.00 House of the King, Musica&Natura. in the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone. Concert of gospel & world music with Ben Josef Choir.. Travel to pi?oci between l.America and l.Europa Information: Alpine shelter of Casa of the King (Sestino). tel. Social hut Onorio Mellini., departure for excursions Cai Information Section of Is. Casentino Planetary Tel.30 of the Park Center for the Didactics and the spreading dell.astronomia - Center visits of Is, Luna to the first quarter. Encounter dedicated to the natural satellite of the Earth, to its I use like calendar, to its physical aspect, seguir?sservazione to the telescope. Leaving from the observable characteristics of the lunar surface with l.ausilio of small optical instruments parler?ella formation and dell.evoluzione of the Moon. Information and reservations: Center Visits of Abbey Prataglia Tel. and Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Planetary Tel. Tourism of the Park Center for the Didactics and the spreading dell.astronomia - Center visits of Is (AR) Via Montegrappa n. 2. Supper cheered from medieval songs and figuring in Men?Maccheroni custom with gravy of lepre, Roast compound (pigeon. duck. rabbit), Spezzatino to the medieval, Sweet grass medieval, Radicchio and fagioli Cost: adults. 20.00, children under 8 years. 10,00 Confirmation of the reservation within and not beyond the 16 July 2007. 333 6277020 (in case of maltempo the supper sar?ffettuata to the Polyvalent Center). Riserva of stars in the Reservoir Natural meeting near the Center Goes them of Inferno and Bandella.00 Hillock Visit with informative multimediale presentation on costellazioni.00 the movement near green the natural garden and l.aula of Castiglioncello where the Astrofili Group of the Valdarno astronomical guider?.osservazione, accompanied from the wine tasting. Cost of participation. free 7,00, for children Information and obligatory reservation: Center Visit of Goes them dell.Inferno and Hinge. The humid areas. Loc. L.Alpe mozzafiato. in the Reservoir Natural Alpe of the Moon. Distances in mountain-bike in the Reservoir dell.Alpe of the Moon Information and reservation: For native place Abbey Tedalda (Uff. Alpe of Moon and ANPIL Pratieghi). P.00, Park of the Machines, "Nutella Party". Center of Social Aggregation of Camucia, Trekking Dai Meloni of the Hard one to the Molini of the Val di Loreto. Nell.ambito initiative of the manifestation Notti dell.archeologia. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona Tel.30 Melone II of the Hard one, Archeotour: visit to the situated ones of the archaeological park with means just. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona Tel. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel Tourism. In collaboration with Official Guide Silvia Fratini. Info and reservations: Center Visits of Abbey Prataglia 0575/559477. I a route between Tuscany and Marches with the Official Guides Is known between two regions in the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone, through an evocative distance, dipped in one incontaminata nature Route: House of the King. Pebble of Simone. Step of the Cantoniera. Service shuttle for the return. lunch to the personal bag Information and reservation: Center Visits Pebble of Simone. L.evoluzione of the landscape. Via Marches, 29. 52038 Sestino - tel. Excursion Sulle summits of the Park. In collaboration with the Guide It acclimatizes them Gianluca Fools. Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, Abbey Prataglia - Etruscan Tel.30 Museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona. MAEC, didactic laboratories experiences us them for children Medieval topic Cortona - Terzieri and quintieri of nell.ambito citt?Manifestazione of notti the dell.archeologia. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona Tel. Excursion Sua maest?l faggio. dominating of the Casentinesi Forests and its tormented tie with l.uomo In collaboration with Official Guide Ennio Dallari. Free for the hosts of the structures that join to the escursionistico program. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel. Tourism Voci in the Reservoir theatre of narration accompanied from tastings in the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone. History of ombre. and ghosts. Suspended Cargos Theatre. This?na history of ghosts, one history of apparitions: perhaps you open the eyes, scrutate in the buio and, behind of you, to potr?omparire a shadow. Information and reservations: Alpine shelter of Casa of the King (Sestino). tel. Park of Lignano, day dedicated to the bearers of handicap with the lunch offered to the participants and their companions, you play and show of animazione.00 Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Il Park of the Small didactic laboratory and animation for children and families Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Park Martyrdoms of the Libert?21 - Sluices of the Verna, Etruscan Tel.30 Museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona - MAEC, didactic laboratories experiences us them for children topic Cortona Rinascimentale - the Fortress of Cosimo the de. Doctors. Nell.ambito manifestation of notti the dell.archeologia. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona Tel. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism Center Visit of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, naturalistic evening with topic Lupo and Ungulati. to cure of the State Forestry Corps Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.30 Tourism Tavern of the Acquolina, supper and show "Riccardo I make ill it, my reign for a parrot" of Roberto Abbiati.00 Supper near l.Osteria dell.Acquolina prepared from Paul and Daniela.30 RICCARDO L.INFERMO, my reign for a parrot. Roberto Has drammaturgia Francisco Niccolini and Roberto to you Abbiati. ideas, musics and suggestions of Bano Ferrari and Carl Shepherds. ringrazia for the contribution to the Armunia production. Like in a film: after the happened one of a personage, like it is made to ucciderlo. perhaps, but we are in the world of the clown, where all?oncesso. Along dream, po. funny and a po. melancholic, destined to be involved the every public pi?i reasonable imagination.), abyss (of blood) and land paradise (the crown), encircled from beauty and stupidit?maledizioni and diseases. And disastrous and sozzo of blood, nevertheless it plays like a child. Or perhaps the children play like he. Info and reservations: Point Tourist Information - Tel. Tavern of the Acquolina, localit?artena.30 Pian of the Bridge, supper of the Viandante.30 Center of Documentation on the Civilt?astellana-Village of Saint Niccol?.Il job of the scalpellini. Guided visit and demonstrations around to the job of the scalpellini of Road in Casentino. From the castle to pieve to the laboratories of scalpellini the dell.iniziativa nell.ambito Manifestation La the wisdom of the hands: The Pietra..30 Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Presentiamo the Territory. The sapori of the Park. Presentation and tasting of the typical products Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, Park Martyrdoms of the Libert?21 - Sluices of the Verna, Tel.30 public square of the Market, meeting for trekking Da Ruffignano to Poggioni. Nell.ambito initiative of the manifestation Notti dell.archeologia. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona nocturnal Tel. Safari in the Reservoir Natural Alpe of the Moon. To the sunset for l.osservazione and excursion l.avvistamento ungulati of the sun to the telescope with supper on the prati ones dell.Alpe. Information and reservation: Farm holidays Fattoria di Germagnano. (Sansepolcro). Tourist office Comprensoriale di Sansepolcro. Via Matteotti, 8. tel. "Bici and live coal" in the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone and Natural Park of the Pebble of Simone and Simoncello. Nocturnal excursion to the Pebble of Simone with supper made up of meat to the grill and wine rosso.00 departures from Public square Accounts to Carpegna (PU) and House of the King (Sestino - AR) Information and reservations: Alberto Biral (333 6870019), Center Visits of Bridge Cappuccini-Carpegna (0722 75350. Center Visits Pebble of Simone. L.evoluzione of the landscape. Via Marches, 29. 52038 Sestino - tel. In collaboration with Association Exclusive Guides of the Park. During l.escursione, with l.ausilio of the Archaeological Group, the participants will be able to assist to the archaeological diggings of lago.te the Hawk, D.Arno Head, Lago of the Idoli. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel. Fantasyland. serale naturalistic walk - nocturnal nell.ANPIL the Cliffs the great area characterized from the spectacular earth walls subject to continuous erosion assumes in this occasion the most particular fascination thanks to the magical nocturnal atmosphere. An easy distance to ring us offrir?a possibilit?i to know places of remarkable interest is historian who naturalistic. L.esperienza proposed?datta also for the children is remembered that. To the term?revisto a gustoso buffet made up of local typical products near l.osteria il Casolare..00 meeting to the bridge of the public washhouse of the Village of Piantravigne (coming from the provincial road Setteponti. in the feature They Ciuffenna-Castelfranco di Sopra).30 transfer near l.osteria il Casolare., along the Borro to the Hollow ones, and beginning passeggiata.00 term walk with I re-enter all.osteria and buffet (on reservation) Route: Piantravigne - the Casolare - Montalto - Buca of the fairies. - the Casolare Length and difficolt?Percorso of approximately 6 km, without difficolt?i recommends l.uso of scarponcini comfortable, covered legs, supply d.acqua and minium-torch electrical worker. Free for the walk. quota. 12,00 for buffet (the reduction for the children) Information and reservations: APT tourist Office of S.00 Excursion Guided to the Lago of the Idoli on the Falterona Mount (to cure of G. 335 6244537. Communal library of Bibbiena- Service Culture tel.00 Saint Leolino, "Decreases to us under stelle".30 Melone II of the Hard one, Archeotour: visit to the situated ones of the archaeological park with means just. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona Tel. Dovranno also to come outside wild. the serale naturalistic walk in the Reservoir Natural Goes them dell.Inferno and Hinge One new experience in the calendar of the initiatives of the protected areas that dar?a possibilit?i participants to less cover the paths of the Reservoir in the zones attended from the visitors with the precise scope to observe the animals in their crepuscolari movements. In one of the pauses verr?onsumata the supper to sacco.30 - meeting and departure near the Center Visit of the Reservoir in loc.00 - term excursion with I re-enter to the Center Visit Route: Center Visit - Handle of Hinge - Ascione torrent - Center Visit Length and difficolt?Percorso of approximately 5 km, without difficolt?i recommends l.uso of shoes from trekking and the long pants. Supper to cargo bag of the participants Information and reservations: APT tourist Office of S. Escursione in the Reservoir Natural High Goes them of the Tevere and Black Monte "the outcry of the hawk" Il Outcry of the Hawk. Panoramic naturalistic walk in the Reservoir Natural of the High one Goes them of the Tevere and Black Monte. Like the hawk, it is come down from the high of the mountain towards the bottom of fondovalle.00 the meeting to the escape Valsavignone. of and 45 and transfer with them it on foot blots of it to the parking I Canili..30 departure with the shuttle for the Step of Gualanciole (4 km).00 departure from the Step of the Gualanciole. Route: Step of the Gualanciole. Hill Three Bishops - Hill Bastions - The Canili. Difficolt?Per fond of walking with experience, but without particular advised difficolt?bbigliamento: Long pants and shoes sluices (scarponcini), raincoat and min. Information and reservations: Tourist office of Sansepolcro Tel. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. In collaboration with the Guide It acclimatizes them Gianluca Fools Routes that it encloses in if all the historical values, cultural and acclimatizes them present to Camaldoli through distances that develop along tracks and forest roads. Cost: Chartering MTB. 3,00.. 10,00 adults. 5,00 children. Information and reservations: Center Visits of Abbey Prataglia Tel. and Fax 0575/559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel. Tourism I paths of libert?nella the Reservoir Natural Alpe of the Moon. Walk of the memory, food tasting dell.epoca, commemoration to the fallen Information and reservation: For native place Abbey Tedalda (Uff. Alpe of Moon and ANPIL Pratieghi). P. In collaboration with Association exclusive Guides of the Park During l.escursione, with l.ausilio of the Archaeological Group, the participants will be able to assist to the archaeological diggings of lago.te Falco-Capo D.Arno-Lago of the Idoli. Cost: . 10,00 adults. 5,00 children, free for the Associates of the Archeologico.00 Group Departure from the Point Information of the National Park to Are. Information and reservations: Center Visits of Abbey Prataglia Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel. Tourism Castle of Valenzano, Anniversary of the Etruscan Liberazione.30 Museum dell.Accademia and the Citt?i Cortona - MAEC, didactic laboratories experiences us them for children Great Final with Laboratory and nell.ambito festivity Manifestation of notti the dell.archeologia. Information: Etruscan museum dell.Accademia and of the Citt?i Cortona Tel. Il raw pebble. - the monumental forest and the Sacred Mount de the Verna In collaboration with Official Guide Ennio Dallari. On the tracks of the medieval pilgrims to the discovery of Crudo the Sasso.(D. Route: Sluices of the Verna center visit (mt.136), Bottom of the Melosa - Sluices of the Verna c. Gratuita for the hosts of the structures that join to the program escursionistico.00 Center Visit of Sluices of the Verna, departure Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, Abbey Prataglia - Tel.00 the Bottega of the Bigonaio, of the barrel. Demonstrations and small laboratories dell.iniziativa nell.ambito Manifestation La wisdom of the hands: The wool. Information: Comunit?ontana of the Casentino - service CRED Tel.00 in then sport Center Saint Vincenzo, peak Information: Common of Chitignano, Office Culture Tel.00 Eremo of the Cells, Il Forgiveness. Words and Music. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism Siemoni Arboretum, guided visit all.Arboreto Siemoni Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel. Tourism. In the heart of the Park. Excursion to the moon luminosity, in collaboration with Official Guide Silvia Evocative Fratini covered between chestnut trees and faggi of Montalto to the time of the small bivouac Il Lago where verr?onsumata the supper to the bag to lume of candle. The return sar?ccompagnato from the light of the lucciole. ROUTE: Excursion Madonna di Montaldo. Lago. Pecorina. mouth = 4,5 hours Difficolt? (Escursionista)Costo: . 10 adults. 5 children. Hours 19,00. Departure from the Point Information of the National Park to Is. Casentino Development and Tourism Office Prints. Excursion to the moon luminosity Nel heart of the Park. In collaboration with Official Guide Silvia Fratini. Evocative distance between chestnut trees and faggi of Montalto to the time of the small bivouac il Lago where we will consume our supper to bag to lume of candle. The return sar?ccompagnato from the light of the lucciole. Route: Excursion Madonna di Montalto, Lago, Pecorina Mouth. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel. It knows it communal, encounter with l.autrice Annamaria Vignali for the presentation of the book Didone. Information: Common of Chitignano, Office Culture ancient Tel.30 Podesteria, delivery of the prize Natura art I meet edition 2007 all.On. Andrea Marcucci, Undersecretary of State to the Ministry for the Assets and the Attivit?ulturali.00 arrival to the palace municipal, encounter with mayor and reached comunale.10 presentation plan of architectonic recovery and work them of castello.30 the visit to the ruderi of the castle to to the michelangioleschi places (cliff of Adamo).00 breakfast of job near the premises Cultural dell.Associazione Michelangelo. Andrea Marcucci from part dell.Associazione Michelangelo of the prize Natura art I meet edition 2007 Ancient Podesteria, pazzetta Saint Michele.. The Forest of the Monaci. in collaboration with Official Guide Maura Lucatello Un.escursione who you porter? to know one of pi?elle the forests d.Italia that it encloses in s?ecoli of history. Difficolt? (Escursionistico) Cost: . 7,00 adults. 3,00 children. Free for the hosts of the adherent receptive structures to the escursionistico program Hours 9,00. Departure from the Point Information of the National Park to Camaldoli. Casentino Development and Tourism Stampa.00 Office Center Visit of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, naturalistic evening with topic Lupo and Ungulati. to cure of the State Forestry Corps Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Park Martyrdoms of the Libert?21 - Sluices of the Verna, Tel. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism the Bottega of the Bigonaio, of the barrel. Demonstrations and small laboratories dell.iniziativa nell.ambito Manifestation La wisdom of the hands: The wool. Information: Comunit?ontana of the Casentino - service CRED Tel.30 Red Rural Collection House, straw. The job of the trecciaiole. Demonstrations sull.intreccio of the straw of the grain verna. and laboratories for children dell.iniziativa nell.ambito Manifestation La wisdom of the hands: The Straw. Red Rural collection House, Loc.30 Terrace sport Center Saint Vincenzo, selection Miss Universe. Information: Common of Chitignano, Office Culture Tel.30 Loc Moggiona in occasion of the documentary extension "the days of the Libert?La war of liberation in Casentino" the war to the feminine one. Round table and projection video CRED of the Comunit?ontana of the Casentino Comunit?ontana Information of 0575507272-75,00 Casentino-Servizio CRED Small farm of Germagnano, Musica&Natura. in the Reservoir Natural Alpe of the Moon with Duo the Accodrums. - To. The passion of the fisarmonica and the South American rhythms of the percussions Information: Farm holidays Fattoria di Germagnano. (Sansepolcro). Tourist office Comprensoriale di Sansepolcro. Via Matteotti, 8. tel. Localit?ersignano, Waiting for Decreases us of Stelle.30 departure for the visit guided to the Cliffs, in company of the guides of Alcedo. One short walk to the sunset until the cove-shelter of II the World war. I re-enter to Persignano around to 19,00 hours tasting in public square, organized in collaboration with the inhabitants. Sar?llestito one stand tasting of wines of Terranuova and dell.area Setteponti.30 concert of Lisetta Luchini: Musica from earth, sounds and songs of the popular tradition. In the dell.iniziativa course, sar?resentata the new Carta of the routes and the paths of the Cliffs. Quota participation: walk, supper and tasting wines: . 10.00, Information and reservations: Point Tourist Information - Tel. 055 9738828. Office Promotion of the Tel. Territory Festa between mounts and the forests of the Rate nell.ANPIL Nuclei of Rate Pratieghi. Walk to the discovery of the forests dell.ANPIL, covering the Path Nature with Ufficiali.00 Guides tasting of typical products organized from the For-native place, in collaboration with the Farm holidays of Abbey T. Informazioni and reservations: For native place Abbey Tedalda (Uff. Alpe of Moon and ANPIL Pratieghi). P. Mazzini public square and zones limitrofe, during the day, vacationing Fair of the Information: Common of Chitignano, Office Tel. Culture 1^ rionale contest of shooting with the arc. To the term merenda and musicale/danzante evening. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tourism Tel. Localit?amaldoli, excursion Il sacred Eremo. In collaboration with l.Associazione the Exclusive Guides of the Park. Splendid forests of fir white man, fruit of the strait relationship since XII the century, between presence of monaci the Camaldolesi and surrounding atmosphere. 1103) Giochetto (1239) Prato Bertone (1342) Eremo di Camaldoli (1103). Free for the hosts of the structures that join to the escursionistico program. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel.30 Point Information, Presentiamo the Territory. The sapori of the Park. Presentation and tasting of the typical products For info and reservations Point Information of 556130,00 Camaldoli 0575 meeting near Center Hillock Visits. Arrival to Castiglion Ubertini around to 19,00 hours supper in public square with plates prepares from the kitchen of the Communal Catering and Cooperative to you Daisy. Sar?llestito one stand tasting of wines of Terranuova and dell.area Setteponti.30 Una public square, one hundred rhymes extemporaneous poetry show of masters and students of the School of Improvisation Poetica di Terranuova B. Quota participation: walk, supper and tasting wines: . 10.00, Bus shuttle for I re-enter to Hillock Information and reservations: Point Tourist Information - Tel. 055 9738828. Office Promotion of the Tel.45 Territory beginning of the corteo that, covering via Sassoverde and Ricasoli, recher?n Public square of the Libert?0 exited from the Communal Palace of the representative one of the Common one of Arezzo: Vessilliferi, Valletti bringing the offered cero to S.Donato, the Group Makes you and the Magistracy of the Giostra of the Saracino.15 income of the Representative ones in Cathedral from the portone principale.15 falled pyrotechnics from the tower of the Communal Palace and, to follow, customary d.artificio fire show from the Medicea.00 Fortress Knows it communal, encounter with Well-born l.autore Artusio for the presentation of the s.era book Quande povri. Information: Common of Chitignano, Office Tel.00 Culture, presentation of the book "Cos?i it lived to the Pievina di Montefatucchio. of Devout Maria Becherini.00 via Rome, Pasta the Band evening with assays of first various plates (to cure of the musical Band Saint Vincenzo) Information: Common of Chitignano, Office Tel.00 Culture the Bottega of the Bigonaio, of the barrel. Demonstrations and small laboratories dell.iniziativa nell.ambito Manifestation La wisdom of the hands: The wool. Information: Comunit?ontana of the Casentino - service CRED Tel. Excursion La sacred mountain route on massive Falco-Falterona In collaboration with Official Guide Ennio Dallari. The Falterona, l?ove is born l.Arno?tata for millenia the sacred mountain for the populations pays some dell.antichit?Gratuita for the hosts of the structures that join to the escursionistico program. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel. Sanctuary of Saint Maria of the Pebble, saint Solennit?i Domenico. For the occasion sar?sposta reliquia of the saint Domenico in visit to the Monasteri Domenicali d' nell.ambito Italy Manifestation of the 500. Anniversary Sanctuary of Saint Maria of the Pebble. Localit?apale, "Convivio under the stars - Valdambra: its colors, its sapori.. The Astrofili Group guider?ll.osservazione of stars. 21 hours Public square of the Town hall "Notes in libert?otto the sky of August" typical supper toscan and concert of Maria Grazia and Massimiliano, songs celebrates and plan-bar PRICES: ADULTS EURO 12,50 BOYS UNDER 10 YEARS Euro 5 APERITIF To CURE Of the CAFFE Of THEATRE PANZANELLA TARESE-PROSCIUTTO TOSCANO-SALAME CHEESES INSALATA OF TOMATOES COCOMERO BREAD And SWEET LOCAL WINE And CAFFE. To CURE Of PASTRY SHOP GUIDIERI VINSANTO Address: via of the Castle, 9. Bucine (Ar). Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism localit?oggiona, Dance with orchestra XX Secolo.00 Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Il Park of the Small. Didactic laboratory and animation for children and families. Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Park Martyrdoms of the Libert?21 - Sluices of the Verna, Tel.00 historical center, "Decrease to us under the tower". it introduces: archaeology and history dell.enogastronomia (extension and videoproiezioni) and Visits guided to monuments of paese.00 the historical center, Decrease under Torre-Terre d.Arezzo Music Festival.00 Point to us opened Information Fattorie smell and scents of the grass in the small farm In collaboration with Official Guide Maura Lucatello. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel. Castle of Sorci, "the night of Saint Lorenzo" Supper and stars falling in the chiostro of the maniero. Reservations: Inn to the Castle of Sorci tel 0575 789066,00 Cena under stars - obligatory reservation Tel. cost. 27.00, Men?peciale for children. 13,00.. space animation for children to cure dell.Associazione Artea. - with sommeliers the AIS, presentation of the associate wine cellars: in tasting beyond 130 wine labels d. of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo - Tasting Sigaro Toscano and Vinsanto with the extraordinary participation of Sigaraie di the Chitignano. - Tasting of Grappe aretine and chocolate of qualit? Tasting of the mythical one porchetta of Saint Mount Savino In the course of the day visits of the naturalistic paths with the guides acclimatizes them dell.Associazione the Viottolo.00 meeting near Sargiano for natural dell.area visit protect (car propria).00 meeting to the Point of Ristoro near Park of Lignano and transfer with bus shuttle to Lignano Mount, excursion in the park and re-enters hours 20.) comfortable apparel obligatory reservation Tel. Information: Road of the Wine lands of Arezzo Tel/fax 0575 204066. Calici of stars nell.ANPIL Bosco di Sargiano. and Park of Lignano. Visit guided in the Forest, movement in car for the Park of Lignano and walk to the sunset in the Park. It follows eno-gastronomico event (on reservation). Information and reservation: Association Guides Il Viottolo. (Montevarchi). tel. Dell.iniziativa nell.ambito manifestation La wisdom of the hands: Lana..00 the large square of the Cassero, Calici of stars tasting typical wines and products, music with Quelli of the Murello. Information: Common of Castiglion Fiorentino. Cultural institution Castiglionese Tel. Excursion Il stellato sky of the Park. In collaboration with Official Guide Silvia Fratini. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel. Through the evocative roads of Civitella they will come prepared of the spaces for the wine tasting of the Road of the Wine accompanies to you from local gastronomici products. To the term of the distance, in the Tower of Civitella, verr?llestito a space for the observation of the sky to cure of the Astrofili Group of the Valdarno. During the sar?ossibile initiative to visit the Pinacoteca new comunale.00 Fortress of the Girifalco, Decreases us of stelle.00 Cavour public square, Traditional supper in piazza.00 Concert of music funk with the Elefunk Consults It of the Tourism with the sponsorship of the Common one of Foiano of the Chiana organizes one supper in Public square edited by: Aperitifs: Cocktail in bowl, Prosecco di Valdobbiadene Appetizers: Prosciutto and melone, finocchiona, leaf through some of porcini, pecorino seasoned with honey millefiori, tartina to the Toscanam, bruschettina to the Mediterranean, bocconcino of verdure First: gnocchetto blown gratinato with pomodorini to the grass season, pici to the rag?ianco of Second Chianina: Coscio of year-old calf to the furnace aromatized to rosmarino the Contours: Roast Lamelle of potatoes, mix of radicchi, rucola and spins of carrots Sweet: It leaf through with moscato cream of and it yields of season. Cost: Euro 25,00, Children until three years gratis, Children from three years to eight, met?rezzo obligatory Reservation within l.8 August near: Office Tourist Information. Course Vittorio Emanuele - Tel. Communal Library. Public square cavour, 7. Tel.00 public square of the Court, Decreases us of Stars typical Tasting of salumi, cheeses, crostini and local plates the all accompanied one from wines of Strada of the Wine Lands of Arezzo. Moreover music and visit to the treasures of Lucignano: It knows it Consiliare, Church of S. Informazioni and reservations: (from the day 16 July to the day 8 August 2007) Tel. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism the Bottega of the Bigonaio, of the barrel. Demonstrations and small laboratories. Dell.iniziativa nell.ambito manifestation La wisdom of the hands: The wool. Information: Comunit?ontana of the Casentino - service CRED Tel. Supper to payment with obligatory reservation Tel. Notte di San Lorenzo. nocturnal excursion of the Cai Section of Is. Casentino. Flour mill of the Bonano, "On the trickle of the Water. Sommeliers, ristoratori, musicians, astrofili and tastings until late night. Information and reservation (obligatory): Common Terranova long Tel.30 the ways of the country, Itinerante Supper "Walking Eating" gastronomico stand. Information: Office Information - Via of the Monache, 2 - Tel. Localit?etica, Festivity of the carbonaio. It marks them of smoke. Ecomuseo of the Carbonaio, nell.ambito of the festivity of the carbonaio, 17,30 hours Alla black search dell.uomo. Game around to the job of the carbonaio. 0575 555124) with traditional plates of the carbonai and boscaioli hours 19. Musics and dance with Bucci Maximum hours 21. Dell.iniziativa nell.ambito manifestation La wisdom of the hands: The Carbone..00 Logge Merchants, wine tasting of the Road of the Wine, sigari & vinsanto.30 Hanging Garden, Supper with typical products and coupling wines, served to the table (for men?ito detail web free Visit to the Civic Tower in order to appreciate by night. 360. of panorama - extraordinary opening from 20,00 hours Extension of the Ceramics in program to the Cassero, dai Savinesi of first the 1900's to contemporanei..30 the Theatre all.aperto, scrutando the stars - Point of astronomical observation, guided from the Group Astrofili Aretini. Cost: . 6,00 for tasting wines, sigari & vinsanto.. 20,00 for the supper. The service of wines sar?urato from sommeliers To. The sar?ervita supper gives: Albatros - Restaurent & Catering.Ai participants, goblet from tasting and portacalice, in omaggio.30 hanging Garden Communal Palace, supper tasting with coupling wines (In case of maltempo the supper svolger?el chiostro of the Communal Palace) APERITIVE: Fritturine and stuzzichini varies. Cocktail to the frutta.Spumante Ros?rut. Small farm of Presciano. APPETIZER: Bruschettina to the filled with smoke chest d.oca, insalata bound together grain Basket with tricolore..vino: Gaggiole 2005 I. 1. PLATE: Maltagliati peasant with capsicum eggplants, julienne croccanti, annealed of grattugiata cow and leaves of basilico.vino bound together: Chianti DOCG The 2004 Sterpo. Held Vitereta. 2. PLATE: Bocconcini of chianina with nests of patate.vino bound together: Elena The 2003 DESSERTS: Semifreddo to the vaniglia with bound together cream of amaretti.vino: Vinsanto D. Verr?ffettuato service to the table edited by qualified staff. To the taken part ones sar?atto homage of a likeable goblet from tasting and relative door goblet, to memory of the evening. Impegnativa reservation, telephoning to the number over indicato.00 localit?oggiona, Dance with orchestra nocturnal Blue Fantasy Escursione sull.Alpe. in the Reservoir Natural Alpe of the Moon. Escursionistico and gastronomico distance dell.Alpe of the Luna.00 meeting to Black Swimming pool (Tedalda).00 Abbey supper made up of typical products locali.00 departure for the trekking and I re-enter to Black Swimming pool (possibilit?i night's passing) Information: For native place Abbey Tedalda (Uff. Alpe of Moon and ANPIL Pratieghi). P. Sotto the pi?tellato sky d.Italia. in the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone. Observation of the constellations and the stars from the Shelter of House of the King, in company dell.Associazione Astrofili Arezzo.00 supper to topic near the shelter House of the King Information and reservation: Center Visits Pebble of Simone. L.evoluzione of the landscape. Via Marches, 29. 52038 Sestino - tel. 0575 772642. 3394060025, Alpine shelter of Casa of the King (Sestino). tel. Planetarium of the Park Center for the Didactics and the spreading dell.astronomia - Center visits of Is (AR) Via Montegrappa n. 2 Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Planetary Tel.30 Tourism of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Calici of Stars. Localit?ennina, "Convivio under stars. Valdambra: its colors, its sapori ". The Astrofili Group guider?ll.osservazione of the stelle.00, astronomical evening with nocturnal excursion and observation of the celestial time. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel. Tourism Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism Center visits of the national Park of the Casentinesi Forests, excursion Sua maest?l faggio. In collaboration with Official Guide Silvia Fratini. Immersion total in the mozzafiato nature of the solemn forests of the Reservoir Biogenetic of Prataglia Abbey, with their millenarian and travagliata history of protection and exploitation. Free for the hosts of the structures that join to the escursionistico program. Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Prataglia Abbey - Tel.00 Center visits of the national Park of the Casentinesi Forests, excursion Sua maest?l faggio. In collaboration with Official Guide Silvia Fratini. Immersion total in the mozzafiato nature of the solemn forests of the Reservoir Biogenetic of Prataglia Abbey, with their millenarian and travagliata history of protection and exploitation. Free for the hosts of the structures that join to the escursionistico program. Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, Abbey Prataglia - Tel.ssa Rosy Gennusa, dr the Christian Iaia (Univ Rome I) Il trade dell.archeologo.. Like it is made, in practical, one archaeological digging. Instruments, methods, the search on the field and the true digging and just. Farm holidays the Small farm of Germagnano, Tel. reservations Il trade dell.archeologo. in the Reservoir Natural Alpe of the Moon. Attivit?icreativa for boys in order to know the instruments and the methods used from archeologi the nell.identificazione and interpretation of the objects finds again to you. Information and reservation: Farm holidays Fattoria di Germagnano. (Sansepolcro). Tourist office Comprensoriale di Sansepolcro. Via Matteotti, 8. tel.00 Sagrato of the Nail head of Saint Vincenzo, Messa Saint all.aperto and traditional processione dell.Assunta Information: Common of Chitignano, Office Tel.30 Culture, concert in public square Musiche years 20-50. Master Rossi. Sar?ossibile to taste best wines of the territory, in coupling to small assays of traditional plates. In the evocative ones piazzette of the village, the good music and animations. Information and reservation (obligatory): Office Tel. Secretariat Tra stars and castles - Moncioni under stars. Guided visit nell.ANPIL Monumental Arboretum of Moncioni Visit guided nell.arboreto nineteenth-century of Gaeta Villa and evocative excursion to the sunset in one scene of remarkable beauty. Optimal introduction for Moncioni under stars. Information and reservation: Association Guides Il Viottolo. (Montevarchi). tel. In collaboration with Official Guide Ennio Dallari.Gratuita for the hosts of the structures that join to the escursionistico program. Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, Abbey Prataglia - Tel.00 seen to Vivaio di the Cerreta. Visit guided to the orchards from collection For info and reservations Point Information of Camaldoli 0575 556130. La via of the knights in the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone. Panoramic cliffs and immense rich praterie of valuable floristiche essences, popolate from herds of Chianine. to the pasture Route: House of the King. Pebble of Simone. New house of the Prati. Monteluccio. Petrino. Sestino.00 meeting near the Center Visit of Sestino. Organized service shuttle in order to return to the departure point Information and reservations: Center Visits Pebble of Simone. L.evoluzione of the landscape. Via Marches, 29. 52038 Sestino - tel.00 historical Center, Festivity of the Misericordie.00 ways of the country and stage, Solemn processione dell.Assunta and fires d.artificio.00 in then sport Center Saint Vincenzo, peak Information: Common of Chitignano, Office Tel.00 Culture sport Center Saint Vincenzo, social Lunch, on reservation Information: Common of Chitignano, Office Tel.00 Culture, games in track for adults and children. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tourism Tel. Casone della Burraia, social Lunch dello Ski Club. Information Ski Club Are Tel. Cai Information Section of Are. Casentino Tel.00 public square Tanucci, Champagne, sangria and madnesses of ferragosto - Information Tourist Association For Are Tel. Localit?ama, Excursion on foot Tra goes them and mounts. Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, Park Martyrdoms of the Libert?21 - Sluices of the Verna, Tel. Classroom Magna Domenico Petracca. dell.I.Vegni., presentation of the Book Istituto Vegni. - Salute of Alberto Falvo, President of the Societ?vignonesi S. - deposition of a crown of bay on tomba of the Munificent Founder Vegni Angel - delivery of a press memory of the former employee and former small farm to coloni to the presence delle.00 the Classroom Magna Domenico Petracca. dell.Istituto Vegni: Opening of the jobs: Luciano Topini, Prime Minister d.Istituto dell.I. Colored person Massaini, Managing Scholastic dell.I.20 Walter Checcarelli, City council member to the culture of the Common one of Cortona, introduces the convention that terr? Cortona (spring 2008) La Valdichiana yesterday and oggi..30 Alberto Fifth, City council member to the culture of the Common one of Montepulciano: it introduces the convention that terr? Montepulciano (autumn 2008) La Valdichiana domani..50 Benedict Grechi, President of the wine cellar Coop. Vignaioli of the Morellino di Scansano, introduces the new wine Vannuccio. dedicated all.Ing.30 Ivo Biagianti, Universit?i Siena. Arezzo, History Teacher of the Tuscany, introduces the Book Istituto Vegni.30 Participation of Graziano Authors Tremors, Teacher dell.I.Vegni. and Gianfranco Santiccioli, President dell.Associazione Friends of the Vegni.45 Alessandra Zorzi Sbernadori, Owner of Old podere Palazzo, introduces: The cabrei dell.Ospedale of the Innocents of Florence (year 1690) relati to the poderi of the Estate Le Capezzine..00 Argument and conclusion to you of the Scholastic Leader dell.I. To the manifestation interverr?osy Bindi, Minister of the Political for the Family Classroom Magna Domenico Petracca. dell.I. Organizational secretariat: Vegni Institute. Capezzine 52044 Loc. I colors of the night. Naturalistic evening with excursion in nocturnal in the Reservoir Natural Pebble of Simone.00 House of the King, departure walk to the Pebble of Simone and return Information and reservation: Center Visits Pebble of Simone. L.evoluzione of the landscape. Via Marches, 29. 52038 Sestino - tel. 0575 772642. 3394060025, Alpine shelter of Casa of the King (Sestino). tel.30 Flour mills of Cut with a scythe, of the molitura: the flours. Se I make I comprise. Laboratories on the construction of models of flour mills with recovery materials. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism localit?oggiona, Dance with Planetary orchestra Blue Fantasy of the Park Center for the Didactics and the spreading dell.astronomia - Center visits of Is (AR) Via Montegrappa n. 2 Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Planetary Tel. Tourism of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Il Sky of the Etruschi.. Zone PEEP, Festivity to the Hill with gastronomia, music and animation Information Rione Association the Tel.00 Hill Garden of the Filanda, presentation volume "Places and of faith to They Ciuffenna" Routes between Churches, Madonnini, Tabernacoli and Maest?0 localit?oggiona, Dance with Alessandra. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism Center Visit of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, excursion Il job dell.uomo in forest. In collaboration with l.Associazione Exclusive Guides of the Park. L.escursione has beginning from the localit?arbonile, ancient building used in the slid centuries after the collection of the coal produced in forest with the hard job of carbonai casentinesi and today the receptive structure for lovers of the nature. Route: Coal bunker (980), Passolupatti (1169), Passocerrini (1235), Field dell.Agio (1020), Coal bunker (980). Free for the hosts of the structures that join to the escursionistico program. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Prataglia Abbey - Tel.30 Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Presentiamo the Territory. The sapori of the Park. Presentation and tasting of the typical products Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism Farm holidays the Small farm of Germagnano, dr Lucio Milani (Univ Florence/CeSQ) Il Fire and the Stone: living and to survive in the preistoria. To the discovery of the sophisticated techniques used dall.uomo preistorico in order to guarantee food, light and heat. Farm holidays the Small farm of Germagnano, Tel.30 reservations Tavern dell.Acquolina, free encounter with Gherardo Columbus Tavern dell.Acquolina, localit?aterna.00 sar?ossibile to have supper near l.Osteria l.Acquolina.00 Point Information, excursion Tra lupi and duchesse. Dall.era dell.abete white man to the National Park In collaboration with Official Guide Ennio Dallari. In the incontrastato reign of lupi, red deers and caprioli gush out the source pi?ura of the Park. Route: adapted to all in the Reservoir Biogenetic of Camaldoli. Free for the hosts of the structures that join to the escursionistico program. Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, Abbey Prataglia - Tel.00 Siemoni Arboretum, guided visit all.Arboreto Siemoni Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism Public square of the Town hall "Notes in libert?otto the sky of August" typical supper Tuscany and concert of Alfiero and Nino 1a part: the great melodie yesterday and of oggi.30 public square of the Town hall, typical supper Tuscany. In rain case effettuer?ello same timetable near the gatronomico stand in public square of the Old Field Reservations and information: Office Tourist Information of Bucine - via of the Castle, 9 - Tel. Historical center, Il taste of the Guides. Evening Jazz Mania in honor dell.11. edition de Il Taste of the Guides. Host Big the Band. directed from Peter Guides, descendant of the Guidi.30 Lineage Garden of For Native place, Cena Casentinese. enriched from local wines of the enologica rebirth. Direction of the Italian Federation Cooks - Association of Arezzo.00 Great fire show pyrotechnicians from the Castle of Conti Guides. Special edition in occasion dell.11. edition de Il Taste of the Guidi..00 Opening of the wine cellars and beginning of the tastings. Opening of the gastronomico stand of Soldani.00 Public square Wine cellar Capitanio Ghepardi. The great producers in directed: Az. Montevertine. - the great sangiovese of Radda in Chianti. The section aretina dell.Onaf various presenter?ormaggi much between they, all to latte raw. Faithful, Videoproiezioni from La Bank of the Memory. to cure of the Cred of the Comunit?ontana of the Casentino. Appreciate hosts of the evening Gemelli di the Palafolls. The participation to the Laboratories of the Taste?u reservation, Selection Wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo, the Wines of the Casentino.30 Hall of the Festivities of the Castle of Conti Guides, final Selection of the 2. Prize Il Taste of the Guides. IGT of Tuscany (Supertuscan Rossi).00 Opening of the Wine cellars and beginning of degustazioni.00 the Opening of the gastronomico stand of Soldani.00 Public square Wine cellar Capitanio Ghepardi, L.evoluzione of the wine in last the 30 years. - Encounter with l.enologo Vittorio Fiore.30 historical Corteggio of the Saracino di Arezzo.00 Garden For Native place, Dal wine. to distillati.30 the Opening of the wine cellars and beginning of degustazioni.00 the Opening of the gastronomico stand of Soldani.00 Public square Wine cellar Capitanio Ghepardi, I great producers in directed. Agricultural Company Le Cinciole.. a Chianti true, in arrival from Panzano.00 from Tuscany popular Songs for the ways of the Village with the Company of the Ricomposti. of Anghiari. The Siblings Martini di Cigala will tell their wines reward you. the Prosciutto Consortium of the Casentino presenter?a mitica. pig thigh gray and others salumi pregiati.00 Closing of the wine cellars and dell.11. edition de Il Taste of the Guides. Soldani public square, in concomitanza with the tastings?n function the gastronomico stand with a rich men?egustazione of casentinesi typical plates. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Il Park of the Small. Didactic laboratory and animation for children and families painting Laboratory Forme and colors of the nature. With matite and block for sketches to the discovery of the shapes and the colors of the Every forest participant to have fortified of matite own. Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, Park Martyrdoms of the Libert?21 - Sluices of the Verna, Tel. Supper in the Tree-lined avenue of the Station to cure of the Saint Comunit?i Stefano. Festivity of Saint Bartolomeo, patron of Anghiari. Public square Saint Giusto, "Week of the Quartierista" of the Quarter of Door Sant' Andrea.00 Beginning week of the quartierista Pizzeria.00 Festivity of the Beer and Concert with Daniel and Sabina.30 Giochi for children - "the packages tuoi".00 Music from the alive one with "Francesca".00 To I walk with the Pony (scuderia Pan-Pony Club Arezzo).30 Giochi for children - Giostra of the Saracino for bimbi.00 Music from the alive one with "Alessandra".30 Giochi for children - "Falled of palloncini".00 Music with "DJ Set Mark Pieschi &nd Monero".00 to supper, beyond to the pizzeria, "multiethnic Supper and specialit?el world" to cure of the Association Women Insieme.00 "Latin Fiesta" Music and dances from the Carabi with the Association of the Dominican ones of for children - "Laboratories of circo".00 Music from the alive one with the "Loud.30 Giochi for children -" Laboratories of circo".00 Show" the Bullfight "- Quartieristi to sbaraglio.00 the Tests Generates them and to follow" Songs in S. Public square During and after the supper us sar?a "Performance" musical "By Francisco Irrera" and 2. Edition "a Prize for the life".: From 24 August to the 1 september all the evenings will work the service Bar and the Boutique Biancoverde Information: Secretariat of the Quarter of Sant' Door Andrea Tel.00 Evening of Dance with the Pair "Beautiful and bestia".00 the Concert of the Filarmonica di Soci directed from the M. L.00 Center Polifunzionale Ugo Nofri., Calici of stars. Typical manifestation of wine tasting and products locali.30 National Casting Competition Nuove stars for the show. Photographic competition Pietra and wood to the Verna.. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism Baldaccio public square, Traditional Festivity of the Hosts. Riflessi of nature and moon walk in the Reservoir Natural Bridge Buriano and Penna L.iniziativa?edicata to the discovery of the angles pi?uggestivi and hidden dell.Arno between Bridge to Buriano and the Dam of the Pen. The walk to pu?ssere completed also of night in order to discover a made universe ignoto of sounds, magical noises and atmosfere.00 term walk and I re-enter to Pieve to Maiano. Possibilit?i supper to the Festival of the Wild boar with tasting of native produce. Pieve to Maiano - Lago of the Pen and return. It is recommended l.uso of shoes from trekking or long ginnastica, pants and binoculars. Obligatory reservation is for the serale walk that for that nocturnal Information and reservations: Common of Civitella Valdichiana tel. Guided visit free and laboratory for children (6/13 years). 340-4636787. Communal library of Bibbiena - Service Culture: tel.00 Sanctuary of Saint Maria of the Pebble, solemn eucaristica celebration presided a most eminent Cardinal. With the participation of the Clergy of the Casentino In the within of the 500. Anniversary of the Consacrazione of the Church: Fifth Centennial Sanctuary of Saint Maria of the Sasso.00 in then, Festivity of closing with supper made up of typical products and dancing evening Information: Common of Chitignano, Office Tel. Culture Riflessi of nature and moon walk in the Reservoir Natural Bridge Buriano and Penna. L.iniziativa?edicata to the discovery of the angles pi?uggestivi and hidden dell.Arno between Bridge to Buriano and the Dam of the Pen. The walk to pu?ssere completed also of night in order to discover a made universe ignoto of sounds, magical noises and atmosfere.00 term walk and I re-enter to Pieve to Maiano. Possibilit?i supper to the Festival of the Wild boar with tasting of native produce. Pieve to Maiano - Lago of the Pen and return. It is recommended l.uso of shoes from trekking or long ginnastica, pants and binoculars. Obligatory reservation is for the serale walk that for that nocturnal Information and reservations: Common of Civitella Valdichiana tel. Tasting of wines of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo and assays of traditional kitchen toscana.00 "umoristiche Masks", show of musical cabaret with the comedian Alexander Ceccherini. Guided observation of the celestial time (to cure dell.AUSER Laterina). Localit?asanuova di Laterina, sacred of bastoncello.30 the tasting wines and assays of Tuscany kitchen/Umoristiche Masks (musical cabaret)/guided observation of the time celeste.00 Communal Theatre, XVII Convention of the National Archives of the Unknown Poetry "Poetries in the drawer" convention "shaking Brother/word/in the night". Participations participate to the representatives of Siblings of the Man and readings of the Poetry Poets "in the Cassetto".00 near the historical Wine cellar Capitanio Gherardi "the wines of the Casentino have the scents of the territory" tasting of the labels of the Casentino.00 localit?oggiona, Dance with Sarabanda.00 orchestra historical center, Il village of the toys. Arteindisparte. Nocturnal excursion guided I colors of notte..00 the Supper to House of the King (optional on reservation). Long pants, light wool mesh, scarponcini or shoes from ginnastica, borraccia d.acqua, torch electrical worker Information and reservations are advised: Center Visit of Sestino tel. 0575 772642, cell 339 4060025. Shelter House of the King tel.00 Point Information, excursion Il Flour mill sull.Arno. Mulin di Bucchio In collaboration with Official Guide Maura Lucatello. Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Prataglia Abbey - Planetary Tel.30 of the Park Center for the Didactics and the spreading dell.astronomia - Center visits of Is, divulgativa and osservativa evening Il sky of the Etruschi. Two giant planets of the solar system: Giove and Saturno, first visible in first part of the night in the constellation of the Scorpion the equatorial colorful bands), the position of rings (only in the case of Saturno) and the slow movement of revolution of some satellites (es. the medicei satellites of Giove, gi?sservati from Galileo Galilei in 1610). Planetarium of the Park Center for the Didactics and the spreading dell.astronomia - Center visits of Is (AR) Via Montegrappa n. 2 Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel. Tourism Excursion in the Reservoir Natural of the Rognosi Mounts with arrival to the Bridge to the Piera. "Concerts. of villa in villa. Naturalistic walk and musical concert nell. ANPIL Monumental Arboretum of Moncioni rich L.itinerario of curiosit?attraverser?a small Goes them of Rimaggio with its flour mills, until reaching nell.Azienda Borgo di Fontebussi. ideal frame in order to conclude the evening being celebrated the 150, anniversary of the birth of Ruggero Leoncavallo (1857-2007). Concert for Pianoforte di Giuseppe Tavanti. Musical academy Valdarnese.00 meeting to Borgo di the Fontebussi. and service shuttle for the Castle of Moncioni (?aggiungibile Fontebussi from StradaStatale 408 Chiantigiana. Montevarchi-Siena/Montegonzi).30 direction beginning visits guided all.Arboreto of Moncioni and walk naturalistica.30 fine walk with arrival to Borgo di the Fontebussi.. Route: Castle of Moncioni - Arboretum - Saint Mark - Flour mill of Rimaggio - Village of Fontebussi Difficolt?Nessuna for persons (and children) accustomed to the walks. One always recommends l.uso of shoes sluices and one supply d.acqua. Free for walk + quota buffet. 12,00 (upon request) Information and reservations: Association il Viottolo. tel.00 Park of the Machines, animation of fine summer for bambini.30 courtyard of the Venturino museum Lucks, Medieval Supper "Convivio to They Ciuffenna".00 localit?aldazze, meeting for "Off road bike" walk in mountain bike to the Zucca Mount. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel. Tourism. in the Reservoir Natural Pebble of Simone. Un.occasione for the pi?iccoli in order to realize of the amusing games using the materials to recycle after pic-nic.00 a beginning attivit?i education laboratory acclimatizes them Information and reservations: Alpine shelter of Casa of the King (Sestino). tel. In collaboration with Official Guide Silvia Fratini. A distance that spaces with the look between Romagna and Tuscany through the beautifulst ones faggete of crinale on the traces of the ancient and recent history. Route: Step of the Calla, Hill Ports of call and return. Free for the hosts of the structures that join to the escursionistico program. Information and reservations: Center Visit of the National Park of the Forests Casentinesi, Prataglia Abbey - Tel.00 Festivity of the Sport - III edition Il Filo of the Sport Memory. Host of honor Fiona May.15 Tarlati public square, Anniversary of the liberation and show pirotecnico.00 Center Visit of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, excursion Dove dares the aquile.. In collaboration with Official Guide Ennio Dallari. Free for the hosts of the structures that join to the escursionistico program. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel. 21 hours Public square of the Town hall "Notes in libert?otto the sky of August" typical supper Tuscany and concert of the Sciacchetr?treet Band the friends of the Valdarno in an always pi?oinvolgente rhythm of itinerante music. Address: via of the Castle, 9. Bucine (Ar). Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Il Park of the Small. Didactic laboratory and animation for children and families painting Laboratory Forme and colors of the nature. With matite and block for sketches to the discovery of the shapes and the colors of the forest. Excursion to the discovery of the shapes and the colors of the forest to the search of emotions and feelings. An approach, a contact and an exchange with the nature that tradurr?n communication for images. Every participant to have fortified of matite own. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.30 Tourism Bookcase Cafeteria I Es & Cappuccino presentation of the book of Federico Batini "I one poetry you pay me an orangeade". He recites the brani Francisco Botti with accompanyment to the violoncello of I soothe Mengozzi.30 Garibaldi public square, inauguration and presentation V Festival of the Cinema. Localit?trada in Casentino, Festivity of the Gemellaggio "Saint Castel Niccol?P?mas".15 Circle Ulivieri Rooms Garibaldi public square, Presentation and debate on the extension-documentation: Come we were... The Cappellifici and the Pelifici di Montevarchi. Bracciolini, Aspettando Short King Carl D.Angi?alla of I guide War... Evening with supper, shows and animations of the organized Middle Ages from Association Rievocazione Storica.00 public square Crosses, concert Musical Body G. the 055 9108247 - 055 9108248 - 055 9108249 (following telephones answers with hour following: From luned?l Venerd?re 9. Excursion in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests In bus in the Park visits to La Forest of the Blade. Information and reservations: Center Visits of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Abbey Prataglia - Tel./Fax 0575 559477. Casentino consortium Development and Tel.00 Tourism historical center "Nights of wine, nights of. The Saint Comunit?i Stefano di Anghiari renews the traditional Festivity. Beyond to the religious program, the billboard previews many recreational manifestations which torneo of calcetto, contests of briscola and bagatelle table that will be concluded with the classic popular supper. Quarter of Door of the Hole, supper outside Porta.30 Grifoni Flour mill, of the molitura: the flours. Mani in paste. Laboratory sull.impasto and the baking of the bread. Circle of Goes them of Chio, Supper dell.ocio Information: For Native place of Castiglion Fiorentino Tel. 0575 658278. Cultural institution and Educational Castiglionese Tel.00 Reading from part dell.Araldo of the Ban of the Contesa of Gioco of the Sink and extraction to fate of the Contese of the Pomeriggio.45 Blessing of the players in the Churches of the Gonfaloni.25 Reading from part dell.araldo of the oath of lealt?i Contendenti of Gioco of the Sink and beginning of the Contese semifinali..30 Evening spettacolo:.Tre for uno..tre. (with: Lisetta Luchini, Sergio Forconi, Giavanni Lepri).00 public square XX September, Moda and Music: Paraded fashionable with the participation of the singer Mariangela Mancini and the prestigiatore Raffael.. Bracciolini, Market via of the Museums from the afternoon to hours 24. ASP Montevarchi (House of Rest), hours 15.Insieme. Contest of dance with school TRIS D.ASSI. the 055 9108247 - 055 9108248 - 055 9108249 (following telephones answer with hour following: From luned?l Venerd?re 9. Un remedy of Riserva. in the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone.00 House of the King, botanical walk in company of experts in order to discover, to recognize and to use the officinali plants of the Reservoir Natural. Information and reservation: Alpine shelter of Casa of the King (Sestino). tel.30 Point Information of the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Presentiamo the Territory. The sapori of the Park Presentation and tasting of the typical products Point Information of the Park, Tanucci.30 public square Point Information, We introduce the Territory I sapori of the Park. Presentation and tasting of the typical products. For info and reservations Point Information of It is 0575 504596. La Blade. Excursion with the group trekking I.giglio. Cai information Section of Are - Casentino Tel. of notes "Degutazione of wines in coupling to plates of the tradition and show musicale.00 meeting afternoon, exposure vehicles participants and premiazione Magiotti Public square, XII Walk of the Forgiveness. To the discovery of the territory between art, history and nature initiative Section Associates Coop Montevarchi.00 Public square It crosses, Podistica Contest:. Trophy Siro Noferi Fireplaces "and Trofeo Opel GM Sancin. for all categorie.30 Final of the Contese of Gioco of the Pozzo.00 Public square XX September, Show of Music, Dance and Cabaret. the 055 9108247 - 055 9108248 - 055 9108249 (following telephones answer with hour following: From luned?l Venerd?re 9. Le prescriptions of Riserva. in the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone.00 an afternoon to House of the King, in order to discover and to find again the sapori of the typical products through tastings and prescription realization. Information and reservation: Alpine shelter of Casa of the King (Sestino). tel. Le camaldolesi forests. Excursion with the group trekking I.giglio. Cai information Section of Are - Casentino Tel.lli Sancin and Citt?i Run Montevarchi Ciclistica Elite-Under 23. Memorial Giuliano Gobbi..00 Musical Show with the group Pensieri and Emozioni..00 Public square XX September, Show of the School of Dance Studio Caroline. introduces: Il Secret Garden (one show all to discover). the 055 9108247 - 055 9108248 - 055 9108249 (following telephones answer with hour following: From luned?l Venerd?re 9,00 Public square Crosses, musical show: Voci and Music of Montevarchi..40 Teatrale Show Se I Gaber pits. Monologo with musical accompanyment. Band Indian alternatives rock of Montevarchi.30 Concert of the cantautore Paul Benvegn?alternative rock italiano).30 Hill Of the Cappuccini, Show Pyrotechnician. the 055 9108247 - 055 9108248 - 055 9108249 (following telephones answer with hour following: From luned?l Venerd?re 9,00 public square of the Town hall, typical Supper Tuscany with musical entertainment In rain case terr?resso the gastronomico stand of public square of the Field Vecchio.00 Massimiliano Caneschi and Maria Grace Donates songs celebrates and bar slowly to you Cost: adults. 12.50, boys under years 10. 5,00 Information and reservations: Office Tourist Information Tel./Fax: 055 992796 (Hour of summery opening (from luned?l the saturday): 9-13 15-19). Giulio 338 6424404 - Bombolino (Taxi driver) 333 4512304,00 Public square Crosses, Show and exhibition of the musical Groups: Bad Funky and C.Over 30. the 055 9108247 - 055 9108248 - 055 9108249 (following telephones answer with hour following: From luned?l Venerd?re 9,00 Public square Crosses, Danzaria for the Calcit: Spettacolo di Danza.. the 055 9108247 - 055 9108248 - 055 9108249 (following telephones answer with hour following: From luned?l Venerd?re 9. Festivity of the From Tuscany ones to the foreign country. Former Convent of Sargiano, Musica & Nature in the Natural Area Protect of Local Interest "Forest of Sargiano". Naturalistic excursion and musical concert of the "Orchestra Bavarian Classics" To the?revista term one tasting of gastronomici products tipici.15 meeting in the before large square the Church and l.ingresso of the Forest, and transfer with shuttle towards the Lignano Mount. (Sargiano? approximately 3 km to south of Arezzo, in the pressed ones of the localit?lmo all.incrocio of be them 73 Siena-Sansepolcro with regional the 71 Umbro-Casentinese).30 I re-enter organized with means to Sargiano and consequent visit all.interno of the Forest. Who?nteressato to only visit the Forest to pu?sufruire of visits guided to leave from the 18,30 Salute of the Autorit? opening of the manifestation. Route: Boscato path for the summit of the Lignano Mount (round-trip) and covered inner to the Forest of total Sargiano Length and difficolt?Circa 6 km easy percorribili recommends l.uso of shoes from trekking and one small supply d.acqua. Participation: Free. Obligatory reservation for the climb to the Lignano Mount Information and reservations: Association il Viottolo. tel.30 Knows it Conferences Bartolea (1, plan), Via Indicates, Energia in net. 1, day of the Associations for Montevarchi.00 Public square Cross, Supper of the Voluntary service. Information and reservations: Common office In. of Montevarchi and Levane, Social Service of the Common one of Montevarchi, the Associations that join all.iniziativa.00 Amphitheater to the Ginestra, La Poetry of Music. Recital of poetries, musics and images devised from the Circle Anspi La Ginestra. with the collaboration of the M. S. the 055 9108247 - 055 9108248 - 055 9108249 (following telephones answer with hour following: From luned?l Venerd?re 9. Un treasure hidden in the sour cliff route in the Reservoir Natural of the Rognosi Mounts. Route: Conventino, Champion, Lago of the Pescaie, Go them of Under, Conventino. Difficolt?facile and adapted for all advised Apparel: long pants and shoes sluices (scarponcini or shoes from ginnastica), umbrella and/or raincoat the term for the registrations?issato for venerd? hours 19. L.escursione effettuer?n whichever meteorological condition Information and reservations: Museum of Battaglia di Anghiari Tel. Market of the Products and the Produttori.Lorenzo, (traditional Festivity of Madonna of the Latte.) Nostra the Mother ", svolger?a solemn City Processione with beginning to the church of S.Maria to the Giglio and conclusion in public square Is crossed presides diocesano Bishop Mons. To the term: Luminous cascade from the bell tower of the Collegiata. the 055 9108247 - 055 9108248 - 055 9108249 (following telephones answer with hour following: From luned?l Venerd?re 9. IV From Tuscany Festivity of i all.estero. the train of the sapori "the train of the grape" Hours 09,00 approximately Meeting to station FS of Arezzo, distribution decreases and portacalici and departure to us with the train to vapor for the Casentino. From Tuscany mixed Men?antipasto. tagliatelle to the fungi. potato tortellos of the Casentino to the rag? roast compound to the spit. potatoes and insalata. corners and Vinsanto. Wines of the Strada of the wine. Walk to the Castle of Conti Guides and in the historical center and transfer in coach to Ortignano Raggiolo. All.Ecomuseo visit of the Chestnut merenda made up of baldino in coupling to wines of the Strada of the wine. Transfer to the railway station of Bibbiena and I re-enter to Arezzo with the vapor. Quota participation: Adults. 35.00, boys from 6 to 12 years. 10,00.30 former Elementary Schools, Supper with Chilean Delegation (Localit?ieve to Presciano, from Pergine Valdarno, 2 km towards Siena) First: Ribollita, cold Paste with I step on of Second eggplants violette flourishing some: Pollo of the Valdarno to the Chianti with Round potato "of Berlino"al furnace, Pig with Sweet fagioli the Coco Dwarf: Crostate, Biscottini and vin Saint cooked Pane to firewood to natural lievitazione of Chiassata. Wines: Selection wines aretini Cost: . 22,00 (. 18,00 for the Associates Slow Food). 4^ From Tuscany Day of the all.estero organizational Secretariat: All.estero office From Tuscany of the Region Tuscany Tel. Sui Paths Di Peter Leopoldo. excursion guided in the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Covered Simone a route that in granducale age constituted one of the main viari tracings that put in communication the Tuscany altotiberina with l.Adriatico, through the passage from the Pebble of Simone. top to the mount for along turn is arrived to the Pebble of Simone. This?na the highest cliff or is masso d.un a piece scosceso from all much the parts. Era anciently one fortress. (from per diem of travel of Peter Leopoldo) the Route: Step of Saint Cristoforo. Hill of the Bells. Hill of the Dark one. Pebble of Simone. House of the Re.00 Meeting and departure from the Step of Saint Cristoforo. Service shuttle in order to return to the departure point. Participation quota: . 5,00. free for children long pants, light mesh of cotton, scarponcini or shoes from ginnastica are advised. Information and reservations: Obligatory reservation (for meal) near Center Visit of Sestino: tel. 0575 772642 - cell 339 4060025. Center Visit of the Reservoir Natural of the Pebble of Simone.00 Campogialli/Paterna "Between the Chianti and Pratomagno" Walks - music - tastings nformazioni and reservations: Point Tourist Information Tel. Sentieri of the Taste. and Musica between the vines excursions and tastings dall.Arno to the Setteponti To spasso for the campaign, from the Reservoir Natural until the vines of quest.aria that gi?dora of must and wine. A long walk for small roads of field, un.occasione in order to know the landscape of the wine, the small farms, the shepherds, the coloniche. Sentieri of the Taste excursion from Km.15 Goes them dell.Inferno to the vines of the Traiana (Excursion of 6,5 meeting near the Center visits of Monticello.30 departure in company of the Guides acclimatizes them of Alcedo.. L.escursione previews two pauses with tastings (Agricultural Company of Bacci Tito and Agricultural Company Ascione).15 arrival to the Small farm of Romignano (Traiana). Lunch to buffet with wine tasting locali.00 I re-enter with bus shuttle to Hillock or possibilit?i to continue the walk in the afternoon. Musica between the vines walk from Traiana to Paternal, to small farms and narrow lanes of campaign (Excursion of 3 Km, distance facile).00 meeting near l.Agriturismo Small farm of Romignano (Traiana).30 departure for the walk between vines and fields in company of the guides of Alcedo., pauses for small merende (Small farm the Traiana, Podere Paternal Fattoiaccio).30 arrival to and tasting between the filari with the producers of the Setteponti.00 music between the vines with Unexpected Band, concert to the tramonto.00 to eat sull.aia (Tavern dell.Acquolina, Agriculturists Caretakers, Ass.30 I re-enter with bus shuttle for Romignano and Hillock And possible to enroll themselves to the single initiatives, or all.intera day to the cost of. 20,00 Reservations: Office Promotion Tel.00 Territory Knows it Conferences of the Library Citt?i Arezzo, presentation book "Telephone" of Orsenigo.00 Gioved?ibri: readings to cure of the Autobahn Association Theatre with musical intervals of artists aretini until 23,00 hours Inn sull.Arno, nell.ambito of the manifestation Volarondine. Multiethnic supper. XXIII Edition of the Pieve Prize. Tuscany bank to the autobiographic writing, turned to the per diem ones to the memories and the epistolari inediti.00 Knows it Medicea of Palace Country houses, the Prof. Edoardo Mirri introduces the book "the Cantico of the Creatures of S. Localit?ozzo Of the Chiana," a Sink of sapori ". Cultural Gemellaggio to memory of the Savinese Hieronimo Veltroni (monaco agostiniano) 10 Hours Communal Saint Mount Palace Savino: encounter between comunit?i the Saint Mount Savino, Grauno, Grumes, Sover. 12 hours Logge of the Merchants concert Chorus Valle-Gruppo historical customs Goes them of Cembra. Un day in carrozza. in the Reservoir Natural Alpe of the Moon. Excursion in carrozza along the sides of the Tevere.00 meeting in front of the Bar Paris. in Loc. Information and reservation: Association Guides La Civetta. (Sansepolcro) - Museum of Battaglia di Anghiari. tel.00 inauguration of varying of Levane to the S.00 the cut of the tape to the svincolo loc. The Oaks and distance in bicycle of the new varying until the center of Levane in public square Of the Secco.00 exhibition of the musical body Giacomo Puccini. of Montevarchi and the filarmonica of Ambra.30 participations of autorit?incenzo Ceccarelli-Presidente of the Province of Arezzo, Sauro Testi-Sindaco di Bucine, George Valentini-Sindaco di Montevarchi. Cost supper: . 15,00 adults. 5,00 children from 5 to 10 years gratis children under the 5 years Reservations supper: Incomune Levane tel 055-9180431, Coop Levane tel 055-9789514. Le our cliffs: Pian di Sc? outskirtses nell.ANPIL the Balze.15 encounter near Knows it of the Communal Council in Public square of the Republic to Pian di informative multimediale Sc?Presentazione on the Protected Areas of the Valdarno Superiore.15 departure for l.escursione to the Cliffs of Pian di Sc?nformazioni and reservation to it: Common of Pian di Sc? Alcedo ambient and territory snc. (Terranuova B.30 Contemporary Communal Gallery d.Arte, Symposium between decreases to us and pennellate of author. To the term of the symposium, visit guided to the extension of Lorenzo Bigots poetica and libert?el sign. and from Tuscany wine tasting contemporary communal Gallery, S.00 public square "hanging garden" of via Ricasoli 52, Calici of autumn in the exclusive scene after supper dedicated to vinsanto and grappa of the Road of the Wine Lands of Arezzo with sfiziosi sweet and salati couplings. Arricchiranno the evening "you play divine", the competition "votes the etichetta"e. In the sar?llestita occasion the photographic extension "the seasons of the wine" Costs: Goblet + portacalice. 2.00, tasting grappa or vinsanto with sweet or salato coupling. 3,00.00 It knows it of the Large ones of the Palace of the Province, presentation of the book "Afghanistan". The culture like challenge for the reconstruction "of Mark Braghero. Navy Serene, Vincenzo Ceccarelli, Rita Cuc?l' Author. Palace of the Province, public square of the Libert?.30 Bookcase Edison, presentation of the book of Walter Bernardi and Domenico Massaro "the Philosophy, a cure for the life" Beyond to the authors, will take part Mariano White woman, Emanuela Caroti, Giampiero Giugnoli, Francisco Hermit, Paul Sisti and Paul Verrazzani. Palace Country houses, 1. National competition Multivisione in digitale.00 Localit?onticino piazzetta of the Bridge, documentary video "the RaccontaGiovani".00 concert live Telesplash + Etherion + The Dandy. Equinozio d.Autunno. in the Reservoir Natural Pebble of Simone. A evening of storys and encounter to the riscoperta one of the traditions tied to the calendar of the seasons. Information and reservations: Alpine shelter of Casa of the King (Sestino). tel. Localit?ondine, inauguration Feminine Section of the International Studentato. Salute of the Group Sbandieratori di Sansepolcro. Piazzetta di Rondine, Old court, Knows it Leonardo, Knows it of the Gioconda. Inauguration of the extension "the high met?el sky". I invite of the students of the International Studentato to paint the "Wall of creativit?ell' the art". Inauguration of the Feminine Section of the International Studentato: Poetica mimico performance to cure of the Free Academy of the Theatre of Arezzo. Women protagonists for a future of peace and dialogue. Testimonies of Rosy Bindi, Elisa Mussaeva, Giovanna Ceccatelli Guerrieri, Nelida Still. In the Restaurants and Farm holidays of Abbey Tedalda and Sestino, 2. Festival Gastronomico Vivi di Chianina. In order to exalt all the cuts of the chianina, without to stop itself. Men? meat base, exclusively Chianina IGP Vitellone White man dell.Appennino Centers them Bonafede Public square, 19 - Abbey Tedalda (AR) - Tel. Public square of the Tedaldi, 22 - 52032 Abbey Tedalda (AR) FARM HOLIDAYS IL CASALONE. of Maria Teresa Tocci. Saint Patrignano, 53 - Abbey Tedalda (AR) - Tel. Cut of several Chianina, Contours, Sweet FARM HOLIDAYS PIAN OF BOTTA. of Alexander It gilds. Carried out of the Podere, 14 - Abbey Tedalda (AR) - Tel. In the Restaurants and Farm holidays of Abbey Tedalda and Sestino, 2. Festival Gastronomico Vivi di Chianina. In order to exalt all the cuts of the chianina, without to stop itself. Men? meat base, exclusively Chianina IGP Vitellone White man dell.Appennino Centers them Bonafede Public square, 19 - Abbey Tedalda (AR) - Tel. Public square of the Tedaldi, 22 - 52032 Abbey Tedalda (AR) FARM HOLIDAYS IL CASALONE. of Maria Teresa Tocci. Saint Patrignano, 53 - Abbey Tedalda (AR) - Tel. Cut of several Chianina, Contours, Sweet FARM HOLIDAYS PIAN OF BOTTA. of Alexander It gilds. Carried out of the Podere, 14 - Abbey Tedalda (AR) - Tel. "Baptism of Contrada" to cure of the Rione of Fiorentina door. "Baptism of Contrada" to cure of the Rione of Fiorentina door Information: For native place Castiglion Fiorentino, TEL. Vegni., ceremony of inauguration of the laboratories of the hotel section dell.Istituto Be them of Advanced Instruction Angelo Vegni. Capezzine. 17 hours Museum Be them of Medieval Art and Modern conference of Luciana Borri Cristelli "Parri Spinels and the long-wave of the late Gotico"." In order to exalt all the cuts of the chianina, without to stop itself. Men? base of meat exclusively Chianina IGP "Vitellone White man" of the Appennino Centers them. DONNARTE.. III Review dedicated to the woman in all its aspects, culture and engagement sociale.00 - Fortress Medicea Girifalco di Cortona, Vernissage extensions from the Violata topic Viola. and Battaglia: Singular, Feminine. in collaboration with l.Associazione Soqquadro of Rome. Interveranno all.apertura: the President dell.Associazione Soqquadro, Riccardo Girini, Dir. Marine Art Zatta and the curatrice of the Claudia extension Paper. They will participate with their works: Rosalba Butanes, Elisa Labyrinths, Renata Maccaro, Flavia Manfroncelli, Annamaria Bordering, Anna Saves To You. Personal extensions of: Adele the Feudo, Fausta Ottolini, True Hynes, Marilena Zucconi.30 - Fortress Medicea Girifalco di Cortona, teatrale Rappresentazione "Understood it five" text of Albano Curly, direction of Mariangela Ricci and Michela Farnetani, interpreters Mariangela Ricci and Michela Farnetani, lights and audio: cultural association Gotama.00. Borgo the melone. Camucia (AR), Concert of fisarmonica of master Alexander Of i, accompanied from the poetry reading of Alda Merini.00. Fortress Medicea Girifalco di Cortona, poetry Reading (in collaboration with the Center d.Arte Minerva di Perugia).00. Fortress Medicea Girifalco di Cortona, Presentation of the book Femmine: 12 erotici storys. (Delos Books). They will take part: Linen Anielli and Mariagiovanna Judges. Italian center of the Photography of Author, via of the Monache 2, Fotoconfronti 2007. Hall of the Municipal Palace, Via Berni 25, permanent Exposure Paesaggi of the Casentino.. Information: Office culture of the Common one of Bibbiena, Tel. Museum of the Theatre, Scenografia and Costume, extension. Piero of the Francesca.. Through l.aiuto of esplicative tables some customs will be able to be admired inspire to you to the paintings of Piero of the Francesca and realize to you from the students dell.Istituto d.Arte of Arezzo. Free visit and, on reservation, guided visit. Museum centralized on the figure of cardinal Bernardo Dovizi and the family of the Bibiena Galliums (architects and scenografi). To make from frame the exposed material, they are present customs of scene and parts of scenografie, currently use you for operistiche seasons. 29 saturdays september and 30 Sunday hour september: 10, Free income, Advised reservation Tel. In the first l.antica?resente fossil fauna, that it lived on the sides of the villafranchiano lago, and the series of the preistoriche litiche stations. They have been recently exposed also new reperti the coming from ones from Lago of the Idoli. on the Falterona Mount (diggings 2003). It knows it of the Roman period finally accommodates the reperti coming from from peasant villas of the territory. Archaeological museum of the Casentino, Via Tosco Inhabitant of Romagna 29. Castle of Cennina, European Days of Patrimony 2007. Very small walled village, with the evocative urbanistico system of ways all meeting in the piazzetta quattrocentesca, overhung from the powerful one cassero, constructed in 1167. Imusei will be opened the hour following public free of charge with: Pinacoteca, Museum and Archaeological Exposure, Pieve di San Giuliano: morning 10. We have organized also following visits guided with modalit?00 the visit guided to the Museum of the Pieve di San Giuliano.30 visits guided to the Pinacoteca Comunale.15 visits guided to the Archaeological Exposure Sotterranea.00 visits guided to the Museum of the Pieve di San Giuliano.30 visits guided to the Pinacoteca Comunale.15 visits guided to the Archaeological Exposure Sotterranea.00 visits guided to the Museum of the Pieve di San Giuliano.30 visits guided to the Pinacoteca Comunale.15 visits guided to the Archaeological Exposure Sotterranea.00 visits guided to the Museum of the Pieve di San Giuliano.30 visits guided to the Pinacoteca Comunale.15 visits guided to the Archaeological Exposure Basement. Information: For native place Castiglion Fiorentino, TEL.30 knows it of the Pastor Angelicus, presentation of collapsible the tourist "Michelangelo between Caprese and Chiusi. It knows it of the Pastor Angelicus, Saint Tree-lined avenue Francisco 20. The situated ones interested are: Church of Saint Francisco. Announced church of the Saintest one or the Misericordia. Communal museum. It knows it consiliare. In the days and timetables of which over the situated ones son to free income and with guide.30 Rosini Theatre, presentation of the volume of Francisco Pizzolato "Sources, Pools and Public washhouses of the past" Salutes of welcome: Maurizio Serious Mayor of Lucignano Interverr?Francesco Pizzolato Author of the volume. Nell.occasione l.Architetto Roberto Santini, in qualit?i Coordinator, illustrer?l Plan I places dell.Acqua, a Museum diffused in Province of Arezzo. Free income to the Paleontological Museum and visits guided to hours 9,00, in collaboration with MAKES and Freeways Italian. The inserted Paleontological Museum?tato in a directory of approximately 200 assets characterizes to you from MAKES that verr?romosso national level. Takes part prof the Tartar Giuseppe (Vice-president dell.Accademia). - free Income to the Paleontological Museum and visits guided to hours 10,30 in collaboration with MAKES and Freeways Italian. The inserted Paleontological Museum?tato in a directory of approximately 200 assets characterizes to you from MAKES that verr?romosso to level nazionale.30 they resume the initiatives dell.Audioteca Poggiana, that conference of Cesar Orselli remembers Luciano Pavarotti with one. Valdarnese academy of the Hill, via Bracciolini Hill, 36/40- Tel/Fax 055 981227,00 Ways of Foiano Center Trades them Natural. Valdichiana Fruit Fest. Promozionale fair of the local productions Extension market yields and verdura of season, yields biological and typical sand bank, fungi, honey, products, gastronomia, plants and flowers, artistic handicraft. Tastings guided, aperiti to you and cocktail, animation for children and music with the Foiano Brass Band. I paths of the Taste "excursion in the Reservoir Natural of Bridge Buriano and Penna through the landscapes of the estate of Monsoglio.30 Villa meeting to the Residence Green Tuscany (Localit?enna).30 conclusion to the restaurant" tabaccaia "(the Residence Green Tuscany) with buffet made up of typical plates toscani.30 Knows it Large of the Audioteca," Memory of Luciano Pavarotti "takes part prof. the Information: Valdarnese academy of the Hill, via Hill Bracciolini, 36/40 - Tel/Fax 055 981227. Cartoline from the Chianti "historical-naturalisticoa walk nell.ANPIL Monumental Arboretum of Moncioni. All.ora of lunch, buffet (upon request) near l.Azienda Borgo di Fontebussi..00 meeting to Moncioni (the country catches up from Montevarchi, following the indications stradali).15 departure in Montegonzi direction passing from Hill to the Monache and arrival for l.ora of lunch to Fontebussi Village. Lunch and return to Moncioni passing from Saint Hill Mark. Term of the day around to hours 16. Route: L.itinerario carries out on paths and stradelle of total campaign Length and difficolt?Circa 8 km easy percorribili. Small supply is recommended l.uso of shoes from trekking and one d.acqua. Free for l.escursione. Cost buffet (upon request): . 12,00 adults. 10,00 boys Information and reservations: Association il Viottolo. - tel. The nozzle sar?n extension between the squires of the quarter of Door of the Hole that?ggiudicato the Giostra and l.ambito trophy. All the participants to Invito to Palace will receive a coupon of valid free income for the Extension Tesori di Carta. Historical center of Etruria Bank, Italy Course, 176 Information: Paola Angiolini, Communication and Studies Direction Center them Transactions Generate them - tel.00 Diocesano Museum, Inauguration of the new Museum Diocesano di Arezzo.30 panoramic terrace of the Continental Hotel, presentation of the Route "the Way of the Sacred one". Diocesano museum, piazzetta behind the Dome, 13 Continental Hotels, public square I guide Monaco, 7. Localit?evane, in the within of the National Day dell.Energia Assoelettrica Electrical worker - ENEL "Centers Opened them to hydroelectric Levane".00 Visit all.impianto. Ornithological excursions. Animation for children: inflatable and clown. Visit in boat in the Reservoir Natural dell.Arno.00-16:00 Preparation Scout Field. Tree Climbing: tibetano bridge between the trees. Ice cream artigianale.00 Emiciclo Giovanni Paul II (scales you furnish), departure guided visits "Arezzo reveals from alto.30 the public square Dome, exhibition of the Musici Group of the Giostra of the Saracino and the Association Sbandieratori Citt?i Arezzo Via of the Pileati -" Chiostro of the Sapori ", tasting and sale of typical products aretini Reservation and information: Service Giostra Tourism of the Saracino and Folclore tel. Arriva the omo black in the Reservoir Natural Alpe of the Moon. Excursion on the long path which they have been reconstructed of the carbonaie, to the discovery of this old trade. Characteristics of the path: Easy Diffilt?sentiero, adato to all. Light climb in the feature then begins them snoda easily consilgiato Apparel: pants and shoes sluices (scarponcini or shoes from ginnastica).30 meeting to the Farm holidays of Germagnano (Sansepolcro).15 approximately I re-enter and movement in car until the neighbor localit?ontagna (10 minuteren ca.00 optional supper in taverna made up of typical products Excursion. 3,00 for the children supper. 15,00 adults supper children. 7,00. The excursion not effettuer?n case of bad time (Better to ontattare before the guide) Information and reservations: Association Guides La Civetta. (Sansepolcro) - tel. Cartoline. from the Cliffs of the Valdarno nell.ANPIL Le Cliffs. Walk guided between the villages and the spectacular natural scenes de the Cliffs the?datto distance also for the children (accustoms you to the walks. To sar?ossibile met?ell.itinerario to stop all.Osteria il Casolare. for a gustoso buffet-lunch made up of local typical products. Over or the provincial road 7 delle Cliffs between Penna/Terranuova and all.Osteria S.00 arrival il Casolare. for pause and buffet-lunch (on prenotazione).30 departure for according to feature of the distance and the return to Montalto. Route: Piantravigne - Montalto - Poggitazzi - the Casolare - Buca of the fairies. - Montalto Length and difficolt?Percorso of approximately 9 km, without difficolt?Raccomandiamo l.uso of scarponcini comfortable, covered legs, supply d.acqua. Free the walk. quota. 12,00 for buffet (the reduction for the children) Information and reservations: Association il Viottolo. tel.30 in the sitting of the opened Communal Council sar?onferita the Honorary Citizenship of the Citt?i Bucine to Malali Joya.00 Archaeological Museum of the Casentino, free income to the Museum Archaeological Museum of the Casentino, localit?artina, Via Tosco Inhabitant of Romagna 29. 335 6244537. Communal library of Bibbiena- Service Culture tel. Adhesion to the plan of the Tuscany Region La library?er all also for you. BIBLIOAGORA. Curatrice of the graphical search Silvia Crests. Introduction of Luciano Pratesi. the Mayor, Paris Franc and l.Assessore to the Culture, Marcello Fatucchi will be present Information: Common of Foiano - Office Culture, P.00 Knows it of the Bartolea, presentation of the book Il way of the faces. of Don Luca Albizzi. 57^ national Day for the victims of the incidents on the lavoro.Messa in suffragio of the Fallen on the job officiata from S.00 public square of the official Libert?cerimonia (in case of maltempo near the Center Transactions and Conventions) They will take part: Luigi Pictures, Giuseppe Fanfani, Mario Papani, Stefano Knows To You, Autorit? personalit?arie presents to the manifestation. Official Oratore of the manifestation: Vincenzo Ceccarelli Information: National association Cripples and Invalids on the Job, via Madonna of 38,30 Prato Strict Park Villa, manifestation for children "Bambinando" Laboratories created to you to topic: airplane of paper, north winds, you play flying, soap bubbles and balloons. They will be present stands demonstrated to you in order to observe the process of construction of north winds and the aereomodelli. Us sar?na mongolfiera on which the children they will be able to go up free of charge. Sensazioni d.autunno. historical-naturalistic walk in the Reservoir Natural Ponte Buriano and Penna. From the Castle of Rondine (today Cittadella of the peace.) we will cover still a little known, rich route of curiosit? fascinating for all, comprised the children. To the term of the walk?revisto a buffet-lunch to the restaurant le Quattropietre. (on prenotazione).00 meeting near the Castle of Rondine, it visits to the Cittadella. and beginning walk (?egnalata Rondine covering the road provinciale.Setteponti. in the PonteBuriano-CastiglionFibocchi).00 feature fine walk with I re-enter to Rondine and transfer in car near the restaurant le Quattropietre. Route: Castle of Rondine- Lago of Pen (Dam ENEL) - Castle of Pen/return long Length and difficolt?Percorso of 9 km approximately, minim difficolt?Raccomandiamo l.uso of scarponcini comfortable, pants, cap, binoculars and supply d.acqua. Free the walk - quota buffet. 12 (upon request) Information and reservations: Association il Viottolo. tel.00 Archaeological Museum of the Casentino, visit guided free on the topic Agricoltori and shepherds in the Casentino in Etruscan age. Archaeological museum of the Casentino, localit?artina, Via Tosco Inhabitant of Romagna 29. 335 6244537. Communal library of Bibbiena- Service Culture tel.30 Palace Masses, presentation of the volume "Tells one to me history to supper" Inerverranno: Zangarelli Maximum Journalist - Raffaela Marciano Morlacchi Publisher. Readings of Nicholas Bracchini and Elisa Cecchi. Tavolozza of autumn in the Reservoir Natural Alpe of the Moon. Walk with the colors of the autumn, the scents of the fungi and the fresh breeze of the mountain bivouac with vin brul?Itinerario: Walk on paths does not mark to you and struck of the Reservoir little. Difficolt?facile and adapted for all advised Apparel: pants and shoes sluices (scarponcini or shoes from ginnastica) water and raincoat obligatory Reservation within 13 saturdays October 2007 hours 18. The excursion effettuer?n whichever meteorological condition Information and reservation: Association Guides La Civetta. (Sansepolcro) - tel.00 Center of Documentation Citt?i Arezzo, encounter with Attilio Andreini author with to Maurizio Scarpari of the volume "the Daoismo" Initiative in the within of the manifestation Percorsi between cultures. Books that invite to the dialogue and the acquaintance Center of Documentation Citt?i Arezzo, via Masaccio 6/A - Tel.30 Know it of the conferences "Aldo Ducci", "Readers & Authors" History News Presentation "" n. 17 (September 2007), semiannual periodical of the Societ?torica Aretina. It knows it of the conferences "Aldo Ducci" - Via Cesalpino 53 Information: Societ?torica Aretina, via Fur-shop 23 - tel/fax 0575 299386 (marted? gioved?re 18,00 Facolt?i Letters and Philosophy Classroom 1 "Arnaldo Pieraccini", presentation of the volume of Patrizia Gabrielli "Scenes of war, words of women. Per diem and memories in Italy of the second world war "Take part: Maximum Baioni, Edgarda Irons, Giuseppe Papagno Facolt?i Letters and Philosophy, Campus of the Pionta, Classroom 1 "Arnaldo Pieraccini" Information: Natalia Cangi, Secretariat Facolt?i Presidency Letters and Tel. Philosophy Books that invite to the dialogue and the acquaintance "encounter with Farian S. Sabahi author of the book" to Tehran ". Column, Via Buia Door 6 and 21,00 hours Library of the Center of Documentation Citt?i Arezzo, Via Masaccio 6/a.30 Renaissance public square, inauguration of a gift of the Etrura Bank to the Citt?i Arezzo in memory of the anniversary of the 125 years of the Banca.00 Center of Documentation Citt?i Arezzo, encounter with Farian S. Sabahi author of the volume to Tehran. Initiative in the within of the manifestation Percorsi between cultures. Books that invite to the dialogue and the acquaintance Center of Documentation Citt?i Arezzo, via Masaccio 6/A - Tel.00 Opening of the Tempio and celebrated solemn Messa from the Bishop of Arezzo Mons. D.onore stake of the historical group Scannagallo.00 Presentation of the restoration dell. Ligneo altar of Orazio Door (1540-1616) on plan of the Vasari Gloria of Knows to you with l.incoronazione of Florence Granducale..ssa Paola Refice Soprintendenza for the Architectonic Assets and the Landscape, for the Historical Patrimony, Artistic and Etno-Antropologico of the Province of Frank Arezzo Paris. Mayor of Common of Foiano of the Chiana Don the Carl Bonechi. Parish priest of the Parish S. Vincenzo Ceccarelli. President of the Province of Arezzo. Gualtiero Viols. Bishop of the Diocese of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro Emanuela Caroti. City council member to the Culture of the Province of Arezzo Information: Common of Foiano - Office Culture, P.00 of forehead to the Convent of Sargiano, encounter for visits guided to the ANPIL "Forest of Sargiano".00 Theatre Peter Aretino, situated new Presentation on the history of the Giostra of the Saracino www Theatre Peter Aretino, via of Bicchieraia 32,30 Communal Library, Encounter with l.autore: Mariella Mehr. Presentation of the volumes "Labambina" (novel) and "News dall.esilio" (Poetries) Adhesion to the plan of the Tuscany Region La library?er all also for you. BIBLIOAGORA. With the participation of Anna Ruchat, traduttrice and >
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